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Industrializacja w drugiej połowie XIX wieku spowodowała bardzo szybki rozwój miast i wzrost liczby ich mieszkańców. Dlatego w całej Europie wszystkie większe miasta posiadają śródmieścia z okresu XIX wieku lub przełomu XIX i XX wieku. Istnieje więc problem co robić ze starą tkanką miejską, która utraciła na wartości. Dotyczy to przede wszystkim funkcjonalności mieszkań oraz termoizolacyjności przegród, tj. murów zewnętrznych, okien, drzwi. Problem ten prezentujemy na przykładzie śródmieścia Frankfurtu nad Menem w Niemczech.
The dynamic urbanization process, which results from widespread anthropogenic transformation, affects landscape changes. These changes, measured using various factors and indices, are the subject of research around the world. The purpose of the present work was to analyse the spatial structure of anthropogenic elements of land cover. On the basis of the landscape metric – the MSI index (Mean Shape Index), the geometry configuration of individual land cover elements was checked. A Kernel Density tool was used to create a map of the elements of density distribution. The information thus obtained about the surface of anthropogenic elements of land cover expressed in [m²], per 1 km² of space, made it possible to indicate the location of areas most transformed by human activity. The area of research encompassed urban municipalities – of Tarnów and Nowy Sącz. As the source material, the vector layer of land cover was used (BDOT10k –Topographic Objects Database), which was reclassified into 11 new categories. The GIS (Geographical Information System) tools available in the QGIS and ArcGIS software were used for the purpose of the analysis. Based on the conducted studies, it was found that despite a similar percentage of anthropogenic elements of land cover, the studied areas show a different character in terms of their spatial distribution and complexity of their geometry. In the case of Nowy Sącz, small point enclaves of areas showing high density of anthropogenically transformed surfaces were observed. These surfaces are characterized by a considerable degree of dispersion but a small degree of geometrical complexity. In the city of Tarnów, the research we conducted showed a different tendency due to the much larger size of the aforementioned enclaves. Tarnów is characterized by a higher share of developed areas in the city centre, whereas Nowy Sącz is more uniform in the growth of such areas in particular density zones. Moreover, in Tarnów, along with the increase in the density of the anthropogenic land cover, the complexity of the geometry of land cover elements decreases, whereas in the case of Nowy Sącz, the value of the MSI landscape metric is proportionally inversed.
Dynamiczny proces urbanizacji zachodzący na skutek powszechnej antropogenizacji wpływa na zmiany krajobrazu. Zmiany te, mierzone za pomocą różnorodnych współczynników i indeksów, są globalnym obiektem badań. Celem pracy była analiza struktury przestrzennej antropogenicznych elementów pokrycia terenu. Na podstawie metryki krajobrazowej – indeksu MSI (Mean Shape Index) sprawdzono konfigurację geometrii poszczególnych elementów pokrycia terenu. Do sporządzenia mapy rozkładu gęstości elementów użyto narzędzia Kernel Density. Uzyskanie informacji o powierzchni antropogenicznych elementów pokrycia terenu wyrażonej w m², przypadającej na 1 km² przestrzeni, umożliwiło wskazanie lokalizacji obszarów najbardziej przekształconych przez człowieka. Obszar badań stanowiły powiaty grodzkie – Tarnów i Nowy Sącz. Jako materiał źródłowy wykorzystano wektorową warstwę pokrycia terenu (Baza Danych Obiektów Topograficznych BDOT10k), którą reklasyfikowano na 11 nowych kategorii. Do przeprowadzenia analiz zastosowano narzędzia GIS (ang. Geographical Information System) dostępne w programach QGIS i ArcGIS. Na podstawie przeprowadzonego badania stwierdzono, że pomimo podobnego procentowego udziału antropogenicznych elementów pokrycia terenu, obszary badawcze wykazują odmienny charakter pod względem przestrzennego rozkładu ich rozmieszczenia oraz złożoności ich geometrii. W przypadku Nowego Sącza zauważono występowanie niewielkich punktowych enklaw terenów wykazujących wysoką gęstość powierzchni antropogenicznych, które ponadto charakteryzują się znacznym stopniem rozproszenia, ale małym stopniem złożoności geometrycznej. W mieście Tarnów przeprowadzone badania wykazały tendencję odmienną ze względu na znaczne większe powierzchnie wspomnianych enklaw. Tarnów charakteryzuje się wyższym udziałem terenów zabudowanych w centrum miasta, a Nowy Sącz bardziej jednostajnym ich przyrostem w poszczególnych strefach gęstości. Ponadto w Tarnowie wraz ze wzrostem zagęszczenia terenu spada złożoność geometrii elementów pokrycia terenu, natomiast w przypadku Nowego Sącza wartość metryki krajobrazowej MSI jest proporcjonalnie odwrotna.
The authors also discuss the chosen park complexes describing their history, composition and vegetation. Due to the prevailing heat here, an important role in the gardens of the area plays water in: canals, fountains and cascades. Pergolas and trees designed in the parks, give shadow. In the parks there grow colorful and fragrant plants such as cypresses, orange trees, pomegranates, oleanders, myrtles, water lilies, wisteria and palm trees. Equipment and small architecture is varied in the choice of materials, textures and colors. Modern Islamic landscape architecture continues to derive from its heritage, while seeking some new forms.
W niniejszej pracy autorzy prezentują wyniki szczegółowych inwentaryzacji dendrologicznych i ogólnych inwentaryzacji architektonicznych w dwóch największych, współczesnych obiektach zieleni miejskiej w Bagdadzie – Zawraa Park i Bagdad Island. Autorzy omawiają dwa założenia parkowe, opisując ich historię, kompozycję i zastosowaną roślinność. Istotną rolę w tych ogrodach, ze względu na panujące upały, odgrywa woda – w kanałach, fontannach i efektownych kaskadach. Pergole i rozłożyste drzewa do starczają tak ważnego w tym klimacie cienia. W parkach rosną barwne i pachnące rośliny, takie jak: cyprysy, drzewa pomarańczowe, granaty, oleandry, hibiskusy, jaśmin, mirt, róże, malwy, lilie afrykańskie, lilie wodne, glicynie, palmy, magnolie. Wyposażenie i mała architektura parków jest różnorodna w do borze materiałów, faktur i kolorów. Współczesna islamska architektura krajobrazu nadal czerpie ze swojego dziedzictwa, szukając jednocześnie nowych form.
Evapotranspiration represents one of the main parameters in the hydrological cycle. It is usually expressed by the term reference evapotranspiration (ETo) that is affected by certain meteorological parameters. This study aimed to find the difference amount in ETo between urban and suburban quarters in Karbala city. The study methodology involved selecting once urban area and four suburban quarters. Two methods of determining the reference evapo- transpiration were applied: first, a direct method which measured ETo at selected fields by using a hand-held device, and second, an indirect method using the Penman-Monteith equation. The findings showed that the magnitudes of ETo by the Penman-Monteith equation are higher than the values measured by the direct method for urban and suburban quarters. Moreover, it was found that the absolute percentage of difference in the average amount of ETo between urban and suburban quarters is 13% by using the direct method and 61% by using Penman-Monteith equation. The study conclusion is that suburban area has higher magnitude of ETo than urban quarter by using any of direct method and indirect method (Penman-Monteith equation).
The paper discusses the problem of increasing population and associated water usage in cities. With this in mind, an attempt was made to use Water Footprint (WFTP) indicator as a tool facilitating decision-making process in order to improve water management in urban areas. A need for preparing water balance analysis of cities was demonstrated and examples of indicators so far developed given, addressing that need. Furthermore, a new term of Urban WFTP indicator for urban areas was introduced and its justification. Methodological basis and examples of its calculation were provided. Finally, purposefulness of knowledge dissemination was demonstrated regarding urban water balance modeling as well as developing long-term modernization strategies for water supply and sewage systems. This will also enable an increase in water resource management rationalization factor in urban areas, but also will support development and implementation of new technologies and alternative solutions as regards natural water cycle.
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na problem wzrostu liczby ludności, a tym samym zużycia wody w miastach. Na tym tle podjęto próbę zastosowania wskaźnika Water Footprint (WFTP) jako narzędzia wspomagającego proces podejmowania decyzji w celu lepszego zarządzania i gospodarowania wodą na obszarach miejskich. Wykazano potrzebę sporządzania bilansu wodnego miast oraz podano przykłady dotychczas opracowanych wskaźników, uwzględniających tę potrzebę. Następnie wprowadzono pojęcie i omówiono zasadność wyznaczenia nowego wskaźnika WFTP dotyczącego obszarów zurbanizowanych oraz przedstawiono podstawy metodyczne i przykład jego obliczania. Wykazano celowość rozpowszechnienia wiedzy z zakresu sporządzania bilansu wodnego miast oraz opracowywania długoterminowych strategii modernizacji systemów wodociągowo-kanalizacyjnych. Umożliwi to także racjonalizację zarządzania zasobami wodnymi na terenach zurbanizowanych, a także przyczyni się do rozwoju i wdrożenia nowych technologii i rozwiązań alternatywnych dla naturalnego cyklu wody.
Walking is become a traditional mode of movement between places in many situations, irrespective of cities and countries. People walk with different purposes and activities. This calls for conducting the necessary studies and improvements for walking and crossing areas. The study aims to achieve several goals such as evaluate the impact of pedestrian characteristics, traffic flow in addition to walking speed on the efficiency of pedestrian level of service (LOS) with the aided of statistical and traffic models to show the extended impact of variables and their effect on the efficiency of pedestrian traffic flow. To that purpose, the study chose Muhrmat Shat Al- Hilla Street within the urban area of Hilla city. Data collected for pedestrian walking and crossing according to field survey in order to estimate flow, average speed, density and spacing. The proposals adopted by the study, which were built on the basis of a traffic study and use of the simulation program (PTV VISSIM), scientific analysis using method with design of the crossing areas and sidewalks according to the specifecations as a result to an increase in the level of service for the sidewalks and crossing areas of the LOS (from F to C). Based on the statistical analysis using the (SPSS) software program, as well as studying the relationships between traffic volumes, speed and density of pedestrians.the linear equation reflected the relationship between speed and density. While the second order equation reflected the relationship between traffic volumes and pedestrian speed based on the outputs of the values of the correlation coefficient (R), (Adj. R2) and (SE). The study suggested a comprehensive transportation for pedestrian flow charactristic in Hilla city includes pedestrians environmental within roadways and intersections as a networks to design an appropriate modern environment and safe crossing facilities to reduce traffic accidents that result in death, injury or disability.
Problem kartowania klimatu obszarów miejskich jest niezmiernie złożony. Wynika on zarówno z wielkiej różnorodności przestrzennej występujących na obszarach zurbanizowanych typów klimatu lokalnego (mikroklimatów), jak i technicmych trudności ich opisu w świetle danych eksperymentalnych. W pracy podjęto próbę kartometrycmej charakterystyki powierzchni miasta z punktu widzenia tych jej cech, które odgrywają decydującą rolę w ksztahowaniu specyficznych warunków klimatycmych. Określono udział powierzchni sztucmych ogółem, powierzchni dachów domów o różnych wysokościach, powierzchni zieleni wysokiej (drzew) i niskiej (trawniki, pola) oraz obliczono parametr szorstkości wg formuły Lettau (frontal area index) dla dwóch kierunków wiatru.
The climatic researches on urban areas are very complicated. It is caused not only by a great spatial differentiation of local microclimates but by technical difficulties concerning the adequate way of describing them in compliance with experimental data as well. In this work, it has been made an attempt to characterize the urban surface with regard to all the features which determinate formation of individual climatic conditions. The percentage of artificial surface in general, surface of the roofs on buildings of different heights, the green area both trees (as high green surface) and lawns and fields (as low green surface) has been estimated. J,łesides,the roughness parameter, according to Lettau's formula (frontal area index) has been calculated for two different wind's directions (N, W).
The paper provides a discussion of the influence of turbulence in the areaa of high urban buildings or in vicinity of fire on safety of helicopter flights. The analysis was conducted using Ansys Fluent software. All the threats considering helicopter flight, landing and hovering in such an environment were shown. As objects of this research helicopter types: W3-A Sokół, W3-A Głuszec and Robinson R-44 were used.
The paper assesses the volume and type of water consumption in Poznań using a water footprint indicator (WFTP) consisting of such components as green, blue and grey water consumption. Average rainfall over many years, water retention within the city, pollution indicators found in sewage and the amount of sewage treated from the city area were assessed. The water footprint obtained for Poznań was compared with the values of indicators for Wrocław. The presented analysis of the results of WFTP calculations should constitute the basis for assessing direct and indirect water consumption by consumers and producers of Poznań and serve better water management and maintenance in the urban area.
Assessment of the carrying capacity of urban land is very important to evaluate and obtain an overview of the level of land capability through the classification of the carrying capacity of the area so that it becomes the basis for future urban development. This research was conducted in Palu City, which is national city in Indonesia with limited urban development due to its prone to earthquakes. For urban development, it is necessary to study the carrying capacity of land to reduce the risk of earthquake disasters, through three stages of analysis, namely mapping of earthquake-prone areas using the earthquake hazard mapping with seismic micro-zonation; land capability assessment; and integration of land suitability with planning and spatial planning of Palu City. Based on the findings of this study, 74.56% of Palu City is an earthquake-prone area dominated by land capability Classes A to B, namely low to very low land capability classes (55.43%), implying that they have urban physical constraints. However, if it is integrated with the Palu City spatial plan until 2030, most (78.79%) are already in accordance with the carrying capacity of their land, especially in protected areas, but there are still land developments that are not suitable for carrying capacity (21.21%), especially in cultivation areas with risks earthquake disaster. Land use plans that are not in accordance with their carrying capacity must be managed strictly as a tool for disaster mitigation that is urgently needed.
The paper reports the results of lidar measurements performed in the lower troposphere during several measurement sessions in Athens (Greece) in 2000. For the sake of comparison, results of a similar study performed in Kołobrzeg (Poland) in 2001 are also given. These data indicate that the exhaust gases produced by motor transportation in the cities resulted in the formation of an inversion layer. The rate of convection of the inversion layer depends on the intensity of sunlight, the strength of winds and the morphology of the land. The inversion layer reaches the highest altitudes in the middle of summer, lower in early and late summer and the lowest in autumn. Over the sea the inversion layer altitude extends to several meters, but on moving inland it rises to a few hundred meters.
Investigations on the ice phenomena were carried out on a small water reservoir located in the northern part of Katowice, at A4 motorway, in terrains of the Shopping-Service Centre “3 Ponds” (“Trzy Stawy”). Observations on the course of ice phenomena were performed in the winter season 2011/2012. Measurements were started in the moment occurrence of the first forms of the ice phenomena and were finished after their complete disappearance. The investigations had a character of systematic, daily observations and consisted in the mapping of ice phenomena. Among basic research aims should be numbered as follows: evaluation of the ice phenomena course, the identification of the ice phenomena forms, determination of changes in the range of ice cover and its characteristics in terms of recreational use as well. The first effects of low air temperatures occurred on the 19th November of 2011. At the beginning the ice phenomena in a form of so-called shore naledi and shore ice appeared. The formation of a compact ice cover happened not before than after nearly two months. Permanent ice cover formed on 16th January 2012. At the end of ice cover occurrence its crashing followed, reflecting in a form of numerous fissures in the ice. The complete disappearance of processes and forms ice phenomena happened on the 21st March 2012. Ice phenomena in the winter season 2011/2012 occurred for 124 days from the 18th November 2011 till the 21st March 2012, including uninterruptedly for 65 days. Ice cover in the initial stage had an ephemeral character. Safe recreational use of ice cover at the reservoir (e.g. walking, fishing, ice skating) was possible only for about 20 days, when its thickness exceeded 15 cm and ice composition had a homogenous (crystalline) structure. The course of ice phenomena indicates their quasinatural character, resulting from the natural conditions.
Content available remote Teren zabudowany i jego wpływ na działania bojowe
The article is an attempt to answer the question on the role of urban area in contemporary battlefield. Characterising urban areas briefly preceded the considerations. The author stresses that in contemporary air-land operations carried out with strong fire - electronic actions the success may be achieved by the one who will fully take use of existing terrain conditions. The influence of this terrain specific characteristics on conducting combat operations has been presented in the second part of the article. Also the influence of atmospheric conditions in this environment on the troops’ actions has been discussed. Conclusions enabling taking an appropriate decision how to use a particular terrain for conducting warfare have been drawn. It results from these considerations that the urban area has a tremendous influence on the battle results. Its importance is often greater than any other physical factor (e.g. weapons, equipment, logistics). Numerous research programmes carried out in many armies of the world underline the significance of this problem.
Content available remote Influence of resolution in spatial and time for numerical modeling of levees
Stability of geotechnical constructions, such as levees, is one of the most important issues for urban areas. The precise prediction of levees destruction during the f lood can not only save human lives and properties, but also protect the natural environment (Krzhizhanovskaya et al. 2011). During ISMOP project (Computer System for Monitoring River Embankments), an artificial levee will be built and monitored using dense grid of sensors, mainly thermal and pore pressure ones. Planned levee will be an enclosed region with the water inside embankments. This construction will be placed in Czernichów near Kraków (Poland), close to existing Vistula River embankment (ISMOP 2014). The main aim of the project is to create a remote system, which can inform about possibility of losing levee stability. Water level changes and its inf luence on the stability of levee was preceded by 2D and 3D numerical modeling, conducted in Itasca Flac software (Itasca 2011) based on finite-difference method. The modeling of levee behavior at various water levels (simulation of the flood waves) allow to select appropriate scenarios for real experiments and indicate the optimal location of sensors. It is important, because only limited number of scenarios can be performed in real conditions.The first step included several 2D numerical modelings performed to obtain relevant shape and size of grid cells and offset of boundary condition (Bukowska & Krawiec 2014, Pięta & Dwornik 2014) for mechanical and fluid calculation. Numerical modeling for both thermal and dynamic analysis force using regular computational grid with smaller size of computational cells than the cell used for fluid modeling. Other specifications (adaptive shape or bigger than 0.1m cell size) caused instability in calculation of thermal fields. It also determines the depth of computational model in order to preserve natural exchange temperature between air, soil and water. Another problem was time step of modeling. Too short time step cause in a huge number of data, increasing calculation time and could make some calculations unstable or incorrect. Too long time step can cause incorrect prediction of destruction model and inadequately simulate natural phenomena of dynamic processes. Results obtained for 2D mechanical modeling were confirmed with 3D modeling of full levee and geological background. The lack of other processes in 3D modeling was caused by very long time of modeling the fluid-soil interaction. Results of two dimensional numerical modeling shows, that 2D modelling can be regarded as a powerful and sufficient tool to estimate the stability of levee. The optimal size of grid and time step can make this calculation more efficient.
Content available Dobór kryteriów oceny komfortu wiatrowego pieszych
Komfort wiatrowy pieszych zależy od wielu czynników: prędkości wiatru, temperatury i wilgotności względnej powietrza, stopnia nasłonecznienia, jakości powietrza, aktywności pieszych, wieku i innych. W praktyce ocenę komfortu pieszych przeprowadza się w oparciu o współczynniki zdefiniowane na znacznie mniejszej liczbie parametrów. Najczęściej jest to kryterium prędkości wiatru wraz ze stopniem prawdopodobieństwa przekroczenia założonej granicy dyskomfortu. W niniejszym artykule omówiono zagadnienia planowania przestrzennego obszarów zabudowanych z uwzględnieniem kryteriów komfortu wiatrowego. W artykule wskazano na rolę kryteriów jakie przyjmuje się przy oszacowaniu obszarów dyskomfortu. Istotną rolę odgrywa tutaj wartość współczynnika amplitudy podmuchu g. Zwrócono również uwagę na silną zmienność stref dyskomfortu w czasie zwłaszcza w obszarach bliskich obiektów.
Wind comfort in an built-up areas may be affected by a wide range of parameters, including wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, air quality, human activity, age, etc. In practice, the assessment of the pedestrian comfort is carried out on the basis of the indexes defined to a considerably smaller number of parameters. Generally it is a criterion of wind velocity with the probability of exceeding the assumed discomfort threshold. This article discusses issues of spatial planning built-up areas including wind comfort criteria. The article pointed out the role of criteria adopted in estimation of discomfort areas. An important role is played here the value of the amplitude of the gust factor g. The attention was also drawn to the strong time variability of discomfort zones especially in areas close to buildings.
Urban space subject to constant transformation as a result of socio-economic and functional development becomes an arena for interaction and interpenetration of different elements of the urban area. In consequence, a public space with specific physiognomic features is created, reflecting the history, activities of the inhabitants, the policy of the city authorities, as well as the values of the existing natural environment. This study aims to characterize the topology of space in selected urban areas (greenspaces, bluespaces and multifamily residential areas). The subject matter is illustrated with the example of the city of Bydgoszcz, where both green and blue spaces are very visible in the landscape of the city and play an important role in its shaping. Based on their analyses of statistical and cartographic data paired with examination of planning documents, the authors propose a typology of selected elements pertaining to the city’s landscape.
Content available remote The concept of cultural ecosystem services in urban areas
The article presents major issues related to the development of cultural ecosystem services in urban areas. Major advantages related to urban development in the context of making the concept for development of such services effective are shown. The authors start with the overall characteristics of ecosystem services. Then by analyzing the cultural aspect of ecosystem services and their impact on human well-being, the authors narrow the phenomenon. Further in the article, they focus on presenting the importance of „green space”, while making a reference to cultural ecosystem services.
The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of place of permanent residence (urban or rural) on the tourist activity of senior citizens (60+) of different socioeconomic statuses. The study involved 380 senior citizens (305 female and 75 male) aged 60 years and older who were permanent residents of the region of Warmia and Mazury, Poland. In this group, 244 subjects resided in urban areas and 136 participants were rural dwellers. The respondents were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their socioeconomic status (place of permanent residence, age, gender, educational attainment, financial status, membership in senior organizations, marital status, and professional activity) and tourist activity. A significance test of two structure coefficients (α=0.05) was applied. Factors such as gender, professional activity, and marital status were not related with the travel propensity of seniors from different groups (urban and rural), but were significant when rural residents were compared with urban dwellers. Seniors residing in urban areas of Warmia and Mazury, Poland, were significantly more likely to travel for leisure than those residing in rural areas. The tourist activity of seniors decreased significantly (p<0.05) with the age (60-74 years) and financial status of rural residents. The travel propensity of elderly people increased significantly (p<0.05) with educational attainment and membership in senior organizations. The study revealed considerable differences in the socioeconomic status and social characteristics of seniors residing in rural and urban areas, and those variations significantly influenced their propensity for travel: urban residents traveled more frequently than rural residents. It can be concluded that place of residence was a crucial factor determining the tourist behavior of senior citizens, and urban dwellers were more likely to travel.
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