Purpose: This paper is dedicated to the study of the impact of multiple ankle injuries on blood flow in the lower limb. Design/methodology/approach: The study was performed using a thermal imaging camera which by differentiating temperature between the uninjured and injured leg enabled checking and comparing blood flow between both limbs. Findings: The patient subjected to the examination had suffered multiple ankle injuries. The images were taken before and after rehabilitation procedures so as to compare the temperature. Research limitations/implications: By using thermal imaging, the temperature differences within structures can be observed, which in turn attests to limited blood flow. Improper trophic might have had an influence on a slow recovery process. Practical implications: Analysis of image taken using a thermal imaging camera facilitates localizing damaged structures and planning the treatment process that aims at normalizing temperature differences between limbs. Moreover, the analysis of further images, taken during the treatment process enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected method of treatment and to change the method if needed. The evaluation is entirely objective and it enables eliminating reliance on patient’s feedback, which is often subjective and unreliable. Originality/value: The study shows possibility of usage thermal imaging camera in traumatology.
Urazy stawu skokowego należą do najpowszechniejszych. Najbardziej narażeni na nie są piłkarze nożni, baseballiści, koszykarze, siatkarze, gimnastycy, rugbiści. Najczęstszymi urazami stawu skokowego są jego skręcenia. Większość z nich nie jest poważna ale bardziej zaawansowane prowadzą do długiego unieruchomienia, intensywnej rehabilitacji i nie zawsze odzyskiwana jest pełna sprawność. Celem niniejszej pracy było opisanie na podstawie dostępnej literatury i doświadczenia własnego autorów, urazów stawu skokowo-goleniowego jak również charakterystyka postępowania diagnostycznego i prewencyjnego. W diagnostyce urazów stawu skokowego pomocne są badania i testy kliniczne. Urazy skrętne leczone są zazwyczaj pełnym odciążeniem chorej kończyny oraz odpoczynkiem, zimnymi okładami, uciskiem i podniesieniem kończyny. W przypadku złamań o leczeniu operacyjnym decyduje stabilność złamania. Wczesne uruchamianie pacjenta po zabiegu przyspiesza jego powrót do aktywności fizycznej, redukuje ryzyko powtórnych urazów oraz przyspiesza procesy gojenia tkanek. Wielu urazów sportowych można uniknąć poprzez świadomy nadzór, przestrzegane zasady, odzież i sprzęt ochronny oraz właściwy trening.
The incidence of ankle injuries is extremely high. Football, baseball, basketball, volleyball and rugby players as well as gymnasts are most exposed to them. The most common ankle injuries are sprains. The majority of them are not severe albeit the severe ones lead to long-term immobilization, intensive rehabilitation and can be associated with incomplete recovery. The aim of the present paper was to describe injuries of the tarsotibial joint and to characterize diagnostic and preventive management based on the available literature and our experiences. Clinical examinations and tests are useful for the diagnosis of ankle injuries. Sprains are generally treated with full limb support, rest, cold poultices and elevation of the affected limb. In factures, surgical treatment depends on their stability. Early ambulation after surgery hastens the return to physical activity, reduces the risk of re-fractures and accelerates tissue healing. Many sports injuries can be avoided the activities are deliberately supervised, rules followed, protective clothes and equipment as well as proper training used.
Ankle sprains are common soft-tissue injuries that are often treated in emergency departments. These injuries can have significant consequences for the patient, including long-term morbidity and loss of productivity. The objective of this study was to examine the direct and indirect health resource utilization associated with ankle sprains. 296 adult patients with acute ankle sprains participated in the study in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Data were collected using a one-month productivity questionnaire. Overall, 11% (95% CI, 8-15%) of the participants visited a physician following the initial emergency department visit. Almost all (95%; 95% CI, 92-97%) of the participants used medications or supportive treatments and 55% (95% CI, 50-61%) reported taking time off from work, school, or housework. The use of unpaid assistance was indicated by 56% (95% CI, 50-62%). Findings from this analysis highlight the significant patient-related and health care system burden of acute ankle sprains.
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