W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad reakcją przebiegającą w wodzie między chlorem (wodnym chlorem pozostałym), a uracylem w zakresie stosunków molowych; wolny chlor pozostały: uracyl (WChP : Ur) wynoszącym od 0,25 do 10 mol/mol. Badano także wpływ pH oraz obecność jonów bromkowych, jodkowych i fluorkowych na przebieg tej reakcji. Ustalono, że przy niskim współczynniku WChP : Ur jedynym produktem chlorowania jest 5-chlorouracyl, a przy wysokim współczynniku (powyżej 10) brak jest chlorouracylu w produktach chlorowania. Obecność w badanych roztworach bromków i jodków powoduje powstawanie 5-bromo- i 5-jodouracylu.
The object of the research was reaction between free available chloride (FAC) and (Ur) over the range FAC to uracil ration between 0,25 and 10 mol/mol and over pH range of 6-9. Determined that, at low FAC/uracil rations chlorination product was only 5-chlorouracil, a the higher FAC/uracil rations inproducts were dichlorouracil and nitrogen trichloride. In presense of added iodide or bromide, the chlorination leads to produce in addition to 5-chlorouracil, important quantities of 5-iodouracil and 5-bromouracil respectively.
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Uracil thio-derivatives have become to play increasingly important roles in biology and medicine. Numerous sulphur-substituted pyrimidines have found applications as clinically useful drugs. Thiouracils have recently been the subject of considerable interest as they inhibit hyperthyroidism in man [1, 2], have been isolated from E. Coli tRNA [3], and inhibit virus [4] and bacterial growth [5] by causing alterations [6] in protein synthesis. Thiouracils are also of interest because of mutagenic [7], anticancer and antithyroid activity [8], kidney stone formation inhibition [9] and antidote properties for mercury poisoning . Two of them, 2-thiouracil and 6-propyl-2-thiouracil, exhibit marked affinities for melanin-producing tissue in vitro and a similar affinity in vivo, where they presumably act as false precursors for melanin [10, 11]. Boron-containing derivatives of thiouracils [12-14] containing a dihydroxyboryl (or 1-o-carboranylalkyl) group in the 5-position are very important because of their potential applications for BNCT. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is the causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is one of the world's most serious health problems. Since the discovery of the acyclic 6-substituted uridine derivative 1-[(2-hydroxyethoxy0methyl]-6-(phenythio)-thymine (HEPT) as a novel lead for specific anti-HIV-1 agents [15], a number of HEPT analogs have been synthesized to increase its potency [16-18]. The studies of the structure-activity relationships of HEPT analogs indicated that replacement of the 2-oxo function with a thine function potentiated their anti-HIV-1 activity [16, 19, 20]. Therofore the synthesis of thio-substituted pyrimidine bases and their derivatives appears to be a challenge for organic chemists. The methods of preparation of these compounds have been reviewed.