In the paper review of unmanned underwater vehicle (AUV) is presented. The description of main systems is depicted with focus on autonomous single vehicle as well as a swarm. As a con-sequence of development of AUV technology, research centers are focused on issues related to increasing the degree of their autonomy. Nowadays, mostly navigation and communication as well as high-efficient propeller systems are being developed. There are problems linking this issues. Their solutions includes development of new control laws containing algorithms to pre-vent collisions - for unmanned vehicles with elements of the underwater environment and for several underwater vehicles cooperating with each other in a swarm.
The article discusses a problem of performing a mission and controlling a team of unmanned underwater vehicles which perform a task of water region search. The team of underwater vehicles has been modelled as a multi-agent system, which made it possible to use the mechanism of multi-agent systems for controlling the team of cooperating underwater vehicles, with each vehicle being treated as an individual agent. Solutions to cooperation problems in multi-agent systems were proposed, including the presentation of the system structure and the data exchange method. Issues relating to cooperation actions in the team of underwater vehicles were described and solved using the theory of games and the vector quality index. The process of negotiations between the vehicles was modelled as the multiplayer cooperative game, which secured successful realisation of the task performed by the team of vehicles with respect to time, which represents the economic aspect of the task. The optimal solution was selected based on the vector quality index, which provided opportunities for minimisation of costs having the form of energy used by the entire team, and maximisation of profits in the form of time needed for completing the water region search task. The proposed method for dividing the action space in the water region search tasks performed by the team of underwater vehicles consists in assigning to each of cooperating underwater vehicles a task the realisation of which contributes to the realisation of the globally defined task. Finally, the results of water region search tasks performed by a team of cooperating underwater vehicles are presented and discussed taking into account possible vehicle failures happening during task realisation.
W artykule przedstawiono systemy wykorzystywane w ratownictwie morskim szczególnie przy ratowaniu życia ludzkiego z uszkodzonych okrętów podwodnych znajdujących się na dużych głębokościach. Zaprezentowano bezzałogowe pojazdy podwodne przeznaczone do poszukiwań i rozpoznania oraz do ewakuacji ludzi z uszkodzonych okrętów podwodnych lub innych urządzeń głębinowych.
In the paper systems used in maritime assistance near saving from damaged being on large depths submarines human life particulary is presented. It unmanned underwater vehicles is presented was designed to searches and recognition as well as to men's evacuation from damaged submarines or different depth devices.
Sprint S.A., wiodący integrator systemow teleinformatycznych w kraju, działający na rynku od 1988 roku, bierze udział w projekcie rozwojowym pt.: "Zintegrowany system planowania perymetrycznej ochrony i monitoringu morskich portow i obiektow krytycznych, oparty o autonomiczne bezzałogowe jednostki pływające" (Nr O R00 0106 12). Projekt jest realizowany przez konsorcjum naukowo-przemysłowe, w skład ktorego wchodzą Sprint S.A., Polsko-Japońska Wyższa Szkoła Technik Komputerowych w Warszawie oraz Akademia Marynarki Wojennej w Gdyni. Celem projektu jest stworzenie demonstratora technologii obejmującego bezzałogową platformę pływającą USV (ang. unmanned surface vehicle), stanowisko planowania misji wraz z symulatorem planowanych rozwiązań, stanowisko realizacji planowanej misji umieszczone na bezzałogowym pojeździe nawodnym oraz system łączności integrujący systemy nawigacyjne, monitorujące i komunikacyjne. W niniejszym materiale przedstawiono zakres zadań realizowanych w ramach niniejszego projektu przez Sprint S.A.
The company Sprint S.A., a leading ITC system integrator in Poland operating in the market since 1988, is a participant of the development project entitled: "Integrated planning system for the perimetric protection and monitoring of sea-ports and critical objects with the use of unmanned surface vehicles" (No. O R00 0106 12). The project is realised by a consortium consisting of the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology and the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia. The objective of the project is to create a technology demonstrator encompassing an unmanned surface vehicle - USV, a mission planning station together with a planned solutions simulator, a mission implementation station located on an unmanned surface vehicle and a communication system integrating navigational, monitoring and communication systems. The material presents the scope of tasks realized within the said project by the company Sprint S.A.
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