The paper presents numerical calculations of dynamic contact problems in the presence of friction and large deformations. Since this kind of boundary-value problems exhibit a strong nonlinearity, the increments of all contact-dependent terms are discussed in details. Different friction models are considered.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę numeryczną dynamicznych zagadnień kontaktowych w obecności tarcia dla dużych deformacji. Ponieważ problemy tego typu odznaczają się silną nieliniowością rozważono szczegółowo przyrostowy opis wszystkich członów kontaktowych. Rozpatrzono różne modele tarcia.
Irregularities on rolling surfaces of deformable compact bodies induce normal contact vibrations and vibro-impacts in particular. Modelling, simulation and analysis of such an excitation and the system dynamical response are the objects of the study. Parameter analysis of transient vibro-impacts induced by a single irregularity is helpful in the understanding of dynamical properties of the system. Moreover, the analysis may be helpful in experiment design for detecting defects of rolling surfaces and faults of neighbour structures suspending/supporting the rolling bodies. Simulations performed with very simple models are next compared with results obtained from simulations of the whole wagon performed by using the Adams/Rail software.
Nierówności na powierzchniach tocznych zwartych, lokalnie odkształcalnych ciał powodują drgania kontaktowe, w szczególności tak zwane wibro-uderzenia. Modelowanie, symulacja i analiza takiego wymuszenia oraz dynamicznej odpowiedzi na nie są przedmiotem badań. Analiza parametryczna przejściowych wibro-uderzeń wywołanych przez pojedynczą nierówność szyny jest pomocna w zrozumieniu dynamicznych własności układu. Ponadto, może być przydatna w projektowaniu eksperymentu diagnostyki defektów powierzchni tocznych oraz sąsiednich struktur dynamicznych, tj. zawieszenia i/lub toru. Symulacje wykonane z wykorzystaniem prostego modelu o jednym stopniu swobody zostały następnie porównane z symulacjami ruchu całego wagonu za pomocą programu Adams/Rail.
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We consider a mathematical model which describes the adhesive contact between a linearly elastic body and an obstacle. The process is static and frictionless. The normal contact is governed by two laws. The rst one is a Signorini law, representing the fact that there is no penetration between a body and an obstacle. The second one is a Winkler type law signifying that if there is no contact, the bonding force is proportional to the displacement below a given bonding threshold and equal to zero above the bonding threshold. The model leads to a variational-hemivariational inequality. We present the numerical results for solving a simple two-dimensional model problem with the Proximal Bundle Method (PBM). We analyze the method sensitivity and convergence speed with respect to its parameters.
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We describe some of our recent results concerning the modeling and analysis of quasistatic contact problems between a deformable body and a foundation. We concentrate mainly on frictional contact, and in some of the problems thermal effects and the wear of the contacting surfaces are also taken into account. We describe the physical processes involved, the mathematical models, their variational formulation and then present statements of our results. We conclude with a description of some unresolved problems.
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We present a mesh adaptation method by node movement for two-dimensional linear elasticity problems with unilateral contact. The adaptation is based on a hierarchical estimator on finite element edges and the node displacement techniques use an analogy of the mesh topology with a spring network. We show, through numerical examples, the efficiency of the present adaptation method.
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