Celem prac archeologicznych prowadzonych na lądzie i pod wodą jest zdobycie jak największej ilości informacji na podstawie znalezionych zabytków. Archeologia lądowa i podwodna opiera się na podobnej metodyce badań, ale różni stosowanymi narzędziami, odmiennymi warunkami pracy i środowiska naturalnego ze względu na ograniczone możliwości ludzkiego organizmu nieprzystosowanego do dłuższego przebywania pod wodą bez uszczerbku dla zdrowia, odmienne funkcjonowanie zmysłów ludzkich oraz wyższe koszty prac wykopaliskowych niż na lądzie. Wraki nie pozostają w nienaruszonym stanie, lecz przez cały czas ulegają destrukcji powodowanej czynnikami fizycznymi, chemicznymi i biologicznymi oraz działalnością miejscowej flory i fauny (na małych i średnich głębokościach w większym stopniu niż na dużych), co wymusza jak najszybsze tempo pracy. Obecnie stosowane metody badań podwodnych nie zmieniły się od lat siedemdziesiątych. Wraz z szybszym tempem rozwoju techniki obserwowanym na początku lat osiemdziesiątych i wprowadzeniem do badań nowoczesnych, małych łodzi podwodnych, robotów i systemów lokalizacyjnych wykorzystujących dane satelitarne zwiększyła się liczba prac eksploracyjnych na stanowiskach podmorskich w latach osiemdziesiątych i w pierwszej połowie lat dziewięćdziesiątych. Przyszłość archeologii podwodnej związana jest z badaniem dużych i wielkich głębokości oraz rozwojem cybernetyki i informatyki.
The purpose of the archaeological works carried out on land and under water is to maximise the amount of information on the objects which have been recovered. Both land and underwater archeology are based on a similar research methodology, but they differ in the sets of tools used, as well as in working and environmental conditions. It is naturally caused by the limited capacity of the human body, which is not designed for long stay under water without sustaining serious damages to the health and functioning of the different human senses. It also generates higher costs of excavation than on land. Wrecks do not remain intact, but at all times they are subject to destruction caused by physical, chemical and biological factors, as well as by the activity of the local flora and fauna (at small and medium depths the process of destruction is faster than at large ones), which determines a faster pace of work. Currently used methods of underwater exploration have not changed since the seventies. With the rapid pace of technological development observed in the early eighties and the introduction of modern, small submarines, robots and tracking systems utilising satellite data, there was an increase in the number of offshore archeological sites in the eighties and early nineties. The future of underwater archeology is bound with the study of large and great depths and the development of cybernetics and computer science.
Hydrographic surveys realized by the Maritime Office in Gdynia on the Gulf of Gdańsk, are the research of waterways, anchorages and other usable areas in connection with the necessity of ensuring the safety of navigation and shipping. Numerous underwater objects of various categories are located on the seabed as a result of these surveys. The vast majority of these are ship's anchors, chains, ropes, fishing nets and pollution coming from the land (rubble, bricks, pieces of ferroconcrete, etc.). Underwater military objects are also detectable and shipwrecks or their parts. It is assumed that underwater archeology in Poland has begun with the discovery by employees of the maritime administration in 1969 the wreck of the Swedish galleon “Solen” and the wreck of the medieval ship ”Miedziowiec”. It can be assumed, based on archival source documents, that even several hundred other vessels sank in the Gdańska Bay and neighboring water bodies. On 10.09.2012, during hydrographic surveys from the deck of the Maritime Office in Gdynia vessel – “Hydrograf 10”, an atypical underwater object, about four meters long and half meter diameter, was located in the area of the wreckage, probably wooden vessel. During the hydrographic surveys carried out in following days, using the side scan sonar (C-MAX, CM2 EDF ) and multibeam echosounder (Reson SeaBat 8125), a heavily damaged, previously unknown shipwreck of a wooden vessel and an unusual underwater object lying on that, was identified. On 14.05.2013, hydrographers of the Marine Measurements Department, together with the archaeologists of the National Maritime Museum, in cooperation with divers from the Center of Diving Technology from Gdynia, conducted a preliminary recognition of the shipwreck, which received the working name “Johan”. Based on the first words of divers, it appeared that on the remains of a wooden wreck, probably from the eighteenth century, lies a torpedo with a head separated from the main body. There were also visible the wooden barrels made of small staves of unknown content, at the seabed. Accordance to the existing law, the maritime administration has started activities aimed at precise identification of the dangerous underwater object and its neutralization (removal) by Polish Navy divers. During the operation, the real threat has been confirmed in case of the remains of the wreck which had already received confirmation of historical value by the underwater archeologists. As a result of more than a year intensive maritime administration activities, on 03.07.2014, the divers from the 8th Coastal Defense Flotilla Polish Navy, removed from the shipwreck, the middle part of the torpedo without the tail and the head, caliber 533 mm, about 4.1 m long, which came from World War II . These activities enabled the start of archaeological underwater research conducted by the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk. As a result of these research, it was established that the shipwreck is a remnant of a merchant ship from the second half of the seventeenth century, which sank with a load of barrels containing, among others iron bars and glass bottles of various sizes and shapes. Three cannon munitions from 1.5 m to 2 m long were also removed from the shipwreck. Due to the removed glass bottles from the wreck, discovered by the Marine Measurements Department of the Maritime Office in Gdynia, an unknown shipwreck from the second half of the seventeenth century, has received a name as “Glass”, since then. Modern hydrographic surveys carried out nowadays, using modern hydroacoustic equipment in the form of side scan sonar systems and high-resolution multibeam echosounders allow to the detect and give precise location of even small underwater objects. The interpretation of the collected measurement data made by an experienced marine hydrographer enables precise selection of these objects, for which it is advisable to conduct further research carried out by a team of underwater archaeologists.
Here we present a unique life path of Sergiy Gulyar, a world-known Ukrainian scientist who was overcoming extreme conditions studying them on himself. He has developed his determination and responsibility from his basic experiences as a surgeon and his desire to win from his involvement in sports. His research in underwater laboratories has shown a capacity to find untrodden pathways to understand and explain what others did not even suspect. His physiological studies on the role of sea depths, breathing mixtures, underwater exposures, and diving schemes marked the path to the aquanauts and undersea man. Reaching the hyper depths equivalent to 2,500 m revealed the physiological limits of human being and defined how to handle hyperbaric respiratory failure. Prof. S. Gulyar suggested a usage of natural physiological mechanisms to accelerate the re-adaptation process as a part of the highmountain rehabilitation of hyperbaria-adapted people. Dissertations were defended, books and articles were written, a scientific school of followers was created. Unfortunately, during the Soviet period, Prof. S. Gulyar faced a set of organizational problems and obstacles from the Soviet regime. In particular, his works were classified or hushed up, his intellectual property was often used without mentioning the author and his scientific team was intimidated by criminal investigations. Main recognition during this period had come from professional societies in Europe and the United States. After the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Prof. S. Gulyar introduced a number of innovations and inventions in electromagnetic medicine and physiology. In particular, he has managed to account for main common features of physiological effects of light stimulation produced by Lasers, Light-Emitted Diodes and Bioptron light sources. By doing so, some mystical dogmas were filtered out and new paths to sensible light-induced treatments were developed. At the same time, Prof. S. Gulyar has preserved the legacy of many generations of medical professionals who used light in their treatments. He has shown in his physiological experiments that stimulation of biologically active zones including acupuncture points light stimulation has a wide spectrum of biological effects including alleviation of pain symptoms. Now mono- and polychromatic visual and transcutaneous light therapy of pain has been recognized scientifically and clinically, and its place in medicine has been firmly established. Prof. S. Gulyar described a new functional system of the organism that regulates the electromagnetic equilibrium. A step into the future was the first experimentally grounded technology for the use of fullerene-modified light. Positive changes have been proven with its percutaneous and ocular use. These first results open the door to complete analysis and future investigations. Prof. S. Gulyar has published 20 monographs, 470 papers and abstracts, and received 11 patents. Many of his inventions have been implemented, the others are still awaiting implementation. This article is based on the data obtained by the authors during many years of their personal cooperation, as well as from the memoirs of Prof. S. Gulyar and the materials he provided.
Przedstawiamy wyjątkowe życie Sergieja Gulyara, znanego w kręgach światowych medycyny w tym medycyny podwodnej ukraińskiego naukowca. Pokonał ekstremalne warunki, zdobywając samodzielnie. Jego wykształcenie jako chirurga zaszczepiło w nim determinację i odpowiedzialność, natomiast sport zaszczepił w nim wolę zwycięstwa. W pionierskich badaniach w podwodnych laboratoriach ujawniły jego zdolność do rozwiązywania problemów, by znaleźć i wyjaśnić to, z czego inni nawet nie zdawali sobie sprawy. Jego badania fizjologiczne nad rolą głębin morskich, z zastosowaniem mieszanin oddechowych, metod nurkowania utorowały drogę akwanautom. Doświadczalne badania zjawisk oddechowych na hiper głębokości równej 2500 m rozszerzyło wiedzę na temat fizjologicznego ograniczenia człowieka i określiło sposoby pomocy przy hiperbarycznej niewydolności oddechowej. Prof. S. Gulyar zaproponował wykorzystanie naturalnych mechanizmów fizjologicznych do przyspieszenia procesu readaptacji osób zaadaptowanych do hipierbarii poprzez ich rehabilitację wysokogórską. Zdobywał stopnie naukowe, publikował książki i artykuły oraz założył szkołę naukową, w której znaleźli się jego zwolennicy. Niestety, w okresie sowieckim prof. S. Gular napotykał na szereg problemów organizacyjnych i przeszkód ze strony władz sowieckich. W szczególności jego prace były utajniane lub przemilczane, jego własność intelektualna była często wykorzystywana bez podania autora, a jego zespół badawczy był zastraszany przez dochodzenia kryminalne. Główne uznanie w tym okresie pochodziło od towarzystw zawodowych w Europie i USA. Po upadku ZSRR prof. S. Gulyar dokonał również szeregu innowacji i wynalazków z zakresu medycyny i fizjologii elektromagnetycznej. Jego wyniki wyniki otwierają drzwi do szczegółowych analiz i przyszłych badań. Opublikował 20 monografii, 470 referatów i rozpraw oraz uzyskał 11 patentów. Wiele z jego wynalazków zostało zrealizowanych, inne wciąż czekają na realizację. Artykuł powstał na podstawie danych zebranych przez autorów w wyniku wieloletniej, osobistej współpracy, a także na podstawie wspomnień prof. S. Gulyara i przedstawionych przez niego materiałów. W aktywnym życiu brał udział w wielu wyprawach i pracach związanych z promowaniem kultury i historii Ukrainy.
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