In two recent book analyzing Loos’s design methods, The New Space: Movement and Experience in Viennese Modern Architecture (2106) and Adolf Loos: The Last Houses (2020), Christopher Long has argued that in his residential iterations of the Raumplan idea, Loos was invested in the optical and sensory impacts of his residences: he created complex pathways of procession with a studied attention to the ways in which materials, colors, and interlocking spatial volumes could enhance the visceral impact of an interior space on an inhabitant. This essay argues that in the work of the Austrian émigré architect, Alfred Preis (1911–1993), a similar approach to the Raumplan re-emerged in midcentury Hawai‘i. By examining several examples of Preis’s residential work between 1940 and 1955, including the Scudder Residence (1940), the Lau Residence (1951), the Panfiglio Residence (1952), and the Hudson Residence (1955), it contends that Preis borrowed and reinterpreted Loos’s Raumplan. The Scudder Residence, in particular, is remarkably similar to Loos’s Doppelhaus for the Werkbundsiedlung exhibition in 1932, which had opened the year that Preis began his architectural training at the Vienna Technisches Hochschule. The essay then extends Long’s hypothesis about Loos’s interest in the sensory and tactile qualities of architectural space to show that Preis applied similar methods in these Hawai‘i residences. Preis transplanted Loos’s Raumplan language and ideas to the tropics, deftly rejecting International Style ‘open plan’ modernism. Like Loos, Preis created complex interior spaces by separating living zones through changes in ceiling heights or elevations, and also by designing circuitous pathways. He also used strong changes in colors and materials to demarcate zones of use and to foster tactile and other aesthetic interactions in the residences. Importantly, Preis also adapted Loos’s architectural ideas for the Hawaiian climate and his clientele by incorporating Asian formal and spatial languages.
Ve dvou posledních knihách analyzujících Loosovy metody navrhování The New Space: Movement and Experience in Viennese Modern Architecture (2016) a Adolf Loos: The Last Houses (2020) Christopher Long tvrdí, že Loos se při opakovaní koncepce raumplanu v obytných stavbách věnoval jejich optickému a smyslovému působení. Vytvářel komplikované průchozí trasy a přitom se zaměřoval na způsoby, jak by materiály, barvy a propojené prostorové objemy mohly zvyšovat viscerální působení vnitřního prostoru na obyvatele. Studie dokazuje, že podobný přístup k raumplanu se znovu objevil v polovině století v díle rakouského architekta, emigranta Alfreda Preise (1911–1993) na Havaji. Zkoumáním několika příkladů Preisových obytných staveb z let 1940–1955, včetně Scudderovy rezidence (1940), Lauovy rezidence (1951), Panfigliovy rezidence (1952) a Hudsonovy rezidence (1955), dokazuje, že Preis si vypůjčil a reinterpretoval Loosův raumplan. Zejména Scudderova rezidence se pozoruhodně podobá Loosovu dvojdomu z výstavy Werkbundsiedlung uspořádané v roce 1932, kdy Preis zahájil studium architektury na vídeňské Vysoké škole technické. Studie pak rozvíjí Longovu hypotézu o Loosově zájmu o smyslové a taktilní kvality architektonického prostoru, aby prokázala, že Preis využíval podobné metody v havajských rezidencích. Preis přesadil Loosův jazyk a koncepci raumplanu do tropů a obratně tak odmítl modernismus „otevřeného plánu“ mezinárodního stylu. Stejně jako Loos vytvářel složité vnitřní prostory oddělením obytných zón různými výškami stropů nebo elevacemi a uspořádáním průchodů oklikami. Využíval rovněž výrazné změny barev a materiálů, aby v rezidencích vymezil prostory podle funkce a podpořil taktilní a další estetické interakce. Preis především Loosovy architektonické zásady také přizpůsobil havajskému klimatu a své klientele začleněním asijských formálních a prostorových prvků.
Cardiovascular diseases are widely distributed throughout the world. In Africa they account for about 15% hospital admissions and 10 - 20% fatalities. In the tropics, cardiovascular pathology can be divided into two groups: cardiovascular diseases typical of the tropics (group I) e.g.,: Chagas heart disease, endomyocardial fibrosis and cosmopolitan cardiovascular diseases (group II) e.g.,: arterial hypertension, rheumatic fever, infective endocarditis, peri-carditis or ischemic heart disease. Nutritional deficiencies, severe anemia, parasitic diseases and primary cardiomyopathies are most commonly implicated in the pathogenesis of group I diseases.
In a participatory framework, the multifunctionality of agroforestry systems was assessed by applying multicriteria and multivariate analyses to identify ecological, agronomic and administrative proxies and integrate these into factors, and evaluate their effects on system performance. The assessment framework was tested in 70 farms in the municipality of Tomé-Açú in the Brazilian Amazon, an area well known for its long-standing practice of agroforestry. The overall goal was to identify management decisions that ensure sustainable production of goods together with the provision of ecosystem services, with special emphasis on agrobiodiversity. Three groups of farmers were considered based on their period of settlement, property size, technological know-how, organization and access to the market. The results show that the determinant factors of multifunctional farming are the farmers’ technical qualification, good adaptability, environmental commitment and the search for financial profitability. However, the optimization of these factors leads to trade-offs such as a decrease in biomass and woody species diversity and the decline of by-product production. By considering stakeholders’ opinions and being adaptable to various demands, the proposed framework enhances the legitimacy of the results, and supports both the assessment of complex issues and decision-making.
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Hydraulic geometry characteristics can influence stream ecosystem and biogeochemical processes at different spatial scales. Globally, studies are emerging on the relationship between channel geometry and water quality. However, these studies are few and far between most humid tropical basins. In this study, we assessed the relationship between hydraulic geometry and some water quality parameters [temperature, salinity, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS) and total suspended solids (TSS)] across stream orders of a tropical headwater basin in southwestern Nigeria. Bankfull width, depth, velocity and discharge were measured at twenty-six (26) reaches across first-, second- and third-stream orders within the basin. Water samples were collected from these reaches and were analyzed. Bankfull width, velocity and discharge showed significant variation across stream orders, while the water quality parameters vary slightly in response to fluvial and geogenic interactions. We obtained r = − 0.417, p < 0.05 for TDS and discharge, r = − 0.399, p < 0.05 for depth and TDS, r = − 0.39, p < 0.05 for width and EC, and r = − 0.42, p < 0.05 for width and pH. The headwater basin is underdeveloped and it is still undergoing fluvial adjustment. We recommend the need for future studies to investigate the intrinsic interaction between channel geometry and stream water contamination for natural and disturbed headwater basins.
W pracy przedstawiono zagrożeniami ze strony czynników środowiska zewnętrznego, które mogą stać się przyczyną chorób przewodu pokarmowego, zarówno górnego, jak i dolnego odcinka u turystów, osób wyjeżdżających służbowo, jak żołnierzy, którzy biorą udział w Misjach Pokojowych w tropiku. Uwzględniono także te jednostki chorobowe, które z uwagi na rozpowszechnienie występują również we własnym kraju, np. infekcje Helicobacter pylori,wirusowe zapalenia wątroby, a także te, które z powodu warunków sanitarno – higienicznych, klimatycznych mogą wywoływać objawy choroby górnego i dolnego odcinka przewodu pokarmowego. Kontakt z chorobami typowymi dla klimatu tropikalnego, szczególnie przy dłuższym pobycie zwiększa szanse- przywlekania niektórych chorób tropikalnych do Polski co może stanowić duży problem dla służby zdrowia.
Research shows a potential threat from external environmental factors which might be the cause of upper and lower gastrointestinal diseases in tourists, or soldiers engaged in tropical peacekeeping missions. The research includes infections which due to their spread are also present in their home countries such as Helicobacter pylori infections, viral hepatitis as well as infections which might cause symptoms of upper and lower gastrointestinal tract diseases as a result of poor sanitary and unhygienic conditions. Contact with diseases typical of the tropical climate, especially during longer stays, increases the chances of bringing some tropical diseases back to Poland, which can be problematic for the domestic health care service.
The article presents a dermatosis that occurs in tropical and subtropical countries. Though the definitive hosts of the cutaneous larva migrans parasite are animals, humans can become accidental hosts and they are infected when their skin comes into contact with damp soil, most frequently sand. The disease is only present in the epidermis where an itch is brought about by the mining activity of the larva. Sunbathers and divers who put on their gear on a beach, on account of the epidermis maceration caused by a prolonged exposure to water, are particularly susceptible to the penetrative activities of the larva. In Poland the cutaneous larva migrans is in most cases mistaken for nettle rash or eczema.
Artykuł przedstawia występującą w krajach tropikalnych i subtropikalnych dermatozę. Larwa skórna wędrująca jest pasożytem, których ostatecznymi żywicielami są zwierzęta. Człowiek jest przypadkowym żywicielem. Do zarażenia u człowieka dochodzi podczas kontaktu skóry z wilgotną ziemią, a najczęściej piaskiem. Choroba przebiega tylko w naskórku, larwa drąży kręty korytarz wywołując świąd. Narażeni są plażowicze i przebierający się na plaży nurkowie, których zmacerowany długim pobytem w wodzie naskórek, ułatwia penetrację larw. W Polsce zarażenie larwa skórną wędrującą w większości przypadków jest błędnie rozpoznawane jako pokrzywka lub wyprysk.
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