Travels through Europe among the nobility and magnates of the Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania experienced its heyday in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They had a various character: educational, therapeutic, or diplomatic. Many Lithuanian magnates by virtue of its financial resources decided on a long expeditions through the old continent and left after them travel reports rich in interesting descriptions of the surrounding reality. Such an example may be unknown until now the memories of the peregrination through Silesia of starost of Wilkomierz Benedict Tyzenhauz. He set out on his journey in the mid-eighteenth century, and came to Wroclaw, about which left an interesting description on the pages of his memories. From the capital of Lower Silesia he went towards Prague, along the way describing the encountered village, which he visited. Particular interest of magnate aroused churches, palaces and gardens. His relationship of the journey ends with the description of Prague where, most likely, magnate returned to the grounds of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
This paper discusses selected word formation aspects in Kasimir Edschmid’s diary describing his travels across Europe. The aim of the paper is to present derivatives, compounds and acronyms from several chapters in the discussed work. The answers to the following questions are sought: What structures can be found among derivatives and compounds? What semantic groups can be distinguished in the corpus under scrutiny? What other properties characterize the analysed vocabulary? The group of adjectival derivatives is more numerous than that of noun derivatives. The set of compounds contains frequent examples of compounds with a proper noun as the first segment. Acronyms are very rare. Other features of the examined vocabulary include, among others, hybrid formations and foreign terms.
The purpose of this article is to attempt to reconstruct Jan Czekanowski’s researches conducted between April 1908 and April 1908 in the basin of the Uele River in Central Africa. The basis for reconstruction was the fragment of the original, hitherto unpublished manuscript, Diary of the anthropologicalethnological column of the expedition to Central Africa in the years 1907–1909, written according to the requirements of the organisers during the expedition. This manuscript has not been published to date, although it is preserved in a very good condition, with almost two full sets of texts written in German (fragments are written also in French, Polish and African languages). The collection is stored in the Department of Manuscripts of the Warsaw University Library, deposited there by Anna Czekanowska, the daughter of the researcher. It comprises 11 notebooks and one folder with a total quantity of 1,187 cards.
This article analyzes an excerpt from the travel diary of Just Juel, who was a Danish envoy to Peter the Great in 1709–1711. Particular attention is paid to Juel’s travel through the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and his visit to Lemberg/Lviv in 1711, its historical context, and possible interpretations based on approaches of cultural history.
This paper attempts to analyse the technique of assimilation of classical Chinese writing into the Japanese literary tradition of the early medieval period. The author’s main focus is one of the three styles used by Japanese authors of the time, namely the mixed Japanese-Chinese style (the so-called wakan konkō buntai). It was used in various prose genres, including travel diaries. Referring to the text of Kaidōki (Records of [a journey along] the seacoast road), a Japanese travel account from the early 13th century, the author shows on the selected source material how, in accordance with Bakhtin’s understanding of heteroglossia, a dialogue occurs on the level of Chinese and Japanese writing and how intertextual relations can influence the formation of the style of a literary work. As can be noted, the historical and literary borrowings from the Chinese tradition (the rich Sino-Japanese vocabulary and the prosaised poems originally composed in classical Chinese) enriched the semantic layer of the Japanese text. This was also reflected in the style of the work, which, despite its “crabbedness” and the fact that it was shaped by the experience of borrowed but also native polyphony, seems to be the optimal way to express it.
The collection of autographs of the former Prussian State Library in Berlin – now held by the Jagiellonian Library – contains a valuable autograph of Alexander Humboldt – fragment from Humboldt’s travel diary entitled Sobre algunos puntos interessantes para la Navegación, o extracto de las observaciones de longitud deducida de Eclipses del Sol y de la Luna de Satellites de Jupiter, distancias lunares y Chronometros en los annos de 1799–1803. The Humboldt’s manuscript travel diary was acquired by the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz Foundation in Berlin from a private owner in 2013. The part which is discussed in the present article (pp. 71–84) was cut out of Fascicle VIII of the notebook in the nineteenth century – most probably by Humboldt himself – after which it was annotated and given as a present to General Radowitz, who was a collector of autographs. It eventually found its way to the Royal Library in Berlin together with Radowitz’s entire collection.
W Zbiorze Autografów z byłej Pruskiej Biblioteki Państwowej w Berlinie, przechowywanym w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej znajduje się cenny autograf Aleksandra Humboldta Sobre algunos puntos interessantes para la Navegación, o extracto de las observaciones de longitud deducida de Eclipses del Sol y de la Luna de Satellites de Jupiter, distancias lunares y Chronometros en los annos de 1799–1803. Fragment ten pochodzi z rękopiśmiennego dziennika podróży Humboldta. Rękopis samego dziennika pozyskała Fundacja Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz w Berlinie z rąk prywatnych w 2013 roku, natomiast omawiany w artykule fragment (s. 71–84) został wycięty w XIX wieku z zeszytu nr VIII dziennika najprawdopodobniej przez samego Humboldta, opatrzony komentarzem i ofiarowany kolekcjonerowi autografów gen. Radowitzowi, po czym razem z całym Zbiorem Radowitza trafił do Biblioteki Królewskiej w Berlinie.
The collection of autographs of the former Prussian State Library in Berlin – now held by the Jagiellonian Library – contains a valuable autograph of Alexander Humboldt – fragment from Humboldt’s travel diary entitled Sobre algunos puntos interessantes para la Navegación, o extracto de las observaciones de longitud deducida de Eclipses del Sol y de la Luna de Satellites de Jupiter, distancias lunares y Chronometros en los annos de 1799–1803. The Humboldt’s manuscript travel diary was acquired by the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz Foundation in Berlin from a private owner in 2013. The part which is discussed in the present article (pp. 71–84) was cut out of Fascicle VIII of the notebook in the nineteenth century – most probably by Humboldt himself – after which it was annotated and given as a present to General Radowitz, who was a collector of autographs. It eventually found its way to the Royal Library in Berlin together with Radowitz’s entire collection.
W Zbiorze Autografów z byłej Pruskiej Biblioteki Państwowej w Berlinie, przechowywanym w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej, znajduje się cenny autograf Aleksandra Humboldta Sobre algunos puntos interessantes para la Navegación, o extracto de las observaciones de longitud deducida de Eclipses del Sol y de la Luna de Satellites de Jupiter, distancias lunares y Chronometros en los annos de 1799–1803. Fragment ten pochodzi z rękopiśmiennego dziennika podróży Humboldta. Rękopis samego dziennika pozyskała Fundacja Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz w Berlinie z rąk prywatnych w 2013 roku, natomiast omawiany w artykule fragment (s. 71–84) został wycięty w XIX wieku z zeszytu nr VIII dziennika najprawdopodobniej przez samego Humboldta, opatrzony komentarzem i ofiarowany kolekcjonerowi autografów gen. Radowitzowi, po czym razem z całym Zbiorem Radowitza trafił do Biblioteki Królewskiej w Berlinie.
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W artykule przeanalizowano możliwości zastosowania techniki GPS do rejestracji podróży odbywanych przez mieszkańców. Przedstawiono przykład wyników możliwych do uzyskania za pomocą GPS – na jego podstawie omówiono zalety i wady tej technologii. Zaprezentowano także możliwe schematy postępowania podczas badań prowadzonych z jej wykorzystaniem.
The GPS technique use for public transport travel behaviours study and to record travels executed by city inhabitants has been discussed in the paper. The example of results possible to obtain using GPS has been given – basing on it the advantages and disadvantages of this technology have been described. The possible schemes of proceedings, while survey, have been presented.
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