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The negative impacts of emergency events affect the animals as well as the man. In case of emergency event the animals, unlike the man, have minimum chance to survive and majority of afflicted animals would perish without the human help. Animals´ evacuation to secure place is one of the form of animals´ protection against the effects of emergency events. Animals´ evacuation is the complex of legislative, organizing and logistic measures with aim to prevent their perishing and so eliminate possible occurrence of dangerous epidemiological situations and prevent damage occurrence. The animals' evacuation is generally controlled by evacuation commission, which uses "Animals Evacuation Plan". Time needed for the evacuated animal to leave the endangered place or stable is the next decisive factor of secure and speedy evacuation. All types of transport can be used for transport of evacuated animals from endangered place. Loading and unloading the animals is very important part of evacuation. During the transport the driver has to observe certain specific principles of security journey with respect to transported animals. Comprehensive animals evacuation is one of the conditions of their early rescue. Decisive role belongs to the man.
Content available remote Interakce cyklistů a chodců ve společném prostoru ve městě Pardubice
Presented paper is focused on questions of cyclist transport in urban settings, specifically in the city of Pardubice. Emphasis is put on analysis of potentially conflict places, especially in interaction with pedestrians. Direct terrain observation and consequent evaluation of conflict potential are used as method for data collecting. When cycling routes are designed, the requirements of the cyclists should be taken into account in order to ensure that the routes are accepted. In order to make planning user oriented one has to know which criteria are important for cyclists` route choice. Until now not many studies were conducted on this topic in Czech Republic. Theoretical background used states 5 basic requirements for cycle routes. These are: 1. Coherence (the cycling infrastructure forms a coherent unit and links with all departure points and destinations of cyclist), 2. Directness (the cycling infrastructure continually offers the cyclists as direct a route as possible, so detours are kept to a minimum, 3. attractiveness (the cycling infrastructure is designed and fitted to the surroundings in such a way that cycling is attractive), 4. safety (the cycling infrastructure guarantees the road safety of cyclists and other road users, 5. comfort (the cycling infrastructure enables a quick and comfortable flow of bicycle traffic.). Planners need a clear understanding of what influences bicycling behavior to develop effective strategies to increase use of those modes. Transportation practitioners have largely focused on infrastructure and the built environment, although researchers have found that attitudes are also very important. Theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985) - intentions to perform behaviors of different kinds can be predicted with high accuracy from attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control; and these intentions, together with perceptions of behavioral control, account for considerable variance in actual behavior. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) suggests that behavior such as active transportation results from a mixture of personal attitudes toward these modes, subjective norms, and a person's perceived behavioral control, giving us a way to conceptualize psychological factors that influence travel behavior. Furthermore, we work with Situational awareness (Endsley, 1999) - cognitive model of decision making based on perception of current situation, understanding of current situation and anticipation of future situation. Situational awareness influence decisions and future actions (the way we understand reality). The research results are indicating that cyclists prefer a track separated from flows of motor vehicles, in the case of presented research common space with pedestrians. Next results have shown disrespect of obligation to convey bike over pedestrian crossing by walking as well as mistaken using of cyclist crossings. Locations selected for research have got relatively high conflict potential on interaction with pedestrians. Proposed alternatives of possible solution are mentioned as a conclusion in two points of view - modification of infrastructure and information (education) of operation participants.
It is assumed that just like in other spheres of life, safety of transport will also benefit from integration as a result of more effective prevention and rescue efforts. The need for an integrated approach to many aspects of transport safety legitimizes proposals to change the relevant functional and institutional structures in Poland. This problem was addressed in the research project "Integrated Transport Safety System" (acronym ZEUS). The modal structure of transport accidents clearly shows that accident reduction can be achieved by promoting safer means of transport that can be used for particular transport needs. Before this can be achieved, safety management and mobility management must be integrated at the national, regional and local level.
Procesy integracyjne w bezpieczeństwie transportu, podobnie jak w innych dziedzinach, przyczyniają się do skuteczności działań profilaktycznych i ratowniczych. Potrzeba zintegrowanego podejścia do rozwiązywania różnych problemów bezpieczeństwa uprawnia do tworzenia koncepcji i wizji zmian struktur funkcjonalnych i organizacyjnych, odpowiedzialnych za bezpieczeństwo transportu w Polsce. Problem ten jest także przedmiotem projektu badawczego "Zintegrowany system bezpieczeństwa transportu" o nazwie ZEUS. Skuteczna promocja bezpiecznych środków transportu uwarunkowana jest jednak integracją zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i mobilnością na poziomie krajowym, regionalnym i lokalnym.
The commercial air transport industry is growing with the current approximately 14,000 aircraft expected to double in number by 2018. Unless the current basic accident rate (0.2 per 100,000 hours) is decreased it is anticipated that there will be a major air disaster with this large number of planes approximately every two weeks, a clearly unacceptable situation. If accidents are examined beginning with the decade of the 1960's through the present, certain common causes may be identified and the corrective measures implemented in order to address the problem. Midair collisions occurred but TCAS was introduced with great success. However, the collision problem is feared now to have shifted to the ground - on the runways, taxiways, and aprons, and they are now called incursions. This is one of the NTSB's most wanted solutions for a problem. Ground control radar must be widely introduced and employed to prevent these on-the-ground collisions. Windshear and microbursts caused many aircraft to impact the ground, but doppler radar, the proper observation of airspeed, and appropriate aircraft maneuvering have caused a decrease in this type of accident. Controlled flight into the terrain has been the cause of the largest number of disasters. However, the introduction of GPWS and its enhanced version has had a significant effect in decreasing the numbers of these types of accidents. Aircraft icing led to the smallest number of crashes, but it seems to be a problem which continues even though there is general awareness of its adverse potential. It too remains on the NTSB's most wanted list. For all of these causes of aviation disasters, the problem was identified, and with the exception of incursions and icing, solutions or remedies with very good effects have been found. However, a new class of causes for accidents which are much more insidious have been appearing within the last decade or two. Accidents are seemingly becoming more complex and/or more unanticipated due to the appearance of the "unk unks" or unknown unknowns. While it has always been known that fuel tanks often contained explosive vapors (-30% of the time), it was considered possible to eliminate all ignition sources. After over a dozen accidents involving both civilian and military aircraft a study is being made relating to fuel tank inerting - the last item on the NTSB aircraft safety wish list. There have been other disasters which have resulted from aircraft age (aircraft currently in service may be well over 20 years old). Additional accidents have resulted from aircraft design defects which remained undetected for many years. Onboard fires usually produce disastrous effects and may begin in unanticipated ways. Information which is displayed to the crew may be misleading or be misinterpreted, thus causing a crash. Intentional, inappropriate crew had behavior which has almost been dismissed out-of-hand has been implicated in five recent catastrophes. With these latter classes of accidents, it may be asked what technological fixes may be made. It may not be so simple. Solutions may be generated if the financial penalties which must be paid as a consequence of aviation disasters are significant. Currently, worldwide, the aviation industry pays $1.3 billion in insurance premiums. With proper investment perhaps this might be increased to $1.68 billion. Recently, to a survivor of the American Airlines, Little Rock, Arkansas landing accident, $11 million was paid. Hence, about 118 such awards could be made each year. On the average there are about 1000 fatalities each year. In such a situation the insurance rates must increase, the number of accidents will need to decrease, or an artificial limit must be imposed onto the financial compensation awards (tort reform?). While statistically air travel is safer than other choices, when disasters do occur they are totally destructive and abhorrent, A renewed effort must be made to futher reduce the accident rates by identifying and controlling the remaining difficult factors.
Zaprezentowany materiał w syntetycznym ujęciu opisuje technologie oraz narzędzia pomiarowe stosowane w preselekcyjnych systemach ważenia pojazdu. W artykule przedstawiono zarówno aktualnie wykorzystywane rozwiązania, jak również propozycje systemów będących na etapie badawczo-projektowym. Kluczowym elementem pracy jest zestawie zaprezentowanych układów pomiarowych, ze szczegółowym określeniem wad i zalet poszczególnych systemów.
Presented material, in the synthetic approach, describes the technologies and measurement instruments used in preselection vehicle weigh in motion systems. The article presents the currently implemented solutions, as well as proposals for systems that are still at the stage of design and research. A key element of the work is comparison of measuring systems, with a detailed determination of the advantages and disadvantages of particular elements.
W artykule w syntetycznym ujęciu przedstawiono zagadnienie predykcji pogodowej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem detekcji zagrożeń atmosferycznych w ruchu drogowym. W kolejnych punktach opracowania opisano podstawy prognozowania pogodowego, scharakteryzowano przykładowe modele matematyczne oraz zaprezentowano autorski system wnioskowania o niebezpiecznych stanach atmosferycznych na drodze.
In the article summarized the issue of predicting the weather hazards, with particular emphasis on the detection of dangerous atmospheric conditions in road traffic. In the following sections the basis of weather forecasting, mathematical models and the authors inference system about hazardous road condition were described.
Silnie rozwijający się ruch drogowy prowadzi do niekorzystnych zjawisk dotyczących nie tylko zanieczyszczenia środowiska, czy bezpieczeństwa uczestników ruchu ale tez zmiany stylu życia współczesnych społeczeństw. Zagrożenia te zyskują sobie coraz większą uwagę różnorakich instytucji, również samorządów lokalnych. Skutkuje to podejmowaniem działań zmierzających do lepszego wykorzystania transportu publicznego oraz zmiany nawyków komunikacyjnych mieszkańców. W artykule omówiono wdrażany obecnie w Szczecinku unijny projekt CIVITAS, którego celem jest zrównoważony rozwój transportu miejskiego oraz poprawa bezpieczeństwa użytkowników dróg. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań poziomu akceptacji społecznej dla samego projektu oraz skłonność mieszkańców do zmiany nawyków komunikacyjnych, na tle uwarunkowań społeczno - kulturowych.
Intensively developing vehicular traffic leads to unfavourable phenomena in not only environmental pollution or in the safety of roads users but also in changes in the lifestyle of modern societies. These threats are more and more taken care of by different institutions, also local governments. It results in undertaking actions aimed at better utilization of public transport and changing communication habits of cities' inhabitants. The paper touches upon the UE project CIVITAS, now implemented in the town of Szczecinek, whose purpose is the sustainable development of the towns' transport system and improvement of the safety of roads' users. It presents the outcomes of the research into social acceptance of the project itself and into the willingness of the inhabitants of Szczecinek to alter their transport habits, in the context of social and economic conditions.
Ocena zagrożeń w transporcie drogowym na podstawie stanów przeszłych, które już zaistniały w obiekcie, jest zadaniem wymagającym wykorzystania istniejących baz wypadkowych. Na podstawie zawartych w nich informacji obliczyć można dla odcinków lub poszczególnych miejsc współczynniki wypadkowe, których wartości pozwolą na ocenę bezpieczeństwa sieci drogowej. Większy problem stanowi predykcja poziomu bezpieczeństwa na danym odcinku drogowym. Zależy on bowiem od wielu czynników wpływających na stan obiektu, często i nieprzewidywalnie zmieniających się w czasie. Również powiązanie ze sobą wielu zmiennych różnej natury w celu określenia ich wpływu na powstawanie zdarzeń niepożądanych jest zadaniem trudnym. W pracy przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania metody regresji wielokrotnej w modelowaniu liczb zdarzeń drogowych oraz ich ofiar w zależności od czynników określających stan systemu. Szczególny nacisk położono na zmienne niezależne określające ruch pojazdów ciężkich. Przedstawiono udział tych pojazdów w ruchu drogowym na wybranym odcinku drogi oraz wpływ ich występowalności na liczbę zdarzeń drogowych, ofiar rannych i śmiertelnych.
Estimation of the safety level in road transport on the basis of past states, which have occurred in the object, requires for using existing accident databases. On the grounds of information that are contained there it is possible to calculate risk factors for road segments and individual places of the road net. Values of them allow to estimate the safety level in a given road net. Prediction of the safety level on a given road segment causes a more serious problem. It depends on many factors influencing the state of system that vary often and on unexpected way in time. Connection of many variables of a different nature in order to define their impact on causing undesirable events is also a difficult task. In the paper usability of multiple regression methods in modeling road accident counts and victims depending on factors determining traffic was presented. A special emphasis was placed on influence of independent variables describing traffic of heavy vehicles. The participation of this kind of vehicles in traffic on a selected road segment and their influence on the number of road events, wounded and dead victims was presented.
tom nr 4
Przewóz towarów drogą morską związany jest ze znacznym ryzykiem jego uszkodzenia lub zniszczenia. Przyczyną tych zdarzeń są zasadniczo warunki hydrometeorologiczne. W znacznie jednak większym stopniu o bezpieczeństwie transportu ładunku decydują decyzje oraz działania podejmowane przez załogę morskiego statku handlowego. Błędne decyzje lub świadoma akceptacja ryzyka prowadzi do poważnych strat ładunkowych. W artykule zostały przedstawione zagrożenia dotyczące transportu towarów drogą morską, działania załóg morskich statków handlowych podejmowane w celu zmniejszenia ryzyka oraz konsekwencje zaistniałych zdarzeń dla łańcucha logistycznego. Opisana został również metoda oceny ryzyka transportu towarów na morskich statkach.
Carriage of goods at sea is related to high risk of damage or loose. That events are caused generally by hydro-meteorological conditions. Cargo safety in large extent is depend on master’s decisions and crew actions. Incorrect decisions or conscious risk acceptance directly leads to serious cargo loss. The analysis of threats and consequences of cargo damages state the base for assessment of quality and stability of sea transportation chain. Implementation of risk maps to mitigation strategy leads to certainly to reduce of coasts of transport. The paper presents methods of risk analysis of cargo safety at sea. The reasons of cargo safety threats, human factor and crew actions are presented in this article.
tom [nr] 4 (35)
Przedstawiamy propozycję sposobu wyliczania wskaźnika niezawodności informacji w telematyce transportu przy użyciu symulacji komputerowej. Wskaźnik taki może być wykorzystany do oszacowania jakości usług.
Typically, as the information reliability is understood as accuracy of the data provided to the recipient. However, in transport safety is the most important element of the persons involved. This security is often directly dependent on the correct measurement of physical phenomena and interpretation of data received by the vehicle driver. Also it is important not only to transfer data and correct, but their formation and the proper interpretation. This set of factors affecting the accuracy of the reaction of transport users can be called reliable information in the transport telematics. In this publication will be described in the reliability of the information transport telematics as a whole process of creating the information until its interpretation and user interaction.
tom z. 150
Celem artykułu jest próba formalnej analizy błędnych decyzji sterujących w złożonym systemie sterowania. Przykładowym obiektem analizy są błędne decyzje sterujące pilota i kontrolera ruchu w systemie sterowania ruchem lotniczym kontrolowanym.
The paper's goal is formerly analysis of controller wrong decisions in composed control system. For example the pilot and air traffic controller wrong decisions in air traffic control system are analyzing.
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