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A strong, normal shock wave, terminating a local supersonic area on an airfoil (or a helicopter blade), not only limits the aerodynamic performance, but also becomes a source of High-Speed Impulsive (HSI) noise. The application of a passive control system (a cavity covered by a perforated plate) on a rotor blade should reduce the noise created by the moving shock. This article describes numerical investigations focused on the application of a passive control device on a helicopter blade in high-speed transonic hover conditions to weaken the shock wave – the main source of HSI noise.
The effect of lead ions of the concentrations within the range of 15–1000 m dm-3 on the physiological reaction of common osier var. Jorr was examined. The content of assimilation pigments, the rate the CO2Water assimilation, transpiration, the indices of relative water content and the deficit of water saturation and the content of lead in the nutrient solution. The studied physiological parameters in common osier var. Jorr were differentiated by the rate of lead ions in the nutrient solution. The Jorr variety of common osier was characterised by good values of the determined physiological parameters under stressful conditions at a large accumulation of lead. This suggests that it shows quite a high tolerance to the stress caused by contamination of the subsoil with lead.
Content available remote Convective heat transfer in turbulent boundary layers with transpiration
Reliable cooling of thermally high stressed components in the field of thrust chamber and turbine technology requires the use of more effective cooling techniques compared to the common recuperative cooling. Alternative cooling techniques basing on mass transfer through the wall such as transpiration cooling are available. For thermal design of transpiration cooled components a detailed knowledge with respect especially to the convective heat transfer behavior in the hot gas boundary layer on the porous wall is requested. This paper describes experimental investigations on this problem as well as the modeling of the measuring results by means of empirical correlations for engineering purposes.
The existing formulae, like the well-known Penman-Monteith equation, used for calculating evapotranspiration are characterized by great differences concerning their results. These differences stem from the diversified climatic conditions and vegetation specifics during their development. Every formula of evapotranspiration only delivers 100% correct results, if it is used under the same climatic condition it was developed in. Therefore, a new method for calculating evapotranspiration via specific, but comparatively easily established formula was presented. After a theoretical introduction for illustrating some fundamental aspects for this work, the test setup and approach for creating these formulae are described in detail. The test set up considers typical climatic conditions and simulates, for example, the average temperature of Vienna, a summer day and an extremely hot day. While using a polynomial correlation, a formula for calculating evapotranspiration at any temperature is possible. For determining the evapotranspiration rate (in mm/m2 per 24 hours day) due to the presented formula, only temperature, sort of vegetation and technical soil has to be defined. As a result, the relevance of this work is the presentation of a method to determine the evapotranspiration of any technical substrates (used for e.g. green roofs, façade greenery, indoor greenery, raingardens…) with or without any kind of vegetation, while using the created formula.
Transport morski jest zdecydowanie najbardziej ekonomicznym rozwiązaniem w przypadku przewożenia dużych ilości żywności na dalekich dystansach. Jednak długi czas trwania wymaga zachowania optymalnych warunków w trakcie transportu produktów łatwo psujących się, ponieważ przy przewożeniu dużych ich ilości zepsucie jednego z nich przyspiesza niepożądane procesy zachodzące we wszystkich pozostałych. W przypadku transportowania niektórych owoców i warzyw drogą morską, niezbędne może być zastosowanie kontrolowanej atmosfery wewnątrz kontenerów, umożliwiającej znaczne przedłużenie czasu transportowania oraz zabezpieczenie produktów przed zepsuciem. W artykule określono optymalne warunki do transportowania drogą morską poszczególnych grup owoców i warzyw z uwzględnieniem konieczności zastosowania kontrolowanej atmosfery.
The marine transport is the most economical way of long distance transport of large amounts of food. However during a long time journey sensitive products must be kept in optimal conditions, because the spoilage of a little part of food makes harmful processes in the whole load occur faster. Therefore in the case of some fruits and vegetables the use of controlled atmosphere during marine transport may be necessary. In the paper the suitable conditions of marine transport of different fruits and vegetables with special respect to the controlled atmosphere are defined
The empirical verification of TRANSP and TERGRA models was the main purpose of conducted researches. The models introduced in this paper describe the diurnal patterns of leaf temperature and transpiration when grass is exposed to increasing water deficit under field conditions. The difference simulation results of leaf water potential, leaf temperature and transpiration flux for low and high soil water potential rates and for different meteorological conditions show that these models need more research and measurements for a better identification of function aqd parameters especially for wet conditions, making these models more useful for irrigation scheduling, using the remote sensing techniques.
Przedmiotem przeprowadzonych badań jest empiryczna weryfikacja przedstawionych modeli numerycznych TRANSP i TERGRA symulujących dzienny przebieg zmian temperatury liści traw oraz wielkość rozchodów na transpirację. Występujące różnice wskazują na konieczność kontynuowania prac zarówno modelowych, jak również potowych. Dalsze badania i prace modelowe umożliwiłyby zrealizowanie podstawowego celu tych prac jakim może być szacowanie wielkości transpiracji oraz terminów nawodnień na podstawie temperatury radiacyjnej roślin.
Pot experiments were designed to test the applicability of root electrical capacitance measurement for in situ monitoring of root water uptake activity by growing cucumber and bean cultivars in a growth chamber. Half of the plants were inoculated with Funneliformis mosseae arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, while the other half served as non-infected controls. Root electrical capacitance and daily transpiration were monitored during the whole plant ontogeny. Phenology-dependent changes of daily transpiration (related to root water uptake) and root electrical capacitance proved to be similar as they showed upward trends from seedling emergence to the beginning of flowering stage, and thereafter decreased continuously during fruit setting. A few days after arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-colonization, daily transpiration and root electrical capacitance of infected plants became significantly higher than those of non-infected counterparts, and the relative increment of the measured parameters was greater for the more highly mycorrhizal-dependent bean cultivar compared to that of cucumber. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonization caused 29 and 69% relative increment in shoot dry mass for cucumbers and beans, respectively. Mycorrhization resulted in 37% increase in root dry mass for beans, but no significant difference was observed for cucumbers. Results indicate the potential of root electrical capacitance measurements for monitoring the changes and differences of root water uptake rate.
The aim of the performed studies was to assess the physiological reaction of two cultivars of strawberry to foliar application of potassium-silicon fertilizer. In 2005–2006 at the Experimental station of Orchard Department, University of Agriculture in Szczecin in Rajkowo (a locality near Szczecin), a two-factor vegetation experiment in the system of random blocks was carried out in three replications. The experimental factor was foliar application of potassium Alkaline with silicon (variant I – with fertilization, variant II – control, spraying with distilled water). Strawberry Senga–Sengana c.v. was chosen as biological material for the studies. The following gas exchange parameters of the investigated variety were determined: assimilation rate of CO2, transpiration rate, index of water use efficiency in the photosynthesis.
Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena reakcji fizjologicznej dwóch odmian truskawki na dolistne żywienie nawozem potasowo-krzemowym. W latach 2005-2006 w Stacji Doświadczalnej Katedry Sadownictwa Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie w miejscowości Rajkowo koło Szczecina, przeprowadzono dwuczynnikowe doświadczenie wegetacyjne, w układzie bloków losowanych, w trzech powtórzeniach. Czynnik doświadczalny stanowiło nawożenie dolistne alkalinem potasowym z krzemem (wariant I - z nawożeniem, wariant II - kontrola, oprysk wodą destylowaną). Biologiczny materiał badań stanowiła odmiana truskawki: Senga-Sengana. Oznaczono parametry wymiany gazowej badanej odmiany truskawki: intensywność asymilacji CO2, natężenie transpiracji, wskaźnik efektywności wykorzystania wody w fotosyntezie.
The physiological activity of three basket willow clones, ie Bjor, Jorr and Tora, grown under different salinity conditions on a Hoagland's nutrient solution-based substrate was measured by their gaseous exchange indicators (ie intensity of CO2 assimilation and transpiration) as well as the efficiency of water use in photosynthesis. The obtained results allow to state that salinity differentiates significantly the aforesaid indicators, first of all the assimilation and water use efficiency. From among examined clones, the highest vulnerability to substrate salinity was a characteristic of the Jorr clone, whereas the lowest one of the Bjor clones. It was also found that in all clones, regardless of substrate salinity, a positive and significant correlation is observed between transpiration intensity and stomata1 conductivity.
Aktywność fizjologiczną klonów wierzby wiciowej: Bjor, Jorr i Tora w warunkach zróżnicowanego zasolenia pożywki Hoaglanda mierzono wskaźnikami wymiany gazowej (tj. intensywnością asymilacji CO2 i transpiracji) oraz efektywnością wykorzystania wody w fotosyntezie. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, iż zasolenie istotnie zróżnicowało w/w wskaźniki, przede wszystkim asymilację i efektywność wykorzystania wody. Spośród badanych klonów, największą wrażliwością na zasolenie pożywki charakteryzował się klon Tora, a najmniejszą - Bjor. Stwierdzono również, :te bez względu na poziom zasolenia pożywki, u wszystkich klonów obserwuje się dodatnią i istotną korelację między intensywnością transpiracji a przewodnictwem szparkowym.
Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera Metzg) was the subject of the study in two forms: winter cv. ‘Muller’ (at the rosette stage – the first internode BBCH 30 – 31) and spring cv. ‘Feliks’ (at the yellow bud stage BBCH 59). The main gas-exchange parameters, net photosynthetic rate (PN), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs), and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) were measured on leaves prior to the piercing and immediately after the short-term piercing. The effect of mechanical wounding revealed different progress of the gas exchange process for the two forms. Piecewise linear regression with the breakpoint estimation showed that the plants at the same age but at a different vegetal stage, manage mechanical leaf-piercing differently. The differences concerned the stomatal conductance and transpiration changes since for rosette leaves the process consisted of five intervals with a uniform direction, while for stem leaves - of five intervals with a fluctuating direction. These parameters got stabilized within a similar time (220 mins) for both forms. The process of net photosynthetic rate was altered by the plant stages. ‘Muller’ plants at the rosette stage demonstrated dependence of PN on time in log-linear progression: y (PN) = 8.01+ 2.73 log10 (x t2); 7 < t2 < 220; R2 = 0.96. For stem leaves of ‘Feliks’ plants the process of transpiration, in terms of directions, was convergent with the process of photosynthesis. Those two processes were synchronized from 1st to 114th min of the test (r = 0.85; p < 0.001) in plants at the rosette stage and from 26th to 148th min in stem leaves (r = 0.95; p < 0.001).
The content of Cd, Pb, Fe and Co in the leaves of maple Acer platanoides L. growing in the area of Szczecin was termined and physiological measurements were made. The studies showed large differentiation of the content of selected heavy metals in the leaves of maple at individual stations in urban environment. The values of cadmium and lead were exceeded in the leaves of trees growing on the investigation sites along the streets with heavy traffic. On the basis of the correlation coefficient; a significant negative correlative relation between the content of Cd, Pb and Fe in leaves and the intensity of CO2 and transpiration was confirmed. The analysis of two factor variance confirmed a significant influence of the site and the date on the intensity of assimilation and transpiration and it also showed the significance of interaction.
Oznaczono zawartość Cd, Pb, Fe i Co w liściach klonu Acer platanoides L. rosnącego na terenie Szczecina oraz wykonano pomiary fizjologiczne. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały duże zróżnicowanie w zawartości wybranych metali ciężkich w liściach klonu na poszczególnych stanowiskach w środowisku miejskim. Wartości stężeń kadmu i ołowiu zostały przekroczone w liściach drzew rosnących w punktach badawczych przy ulicach o dużym natężeniu ruchu. Na podstawie wartości współczynnika korelacji stwierdzono ujemną istotną zależność korelacyjną pomiędzy zawartością Cd, Pb i Fe w liściach a natężeniem asymilacji CO2 i transpiracji. Analiza dwuczynnikowej wariancji potwierdziła istotny wpływ stanowiska i terminu na natężenie asymilacji i transpiracji oraz wykazywała istotność interakcji.
In the own research, an attempt was undertaken to evaluate resistance of three basket willow clones - Bjor, Jorr and Tora - to the stress induced by substrate salinity and to determine the content of free amino acid, ie of proline, in leaves as a sensitive bioindicator in differentiation of stress agent intensity as well as to measure selected physiological indices. Hydroponic experiment was carried out in 2004-2005. In this two-factor experiment, the first factor was three basket willow clones, Bjor, Jorr and Tora, whereas tour levels of substrate salinity: 0.00 (control), 0.034,0.068 and 0.102 mol. dm-3, represented the second factor. During the vegetation period, the intensity of gaseous exchange, ie E-transpiration (mmol m-2 . s-1) and A-assimUation of CO2 ([mu]mol m-2 s-1), as well as water saturation deficit in leaves (WSD) were measured. Basing on the results of gaseous exchange, water consumption efficiency in photosynthesis WF [mmol mol-1] was calculated. In the plant material (leaves), proline content [mg g-1 d.m.] was determined 7 days after salination of substrate with the method of Bates et al. (1973), as well as sodium and potassium contents [mg kg-1] with AAS method and their quantitative proportions (K/Na ratio) and fresh and dry matters [g]. As a result of the conducted experiment, significant differences were found in the content of free proline in the leaves of examined clones and between the levels of solution salinity. The leaves of Tora clone were characterized by significantly smaller concentration of free proline than those of Bjor and Jorr clones. While referring to salinity level, proline was accumulated by willow leaves most when substrate salinity was the largest; there was over two times more proline in Bjor and Jorr clones than under control conditions. The synthesis of that amino acid also significantly depended on the content of Na+ and K+ ions in leaves, but differently. In Bjor i Jorr clones, it rose together with the increase in the number of Na+ ions, whereas together with the increase of K+ ions in Tora clone. In Bjor clone, significant negative relationships were also found between the content of that amino acid and the volume of fresh and dry matter in the over ground part of basket willow and positive relations between proline and (WSD).
W badaniach własnych podjęto próbę oceny odporności trzech klonów wierzby wiciowej: Bjor, Jorr i Tora na stres wywołany zasoleniem pożywki (0.0; 0.034; 0.068; 0.1 02 mol, dm-3) oraz oznaczenie zawartości wolnego aminokwasu, tj. proliny w liściach jako czułego bioindykatora w różnicowaniu natężenia czynnika stresowego, a także pomiary wybranych wskaźników fizjologicznych. Dwuczynnikowe doświadczenie hydroponiczne przeprowadzono w latach 2004-2005. W czasie wegetacji mierzono intensywność wymiany gazowej, tj. E-transpiracji (mmol m-2. s-1) i A-asymilacji CO2 ([mu]mol m-z.2 s-1) oraz deficyt wysycenia liści wodą (WSD). Z wyników wymiany gazowej obliczono WF - fektywność wykorzystania wody w fotosyntezie [mmol mol-1]. W materiale roślinnym (liście), 7 dni po zasoleniu pożywki oznaczono zawartość proliny metodą Batesa i wspł. (1973) w [mg g-1 s.m.], a także zawartość sodu i potasu [mg kg-1] (metodą MS) i ich ilościowe proporcje (K/Na) oraz świeżą i suchą masę [g]. W wyniku przeprowadzonego eksperymentu stwierdzono statystycznie istotne różnice w zawartości wolnej proliny w liściach badanych klonów oraz między poziomami zasolenia roztworów. Liście klonu TORA charakteryzowały się mniejszą koncentracją wolnej proliny niż liście klonów BJOR i JORR, najwięcej proliny zgromadziły liście wierzby w warunkach największego zasolenia pożywki, u Bjor i Jorr było ponad dwukrotnie więcej proliny niż w warunkach kontrolnych. Synteza proliny zależała od zawartości jonów Na+ i K+ w liściach, ale nie jednakowo, u Bjor i Jorr rosła wraz ze wzrostem ilości jonów Na" a u Tora wraz ze wzrostem jonów K+. U klonu Bjor wykazano również ujemnie zależność pomiędzy zawartością aminokwasu a ilością świeżej i suchej masy części nadziemnej oraz dodatnią ze wskaźnikiem WSD.
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