The main focus of this paper is to examine the translation strategies of the translators of Herta Müller’s novel Atemschaukel, Radka Denemarková (Czech) and Katarzyna Leszczyńska (Polish). The aim is to find out to what extent the cultural experience of these translators, consisting of biographical, artistic and linguistic aspects, has influenced the translations. Important in this context is the transculturalism of the author Herta Müller. She uses idiomatic expressions and uses borrowings and a multitude of neologisms, the translation of which is influenced to varying degrees by the cultural experience of the translators in their search for equivalence at the level of expression.
The bibliography includes translations into the Silesian language made both in the standard script as well as in the non-standard one. The starting point for translations into the contemporary Silesian may be dated back to 2002. Since then, there have been irregularly published, usually in the form of collections, translations of various literary genres (with a preponderance of poetic forms) from dozen or so world languages, such as: Greek, Latin, French, German, Polish, Mandarin Chinese, English, Welsh, Russian, or the Upper Sorbian. No single translation from Silesian into other language is included, since heretofore no such a translation has been made.
On the occasion of 100 years of existence and activity of Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna, one may sum up the contribution of the Faculty of Theology which has existed as part of the uni- versity for 20 years. This contribution has concerned the research and teaching arenas combined with a commitment for the social community of the Wielkopolska province. What is specific of the faculty is its ability to work both on the scientific and didactic levels as well as on the church level, which requires considerable knowledge and time in order to competently combine the requirements of working at university with demands of the Catholic Church managed by the Second Vatican Council. The scientific and popular scientific initiatives in the widely understood biblical studies represent a valuable contribution to the celebration of 100 years of the Pozna university. Like other scientific disciplines, they can proudly make their own contribution to the development of sci- ence in our city, as well as the entire country. One can only hope that the present generation of sci- entists will take the baton passed to them in the relay race of generations, and will make their own contribution to the science thereby honouring Pozna as an important scientific centre in Poland.
W artkule zostają omówione zmieniające się teorie przekładoznawcze, które lokują wierność tłumaczy w różnych elementach procesu translacyjnego. Raz wymaga się od nich wierności wobec autora tekstu źródłowego, innym razem wobec oryginału lub kolejno: czytelników pierwowzoru, kultury wyjściowej, kultury docelowej, odbiorcy przekładu, zleceniodawcy przekładu, norm docelowych itp. Raz traktuje się tłumacza jako kopistę, innym razem pozwala mu się ingerować w tekst i być jego drugim autorem (czasem ważniejszym niż twórca pierwowzoru!). Te zmieniające się normy translatoryczne są opisane w artykule z punktu widzenia etyki słowa, dlatego najbardziej uwypuklona została w nim jedna z nowszych teorii przekładu − tj.„Szkoła Manipulistów”. Od lojalności tłumacza (wobec kogo? czego?) zależy kształt przekładu, który z kolei wpływa na rzesze czytelników, ich poglądy i postawy życiowe. Gdzie więc tłumacz ma tę lojalność lokować, wobec kogo i czego ma być wierny? W artykule zostają także udzielone odpowiedzi na te pytania.
The author discusses various changing translational theories which place the translator's loyalty in different elements of the translational process. Sometimes loyalty towards the author of the source text is demanded of them, and other times faithfulness towards the original work or to its readers, source culture, target culture, target recipients, translation commissioner, norms of the target culture etc. is required. Sometimes translators are treated like mere copyists, and other times as second authors (often even more important than the creators of the original texts). The article describes these changing norms from an ethical point of view, focusing on one of the most modern theories – the Manipulation School. A translator's loyalty (to what and whom?) influences the shape of the translation, which, in turn, affects its readers, their views and attitudes. And so, where should translators place their loyalty, to whom and to what should they be faithful? These questions require answers and answers are provided.
In this article we describe the peculiarities of learning foreign languages (Tibetan, Mongolian, Uyghur, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Burmese, English languages) in primary schools of China. These languages were the first foreign languages learning in China. The first foreign language that appeared in China was English. Only children from the rich families could learn this language. At first, there were no schools in China, that’s why children learnt foreign languages at home. In 1289 the first school of learning foreign languages was opened in China. The first teachers of foreign languages were Persian; moreover, only foreigners were the teachers in this school. The best students became the teachers of foreign languages later. Only boys had an opportunity to learn not only foreign languages, but enter the school. Chinese liked to learn different foreign languages. Most popular languages were Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian and English. At the end of the year students passed the exams. Nowadays, Chinese schools offer to learn foreign language from the first grade. Some kindergartens give lessons of learning foreign languages. English is the compulsory subject and is included into curriculum. At the end of each grade children pass the exam. The system of passing exams is the best system of verification of students’ knowledge in China. As we know, learning foreign languages in China has a long history. People want to know several foreign languages and they went to their aim. We found out that the first schools of learning foreign languages were founded by American and French missionaries. By the word, missionaries’ school revealed the specifics of training the foreign language teachers and translators; educational and methodological support of teaching foreign language (Glossary). English is the international language and every person in the world wants to know it. Chinese are not an exception. They began to learn English because their economy develops very quickly and they want to understand and communicate with foreigners.
This paper explores the concept of legal translation as a Third Space through the lens of the ‘multilingual’ Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ). In many ways legal translation at that Court fits readily with the characterisation of translation as a Third Space. Due to complex internal production processes the ECJ produces texts which are undoubtedly hybrid in nature, and which exhibit distinctive features on a lexical and textual level marking them out as a product of cross-fertilisation of influences from source and target languages and legal cultures. Even the teleological approach taken towards legal reasoning at the ECJ occupies a space outside the strict confines of the texts involved. Both the processes and the product of the ECJ’s language system appear to bear all the hallmarks of translation as a Third Space. However, translation at the ECJ also challenges the concept of a Third Space. The prevailing definitions of translation as a Third Space fail to effectively conceptualise additional nuances of the specific nature of drafting and the complex nature of translation at the ECJ. This paper uses original empirical data to demonstrate that translation at the ECJ places constraints on the undefined, vague and fluid nature of the Third Space, warping the forces at work within that space. In this regard, rather than an amorphous space, the Third Space is better thought of as a determinate area which is delimited by elements of translation process which constrain it. This adapted framing of the Third Space can consequently be used to better understand and illustrate the dynamics at play in other areas of legal translation where the current concept of the Third Space is equally inadequate for encompassing the specific nature of translation practices which impact on that space-in-between.
This article discusses the surviving translations of plays by two Roman authors, Plautus and Terence, in the context of their adaptations in Polish theatres over the last hundred years. It provides information on the number of Polish premieres of Plautus’s comedies in the 20th and 21st centuries, suggesting that the choice of repertoire was determined by the translations and their strategies with regard to the source texts. The research material is provided by theatre programs, which have often discussed the role of translation or cited statements by scholars and translators of ancient drama. Also significant is the absence of Plautus on the Polish stage between 1979 and 2009, and the complete lack of interest in the works of Terence, which were never performed in a professional theatre in the 20th or 21st centuries. Undoubtedly, translations have played a major role here (due to their anachronism or uncommunicativeness), but so did the social changes in the 21st century (gender studies, #metoo).
Artykuł analizuje zachowane przekłady sztuk dwóch rzymskich autorów, Plauta i Terencjusza, w kontekście ich adaptacji w polskich teatrach na przestrzeni ostatnich stu lat. Przynosi informacje na temat liczby polskich premier komedii Plauta w XX i XXI wieku, ale stara się także wskazać, że o doborze repertuaru decydowały przekłady i zastosowane w nich strategie. Materiału badawczego do analizy dostarczają programy teatralne, często omawiające rolę przekładu, a także przywołujące wypowiedzi badaczy i tłumaczy dramatów antycznych. Znacząca jest również nieobecność Plauta na scenie w latach 1979–2009 oraz kompletny brak zainteresowania dla twórczości Terencjusza, który w wieku XX i XXI nie pojawił się nigdy na deskach profesjonalnego teatru. Niewątpliwie duże znaczenie odegrały tutaj przekłady: ich anachroniczność lub niekomunikatywność, ale także zmiany obyczajowe XXI wieku (gender studies, #metoo).
The article provides an overview of the second decade of the 21st century in the field of literary translation in Poland – both in terms of the activity (and visibility) of translators, as well as translation scholars. It recalls the most important events, books, texts, polemics; it reviews translation awards and stakes, outlines diagnoses and future directions.
Artykuł stanowi próbę podsumowania drugiej dekady XXI wieku w dziedzinie przekładu literackiego w Polsce – zarówno jeśli chodzi o aktywność (i widzialność) tłumaczek i tłumaczy, jak i przekładoznawców. Przywołuje najważniejsze wydarzenia, książki, teksty, polemiki; dokonuje przeglądu translatorskich nagród i stawek, nakreśla diagnozy i kierunki.
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