The aim of this paper is to present current status of translatorics, including its subject and main goals. The paper is a review of my past views on translatorics, published in numerous papers and monographs since 1973, in comparison to my current position, based on long-term research. The term ‘translatorics’ was mentioned first time by myself in the conference monograph, published in 1981. Since then, my scientific work was focused and aimed to study the subject, goals, characteristics, and important discrepancies between the discipline, which I called ‘translatorics’ and other, apparently, similar ones: ‘traductology’, ‘translation studies’, ‘translatology’, ‘translation’ and ‘the theory of translation’ respectively.
The focus of this paper is the Polish translation of Charles Reznikoff poetry. Firstly, there goes an overall characteristic of the work by the American writer, whose conceptions became a core of the objectivist group-program of young poets connected to the Jewish diaspora in the 1930’s. Later, the main focus shifts to the conditions and presumable reasons for certain choices made by Piotr Sommer, Reznikoff’s Polish translator. Sommer’s choice – focusing predominantly on Reznikoff’s poetic miniatures – sheds light on the translator’s artistic preferences. Those poems by Reznikoff that have been translated into Polish do not carry as rich a historical, social, and cultural context – so important for an artist of the Jewish background – as his longer works, saturated with the religious allusions. However, Sommer’s translator’s craft – full of care and responsive to detail – allows his translations to frequently signal the strangeness and liminality of the passer-by subject, roaming the streets of New York.
The article discusses the problems of equivalence in the transfer of Russian phraseological neologisms into Czech. Such an analysis is based on the material of the Russian-Czech dictionary of neologisms compiled by L. Stepanova and M. Dobrova and published at the Olomouc University. A typology of phraseological equivalents, used by the authors of the dictionary, is proposed, the effectiveness of the transfer of phraseological units into the Czech language is demonstrated. A feature of phraseological neologisms of the source language is its original imagery and expressiveness, which makes the task of selecting equivalents especially difficult.
Článek pojednává o problémech ekvivalence při přenosu ruských frazeologických neologismů do češtiny. Taková analýza je založena na materiálu rusko-českého slovníku neologismů sestaveného L. Stěpanovou a M. Dobrovou a publikovaným Olomouckou univerzitou. Zde je navržena typologie frazeologických ekvivalentů, kterou používají autoři slovníku, je popsána účinnost přenosu frazeologických jednotek do českého jazyka. Charakteristickým rysem frazeologických neologismů zdrojového jazyka je jeho původní zobrazení a expresivita, což znesnadňuje zejména výběr ekvivalentů.
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