Translations by two early women Bible translators, Julia E. Smith (1792-1886) and Helen Barrett Montgomery (1861-1934), reflect their difference in purpose in attempting the translations as well as their level of knowledge of translation theory and linguistics. Smith translated merely for personal use in her own small society; her major concern was faithfulness to what she termed “the literal meaning.” Montgomery, on the other hand, wrote in consideration of her audience; she wanted to communicate clearly and naturally in idiomatic terms. Smith was inward-focused, whereas Montgomery was outward-focused.
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George Steiner’s Hermeneutic Motion, published in his major book After Babel, is usually regarded as the most important theory in the hermeneutics and even philosophy of translation. The work, however, has received criticism by authors who normally write outside of the classical realm of hermeneutics. A lingering assumption is that hermeneutics, and even other strands of Continental philosophy, necessarily need or should rely on Steiner’s postulates. A critical approach to his theory from a hermeneutic perspective can clarify how valid/practical Steiner’s ideas are. Reviewing all of the chapters in After Babel, this study thematically unifies the criticisms on Steiner’s theory, while highlighting deeper conflicts in the work. As a most substantial reading of the hermeneutic motion, the study emphasizes the importance of emerging hermeneutic theories of translation in the twenty-first century.
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The majority of translation theories remerging from the works of contemporary philosophers suffer from a lack of well-organized textual/semiotic analysis tools. Although such theories are specifically important because of their postulates, their incoherent methods normally make them difficult to be used or even sufficiently understood. Hermeneutic theories, however, have been re-visiting and re-constructing their principles, showing a remarkable tendency toward methodological and empirical investigation guided by their philosophy. Translational hermeneutics, as a major movement, has suggested six fundamental principles. Although this contribution systemizes and simplifies hermeneutic conceptions, it still needs to construct a lingual analytic system for practical translation. Seeking to address this problem, this study views the six principles in the light of narratology and suggests a unified organization based on Ricoeur’s narrative theory by breaking the principles into a cognitive-existential dimension (subjectivity, historicity, phenomenology) and a lingual/semiotic dimension (process character, holistic nature, reflection). This framework processes both minimal and maximal language variables and addresses practical and pedagogical considerations.
This article is a review of the monograph entitled Perspektywy na przekład [Perspectives on translation], edited by Maria Piotrowska and published in 2021 by the Jagiellonian University Publishing House in Krakow. The book consists of two parts; after 4 articles in part 1, addressing the issues of translation and Translation Studies more comprehensively, part 2 contains seven chapters whose authors focus on specific types of translation and types of translation studies. Each chapter provides the reader with solid knowledge and each supplies an extensive bibliography. The monograph is conceived as a compendium of knowledge about translation and a handbook opening a future series of similar publications in Polish and English. In my opinion, the book is unquestionably useful in all three areas declared by the co-authors: translation theory and practice as well as translator education.
Niniejszy artykuł jest recenzją monografii pod red. Marii Piotrowskiej pt. Perspektywy na przekład, która ukazała się w 2021 roku nakładem Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. Książka składa się z dwóch części; po 4 artykułach w cz. 1 ujmujących kwestie przekładu i przekładoznawstwa bardziej całościowo, cz. 2 zawiera siedem rozdziałów, których autorzy pochylają się nad konkretnymi rodzajami przekładu i typami badań przekładoznawczych. Każdy rozdział zaopatruje czytelnika w rzetelną wiedzę i każdy opatrzony jest obszerną bibliografią. Monografia pomyślana jest jako kompendium wiedzy o przekładzie i podręcznik otwierający przyszłą serię podobnych publikacji w języku polskim i angielskim. W mojej ocenie praca ta wykazuje niekwestionowaną przydatność we wszystkich trzech deklarowanych przez współautorów obszarach: teorii, praktyce i dydaktyce przekładu.
This article is devoted to the use of the Intercorp parallel corpus in translation theory. In the research selected phrasemes have been used in order to show possibilities of using the parallel corpus in translation. Particular focus has been put on translation equivalence and its criteria with reference to the material from the parallel corpus. Also, the specificity of Czech-Polish and Polish-Czech translation has been described, which provided a context for particular InterCorp resources. The analysis indicated usefulness of the corpus-driven material in the search of adequate translator’s solutions. The article contributes to theoretical analysis related to the role of parallel corpora in the translator’s work
Tento článek je věnován využití paralelního korpusu InterCorp v teorii překladu. Ve výzkumu byly použity vybrané fráze, které ukazují možnosti využití paralel- ního korpusu InterCorp. Zvláštní pozornost byla věnována rovnocennosti překladů a jeho kritériem s ohledem na materiál z paralelního korpusu. Také byla popsána specificita česko-polského a polsko-českého překladu, který poskytoval kontext pro konkrétní zdroje InterCorp. Analýza ukázala užitečnost materiálu korpusu při hledání vhodných překladatelských řešení. Článek přispívá k teoretickému badání, které ukazuje úlohu paralelních korpusů v práci překladatele.
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