The author argues that a very significant context for linguistic research on medieval translations is provided by the theory of vernacular literacy which can facilitate new insights into the oldest Polish texts. Its inclusion in the theoretical framework makes it possible to detect that structures deeply rooted in pre-literacy co-existed with structures typical for literate language. The author proposes to imagine the medieval translator as an illiterate man in his vernacular language and a learned one in Latin. The article provides an analysis of structures from Kazanie praskie, Kazania świętokrzyskie and Rozmyślanie przemyskie in the context of theory of literacy.
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In European science, the thought about the beginnings of the written national language is accompanied by the study of the process of vernacularization – understood as the entering of the national language into (at first exclusively Latin) texts. This paper aims to show the usefulness of the term vernacularization in Polish historical linguistic research. The author analyses how it is used and interpreted in European Mediaeval studies, and indicates and discusses selected Old Polish monuments which instantiate the various stages of the process.
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The paper analyses selected mediaeval Canons of the Mass from a text linguisctic perspective. It focuses on four monuments which are considered glosses from the point of view of the formal criterion (the placement on the page), and texts from the point of view of their shape (the degree of development). The analysis includes the graphical shape of the annotations, the syntax of the Polish passages with respect to the Latin prototype, the base and the completeness of the translation. This multi-faceted analysis leads to the conclusion that mediaeval Polish glosses to the Canons of the Mass consitute not a text but a complete collection of glosses. This conclusion is justified by both their graphical and grammatical shape: verbatim rendering of Latin constructions and inflections (inconsistent with Polish grammar), and accumulation of multiple lexical equivalents of a single element. When working with this kind of monuments, one needs to take into account not only the quantitative criterion (completeness of the translation) but also the function of the whole that the scribe created, and the intention of the author.
The aim of the article is to analyse an unknown vernacular translation of the Paraphrase of Pater noster by Ludolphus of Saxony. The author proposes a new way of thinking about glosses to the Latin text. It is believed that glosses are not only singular words but they form the artistic translation of the Latin base. The jottings can be interpreted as an open text, which could have been realised in many ways: as a Latin text, a Polish text or a bilingual, Polish-Latin text.
Celem artykułu jest analiza nieznanego tłumaczenia parafrazy Modlitwy Pańskiej Ludolfa z Saksonii na język wernakularny. Autor proponuje odmienny sposób spojrzenia na glosy do łacińskiego tekstu: nie są one jedynie pojedynczymi dopiskami, ale tworzą artystyczne tłumaczenie łacińskiej podstawy. Całość zapisków jest interpretowana jako tekst otwarty, możliwy do realizacji na kilka sposobów: w całości po łacinie, w całości po polsku oraz jako tekst dwujęzyczny.
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