The text introduces selected elements of Władysław Stróżewski's philosophy regarding the nation and art, emphasizing in this context the role of quality and the importance of values, as well as the metaphysicality of art and metaphysicality in art. The introduction of the concept of transcendentals later leads to the suggestion that art can show how these basic values become Polish. The aesthetic theory is extended by Grzegorz Sztabiński's observations on contemporary art. A discussion follows of the concepts of "margins of transcendence", its equivalents, observations of its possible experience, the active experience of artists and the sacralization of art, as well as the "skin of transcendence". These proposals, treated as ways of finding the metaphysicality of art and the metaphysicality in art, are applied to artistic examples. The works of Artur Żmijewski, Jerzy Bereś, Piotr Uklański, Jakub Woynarowski, Jakub Skoczek, and Jerzy Kalina are analyzed and interpreted. The conclusion includes a reflection on the expansion of the "margins of transcendence" appropriate to contemporary Polish art and the place of metaphysicality in it.
When we see in the world the fact that there are many beings, and we indicate that the particular beings exist in a compositional way, we face the task of learning about a new problem: how can we define and determine the relations between beings and between the elements within a being? Although the theory of participation has roots that go back to Plato, and so to a philosophy in which the pluralism of being was rejected and which accepted an identity-based conception of being, participation finds its ontological rational justification only (and ultimately) in the pluralistic and compositional conception of being. With the description of participation as a “descending road” in the cognition of being, we are restricting ourselves to the presentation of how participation is understood in realistic metaphysics (while we shall leave aside the history of the question). We will show the aspects of participation that provide a foundation for wisdom-oriented cognition, and we will show the specific character of participation-oriented cognition as a “descending road.”
In this article, we consider the problem of the equivalence of transcendentals: beauty, truth and good, in the perspective of two great thinkers of the twentieth century: H. U. von Balthasar and J. Tischner. Based on the confrontation of their reflections, we introduce the concept of the paradox of the “strugle of transcendentals” and we analyze the philosophical positions they occupy in this matter. The obtained research results, concerning all transcendentals, are then concretized on the agathological ground, where the similarities and differences in views of both authors are apparent. A common ground for Balthasar and Tischner consists in the recognition of good as a fundamental transcendentale in the development of (theo)dramatic reflection. The basic difference is revealed in their perception of the relation of good to other transcendentals. Tischner is in favor of the absolute primacy of good among all transcendentals, while Balthasar admits only a relative primacy in this case. In the final section of the work we indicate some shortcomings of both approaches and we propose a soteriological-anthropological example illustrating the validity of tischnerian approach.
W niniejszym artykule rozpatrujemy problem równoważności transcendentaliów: piękna, prawdy i dobra, w ujęciu dwóch znakomitych myślicieli XX wieku: H. U. von Balthasara i J. Tischnera. Opierając się na konfrontacji ich refleksji, wprowadzamy pojęcie paradoksu „walki transcendentaliów” i analizujemy stanowiska filozoficzne, jakie zajmują oni wobec tego zagadnienia. Uzyskane wyniki badań, dotyczące ogółu transcendentaliów, konkretyzujemy następnie na gruncie agatologicznym, na którym najwyraźniej zarysowują się podobieństwa i różnice w poglądach obu autorów. Wspólną płaszczyzną dla Balthasara i Tischnera okazuje się być uznanie dobra jako transcendentale fundamentalnego dla rozwijania refleksji (teo)dramatycznej. Podstawowa różnica ujawnia się w ich postrzeganiu relacji dobra do pozostałych transcendentaliów. Tischner opowiada się za absolutnym prymatem dobra wśród transcendentaliów, Balthasar dopuszcza w tym przypadku jedynie prymat relatywny. W końcowej sekcji pracy zwracamy uwagę na pewne mankamenty obu podejść i proponujemy soteriologiczno-antropologiczny przykład ilustrujący zasadność podejścia Tischnerowskiego.
The author shows the usefulness of the philosophy of Thomistic personalism in determining the type of education most beneficial to the human person’s highest development by building on St. Thomas Aquinas’s idea of personal relation according to both the first act-esse and the second act-operari. Because the richness of this philosophy involves the use of Thomistic metaphysics and metaethics, anthropology, political philosophy, phenomenology and aesthetics and is meant to be applied (as in Pope St. John Paul II’s theology of the body), the author helps discover a unique and fitting tool by which Catholic education may be considered and planned for based on what is most fundamental to the human person’s reality—the act of his existence and subsequent personalistic act, according to truth and love. The author also presents a selection of real applications included in such an approach to the person in relation.
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