The article actualizes the modernization of training of future artists-teachers, their readiness for future educational activities. Peculiarities of professional development of students and the organization of educational process in higher education are characterized; the specificity of the artistic and pedagogical profession is highlighted. The necessity of using the method of modeling as one of the effective methods in the study of future teachers is stated. The conditions for the effective use of modeling methods in the training of artists-teachers with their relevant content and forms of learning at each stage of professional education are given in the article. Based on the analysis of professional sources, study and generalization of experience of training of future artists and educators are formed for educationally-oriented tasks that can be solved by the method of modeling. In the context of formation of professional culture of a future artist-teacher modeling method is appropriate to apply in the process of drawing up of syllabi, holding of the fragments of individual lessons in the process of teaching practice. Using the modeling method determines the content of the work at each stage of professional education, because with the deepening of educational process is changing the accentuation of learning activities. The author believes that the solution of tasks with the use of the modeling method contributes to the formation of future teachers’ ability to use in practice the acquired professional knowledge, draws an analogy between psychological and pedagogical, philosophical, historical and artistic knowledge in the process of studying professional literature. On the basis of studying and generalization of experience, analysis of scientific sources was formed the list of pedagogically-oriented tasks that can be solved by simulation. It is noted that the analysis of the problem of increased training has allowed proving the relevance of the use of method of simulation in the educational process of artistic-pedagogical profile. Further consideration requires the systematic implementation of a method of modeling in the educational process of future artists-teachers.
The article reveals the development of positive motivation of educational activity in the future economists by means of mathematics. The article analyzes the development of positive motivation of educational activity of future economists by means of mathematics. A number of conditions that create a positive ground for the development of positive motivation learning are singled out: learning scientific concepts, the disclosure of the terms of their origin, formation of specific training activities, professional orientation, creating contradictions between the known and the unknown, organization of collective action, the use of incentives and condemnation, showing the importance of knowledge creation prospects. It was established that the positive internal motivation is formed in the most advanced students in the fourth year. It is indicated that mathematization of all spheres of human activity leads to a rethinking of established beliefs and educational activities. The conclusion is that mathematics, being an integral part of civilization and learning process, was not only the universal language of science, but also a powerful means of positive motivation of educational activity. The integration of disciplines is realized through the establishment of interdisciplinary connections. The basis for this should be mathematical modeling. As a result, curricula of training future economists included such subjects as “Econometrics”, “Optimization methods and models”, “Riskology”, “Methods of managerial decision-making”, etc. Along with this, there may be a variety of showed results of integration processes in education: at the level of facts, concepts, ideas, laws and so on. The study used a comparison, generalization and diagnostic methods, including questioning. As a result, we conclude that mathematics, being an integral part of civilization and learning process, not only was the universal language of science, but also a powerful means of positive motivation of educational activity. The analysis makes it possible to more effectively develop positive motivation for future economists.
W artykule zostały zaprezentowane wyniki badania kwestionariuszowego, stanowiącego część projektu badawczego dotyczącego poziomu wykorzystywania wiedzy zarządczej w procesach zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w organizacjach w Polsce. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone na przełomie lat 2016–2017 na przypadkowej próbie 440 respondentów zatrudnionych na stanowiskach typowych dla wczesnego etapu kariery zawodowej oraz reprezentujących różne firmy i organizacje. Celem badania była identyfikacja zależności prowadzonych działań szkoleniowych w organizacjach z różnym rodzajem kapitału (wyłącznie kapitał polski, zagraniczny i mieszany) i formą prawną (administracja publiczna, spółka z o.o./spółka akcyjna i działalność gospodarcza osób fizycznych). Wyniki wskazują, że istnieją jedynie niewielkie różnice w prowadzonych działaniach szkoleniowych, w metodach pozyskiwania informacji o potrzebach szkoleniowych, źródłach tych informacji oraz planowaniu i realizacji szkoleń pomiędzy organizacjami z różnym poziomem wiedzy na temat zarządzania procesami kadrowymi.
This article presents the results of a questionnaire study that is a part of a research project dealing with the level of application of management knowledge in human resource management processes in companies operating in Poland. The research was conducted at the turn of 2016 and 2017 on a random sample of 440 respondents filling job positions typical of early phases of the professional career and representing various companies. The aim of the study was the identification of relations between training activities carried out by companies with various type of capital (Polish capital, foreign and mixed capital) and the legal status of those enterprises (state–owned companies, public administration institutions, limited liability companies, joint stock companies, and private businesses). The results indicate that there are only small differences in training activities, in methods of procuring information about training needs, and in the planning and execution of training among organizations with various levels of knowledge on staff management processes.
W ostatnich kilku latach w Polsce rozpoczął się szerszy rozwój projektów ukierunkowanych na zagospodarowanie energii geotermalnej, zwłaszcza w ciepłownictwie. W latach 2019–2023 znaczna liczba projektów w tym obszarze znajdowała się na różnych etapach realizacji dzięki wsparciu publicznemu. Oczekuje się, że niskoemisyjne ogrzewanie geotermalne lokalnie zastąpi paliwa kopalne, przyczyni się do łagodzenia zmian klimatycznych i zwiększenia lokalnego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego. Do kluczowych czynników powodzenia realizacji tych projektów należy budowanie odpowiedniego poziomu wiedzy i świadomości wśród kluczowych zaangażowanych interesariuszy, a także transfer najlepszych praktyk. Ważną rolę w tym zakresie ma Projekt „Budowanie zdolności kluczowych zainteresowanych stron w dziedzinie energii geotermalnej” (KeyGeothermal). Jest to projekt predefiniowany w ramach Programu „Środowisko, Energia i Zmiany Klimatu” Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego (MF EOG) 2014–2021 w Polsce. Jest on realizowany we współpracy zespołów z Polski oraz Islandii – kraju będącego liderem rozwoju geotermii na świecie, posiadającego duże doświadczenie także w działalności szkoleniowej. Partnerami projektu są Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN oraz Krajowa Agencja Energii Islandii. Projekt rozpoczął się w październiku 2020 r., a zakończy w kwietniu 2024 r. Projekt ma na celu budowanie i pogłębianie wiedzy oraz wymianę najlepszych praktyk wśród kluczowych interesariuszy w Polsce, dotyczące optymalnego wykorzystania i zarządzania energią geotermalną w niskoemisyjnym ciepłownictwie. Grupę docelową Projektu stanowią samorządy, operatorzy ciepłowni, inwestorzy, beneficjenci programów wsparcia, administracja geologiczna, usługodawcy, konsultanci i inni gracze geotermalni. W rozdziale przedstawiono zakres działań szkoleniowych, wizyt studyjnych w celu poznania dobrych praktyk, a także inne działania adresowane do kluczowych interesariuszy z sektora geotermii w Polsce, oczekiwane rezultaty, rolę współpracy polsko-islandzkiej oraz Mechanizmu Finansowego EOG we wspieraniu rozwoju wykorzystania energii geotermalnej w krajach, które posiadają odpowiednie zasoby, takie jak Polska.
In the last few years Poland has started a wider development of geothermal applications, especially for district heating. In 2019–2022 significant number of projects in that area were at various stages of implementation thanks to public support. It is expected that low-emission geothermal heating will locally replace fossil fuels, contribute to mitigate climate change, and increase local energy security. The key factors for successful realization of those projects include, among others, building an appropriate level of knowledge and awareness in the group of key stakeholders involved, as well as transfer of best practices. The Project “Capacity building of the key stakeholders in the area of geothermal energy” (KeyGeothermal) plays an important role in this respect. It belongs to some predefined projects within the „Environment, Energy and Climate Change” Program, the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA FM) 2014–2021, in Poland. It has been carried out in cooperation of teams from Poland and Iceland – the latter being a country leading geothermal development worldwide, with extensive experience in training activities. The Project partners are the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the National Energy Authority of Iceland. Cooperation started in October 2020 and will be completed in April 2024. The Project aims to build and upgrade the knowledge and share best practices among key stakeholders in Poland related to the optimal use and management of geothermal energy in low-emission heating. The target group includes local governments, DH operators, investors, beneficiaries of support programs, geological administration, service providers, consultants and other geothermal players. The chapter presents the scope of the training program, study visits to learn good practices, other activities adressing the key geothermal stakeholders in Poland, expected results, the role of the Polish–Icelandic cooperation and the EEA FM in supporting geothermal uses in the countries which have proper resources, like Poland.
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