Flora and vegetation of a quagmire known as Jeziorko in the Masurian Lakeland (Pojezierze Mazurskie – north eastern Poland). Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 7: 129–143. Kraków. PL ISSN 1640–629X. ABSTRACT: The quagmire called Jeziorko near Drozdowo is a mire of lacustrine origin, situated in a post glacial area in the Masurian Lakeland. Among present day plant communities Eleocharitetum quinqueflorae, Betulo Salicetum repentis, Thelypteridi Phragmitetum can be found, as well as phytocoenoses characteristic for transitional and raised bogs. Some relations between water composition and vegetation are discussed. In total 101 species of vascular plants and 36 bryophytes were found within the area of the investigated mire. Among them 12 are endangered species (category V), and 7 species are the subject of strict protection. The need for protection of this mire is emphasized.
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