The building up and annotation of text corpora (both written and spoken) has become one of the urgent topics in present-day linguistics; the creation of the Czech National Corpus and the morphologically and syntactically annotated Prague Dependency Treebank documents that the Prague Linguistic School has not only kept contact with the recent trends of linguistic studies in the world, but in some aspects, it even sets an example. In the present contribution, several linguistic phenomena are selected to illustrate how a systematically designed and carefully implemented deep-level annotation of a large corpus of Czech texts may serve to verify linguistic theory. The theory underlying the annotation is that of Functional Generative Description (FGD) designed by Petr Sgall in the early 1960s as an original alternative to Chomskyan transformational grammar and developed since then by a group of Praguian theoretical and computational linguists at Charles University.
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In the present contribution, the main constitutive features of the Functional Generative Description as proposed by Petr Sgall and his collaborators are introduced together with a brief characterization of selected Czech grammatical phenomena within this framework. These phenomena include above all verbal and nominal valency and related issues and topic-focus articulation, esp. in relation to negation and presupposition. Criteria for the determination of valency members are proposed together with the changes in the valency structure connected with the application of different diatheses and alternations. The role of valency requirements in complex predicates is described and exemplified by means of derived structures. The other phenomenon investigated is connected with reflexive and reciprocal constructions. Furthermore, attention is devoted to the categorization of deletions and the related phenomenon of the general participant, and also to various comparative constructions that are described as constructions with surface deletions. The constructions introduced by the Czech preposition kromě ‘besides/instead of’ are used as an illustration of how their deep representation looks. The main tenets of FGD have been applied, verified and further refined in the Prague Dependency Treebank family and valency lexicons, which are briefly characterized here as well.
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The core of this article is a substantial part of an interview conducted by J. Nekvapil with F. Daneš on September 21, 1988. The aim of the interview was to gain information for a profile of Daneš on the occasion of his 70th birthday, which was later published in Philologica Pragensia (Nekvapil 1989). Unlike other published interviews given by Daneš in later years, this one is characterized by a relatively high degree of spontaneity, thus presenting a less stylized view of the development of Czech linguistics and the Prague School, as well as of the life of Daneš himself. Prior to the interview transcript, several essential factors which constitute the interview are fiven: the participants, goal, surroundings, key, communicative medium and sequential progression. Attention is also devoted to the way in which the interview is presented in this article, including the genre-related pressures on its presentation. The epilogue adds intormation about the activities of F. Daneš after the interview, i.e. after 1988, and some intertextual and interdiscursive connections. The publication of this text stands to commemorate this significant linguist, who died on March 18, 2015.
Jádrem tohoto článku je podstatná část rozhovoru, který vedl J. Nekvapil s F. Danešem 21. 9. 1988. Účelem rozhovoru bylo získat informace pro napsání medailonku o F. Danešovi u příležitosti jeho sedmdesátin. Tento medailonek byl pak publikován v časopise Philologica Pragensia (Nekvapil, 1989). Na rozdíl od jiných publikovaných rozhovorů, které poskytl F. Daneš později, se tento rozhovor vyznačuje relativně vysokou mírou spontánnosti, a představuje tedy méně stylizovaný pohled na vývoj české lingvistiky, Pražské školy i na život samotného F. Daneše, včetně jeho života každodenního. Před uvedením přepisu rozhovoru jsou v tomto článku stručně popsány některé základní faktory, které tento rozhovor konstituují: účastníci, účel, prostředí, tón, komunikační prostředky a sekvenční průběh. Pozornost je věnována i tomu, jak je rozhovor v tomto článku prezentován, a zmíněny jsou žánrové tlaky na jeho prezentaci. V epilogu jsou uvedeny životní aktivity F. Daneše, které následovaly po čase rozhovoru, tedy po r. 1988, a některé aspekty intertextové a interdiskurzní. Článek vychází jako připomenutí života a díla velkého českého lingvisty, který zemřel dne 18. 3. 2015.
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