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Ocular toxocariasis, or ocular larva migrans syndrome, is a parasitic disease of the eye caused by non-human species of roundworms, usually canine (Toxocara canis), which accidentally migrated into the eyeball. Although this disease is rare, in Poland it is the second infectious cause of posterior uveitis (11.8%). Additional and commercially available research in Poland that can be useful in this disease is of limited value, so the diagnosis should be clinical. This article gathers data from the literature on epidemiology, clinical course, diagnosis and actual principles of ocular toxocariasis treatment described from the point of view of an experienced infectious and parasitic diseases specialist.
Toksokaroza oczna, właściwie zespół larwy wędrującej ocznej, to choroba pasożytnicza oka, której przyczyną są obcogatunkowe larwy glist, najczęściej psiej (Toxocara canis), które przypadkowo zawędrowały do gałki ocznej. Jest to rzadka choroba, ale druga z infekcyjnych przyczyn zapalenia tylnego odcinka błony naczyniowej w Polsce (11,8%). Dostępne komercyjnie w Polsce badania dodatkowe, które możemy zastosować w tej jednostce chorobowej, mają ograniczone znaczenie, więc rozpoznanie powinno być kliniczne. W artykule tym zebrano dane z literatury z uwzględnieniem jej nowych pozycji, na temat epidemiologii, przebiegu klinicznego, rozpoznawania oraz współczesnych zasad leczenia toksokarozy ocznej opisane z punktu widzenia specjalisty chorób zakaźnych i pasożytniczych praktycznie zajmującego się chorobami oczu od ponad 20 lat.
The aim of the study was to enhance specificity of immunological diagnosis in toxocarosis. The investigations concem: detection of circulating parasite antigens using dot-ELISA technique and detection of specific IgG antigodies using ELISA test with low molecular weight (≤30 kD) excretory-secretory (ES) larval T. canis antigens. The circulating antigens were investigated in 60 sera and 20 anterior chamber fluids from children with ocular form of toxocarosis. These antigens were present only in 3 sera and 2 anterior chamber fluids in children with active intraocular inflamation and fluid antibodies titers 1:5120 and 1:20000. Comparative study with different ELISA tests indicated that use of low molecular weight antigens increase specificity of reaction.
Content available Toksokaroza oczna - przypadek kliniczny
A case of ocular toxocarosis treated by Hetrazan (diethylcarbamazine) was described.
Mice were infected with Toxocara canis by an oral administration of embryonated eggs of the parasite, then they were killed between 1st and 8th week after infection to obtain sera and splenic lymphocytes. The lymphocytes were kept in culture medium for 3 to 6 days with either concanavalin A or excretory-secretory antigen of T. canis and assayed for proliferative responses. The obtained sera were examined for the presence of specific IgG and IgM antibodies. It was found that cell-mediated immunity was depressed for 3 weeks after infection and the first signs of the developing immunity were detected only at the 4th week of infection. Subsequently, the blastogenic responses increased reaching a level significantly higher when compared with those of the control cultures at 8th week of infection. Specific toxocaral IgG and IgM antibodies were first detected in the samples collected at the 4th week.
Content available Toksokaroza w regionie lodzkim w latach 1996-2000
In the paper epidemiologic analysis of toxocarosis with socio-medical background in humans in the Łódź macroregion over the years 1996-2000 was carried out. It was found that 58.2% of toxocarosis cases represent asymptomatic invasions occurring more often in town residents. The clinical form "minor" pertained the country residents, patients of elementary education and the group "pupil-student". The "major" form of toxocarosis was found in the country residents, young people, and patients over 60 years old.
Toxocariasis is an infection with a larva of dog or cat ascaris (Toxocara canis, T. cati), which, unable to turn into fully matured form, circulates in the system and reaches various human organs and tissues. Risk factors of Toxocara canis/cati infection consist of age 3-10 years old, male sex, living in the country, possession of dogs, especially puppies and young dogs up to 3 years old and pica (eating inedible things) and onychophagia (biting one’s nails). Among clinical forms of toxocariasis usually characterized are visceral larva migrans syndrome, ocular migrans syndrome and covert. In this paper, a case of a 3-yearold boy from a rural environment, admitted because of suspicion of eosinophilic leukemia is presented. In the boy with a high eosinophilia of peripheral blood, after excluding the initial diagnosis and numerous parasitic diseases, a generalized form of visceral larva migrans syndrome was recognized. Due to multiple recurrence of symptoms in the boy and repeating hospitalisations on account of that a more detailed family interview was taken, from which it followed that the boy eats a lot of contaminated, by the present there puppies, sand, from the garden adjacent to the house. The observed by the parents pica, meaning eating inedible things, in this case sand, and presence in the vicinity of the house of neglected, not disinfestated puppies was the cause of severe form of infection in the child and of recurrence of symptoms. Considering the persistence of Toxocara canis infection in dogs in Poland and of the possibility of becoming infected with toxocariasis, prophylactic actions are essential, e.g. properly managed dog disinfestation, especially puppies. It is also important to change the sand in sandpits often, limit the number of homeless animals, take dogs for walks away from places where children play etc., but also to shape proper hygienic behaviour in children. An opportunity to resolve this epidemiological issue is a targeted cooperation of medical, veterinary, sanitary and public services.
Toksokaroza jest to zarażenie larwą glisty psiej lub kociej (Toxocara canis, T. cati), która, nie mogąc przejść w postać dojrzałą, krąży w ustroju i dociera do różnych narządów oraz tkanek człowieka. Do czynników ryzyka zarażenia Toxocara canis/cati należą: wiek 3-10 lat, płeć męska, mieszkanie na wsi, posiadanie psów, szczególnie szczeniąt i młodych psów do lat 3, oraz pica (spożywanie rzeczy niejadalnych) i onychofagia (obgryzanie paznokci). Wśród postaci klinicznych toksokarozy wyróżnia się zwykle zespół larwy trzewnej wędrującej, ocznej wędrującej oraz postać ukrytą. W pracy prezentowany jest przypadek 3-letniego chłopca ze środowiska wiejskiego, który został przyjęty z powodu podejrzenia białaczki eozynofilowej. U chłopca ze znaczną eozynofilią krwi obwodowej po wykluczeniu rozpoznania wstępnego oraz licznych chorób pasożytniczych rozpoznano postać uogólnioną zespołu larwy trzewnej wędrującej. Ze względu na kilkakrotny nawrót objawów u chłopca i ponowne hospitalizacje z tego powodu poszerzono wywiad środowiskowy, z którego wynikało, że chłopiec spożywa duże ilości piasku z ogródka przydomowego, skażonego przez przebywające tam szczenięta. Zaobserwowana przez rodziców pica, czyli spożywanie rzeczy niejadalnych, w tym wypadku piasku, oraz obecność w otoczeniu domu zaniedbanych, nieodrobaczanych szczeniąt były przyczyną ciężkiej postaci zarażenia dziecka i nawracania objawów. Ze względu na uporczywość zakażenia Toxocara canis u psów w Polsce i możliwości zarażania się toksokarozą konieczne są działania profilaktyczne, np. właściwie prowadzone odrobaczanie psów, a szczególnie szczeniąt. Ważne jest również częste zmienianie piasku w piaskownicach, ograniczenie liczby bezdomnych zwierząt, wyprowadzanie psów z dala od miejsc zabaw dzieci itp., ale również kształtowanie właściwych zachowań higienicznych u dzieci. Szansą rozwiązania tego problemu epidemiologicznego jest ukierunkowana współpraca służb medycznych, weterynaryjnych, sanitarnych i publicznych.
Rabbits were infected with an oral dose of 50000 eggs of Toxocara canis or with an intracarotid injection of the second stage larvae of the parasite in order to develop ocular toxocariasis. Serum and ocular fluid samples were collected from the rabbits after 1,3 and 6 months after infection and examined for specific toxocaral antibodies and circulating parasitc antigen. Furthermore, an ophthalmoscopic examination was performed at the time of sampling. None of the infected animals showed the signs of ocular involvement, however, toxocaral IgG antibodies and circulating parasite antigen were present in the anterior chamber fluid samples.
Content available Problem toksokarozy na Litwie
Human infection with a parasite called larva migrans visceralis (most often larva of Toxocara canis) has been poorly studied. In order to determine the extensity of infection in dogs, stray dogs at the age more than 1 year were studied. During section, the worms were found in 16 (11.3%) dogs, at the intensity of infection 2-12 specimens per dog, mean value 5.7. To estimate the extent of infection of soil through dog feces, and to find ways and vectors of toxocarosis, soil samples were studied, taken from house gardens, parks, lawns and places of children play. The eggs of T. canis were found in 7.3% samples. The soil from house gardens was infected in 8.1%, that from the places of children play – in 5.7%. The eggs of T. canis were most often found in samples collected in summer-autumn. Patients with clinical symptoms suggesting presence of larvae migrans visceralis were immunologically tested. Blood of 739 patients with various alergy symptoms or unclear ethiology was examined. The reaction was positive in 11,5% persons, most of them children at the age of 1-3 years. In 21 children aged 1 or less the titre was high. Because the children below 1 have a limited contact with soil, a possibility of passive infection through the placenta was considered. Using ELISA test, 100 pregnant women, and children during the first year of their life were examined. Antibodies against T. canis were found in 21 women (4.7%). During the birth, the antibodies were found in blood of one child only.
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