The main goal of this article is to present some of the dimensions characterizing the worldof the committed (called also ‘fanatical’, ‘hardcore’) football fans. It is assumed that thestructure of this group is strongly saturated with a specific cultural content which generatesits identity. This refers to the cultural patterns that constitute a form of a culturalcommunity. A comprehensive analysis of the nuances of the fan culture would exceed theframework of an article, therefore only one cultural pattern is described. The patter whichis responsible, however, for a wide range of events. It is a frame of creating the ‘opposition’of various kinds, the mechanism of defining the identity on the basis of the distinction between ‘We’ and the ‘Other’. It is one of the fundamental characteristics defining thefan movement in Poland. It is assumed that the cultural and social factors independentlycontribute to the constitution of this community largely due to the identity of ‘difference’.It is reasonable to show the role played by the external factors that operate in a broaderstructural context in shaping this phenomenon.
The objective of the article is an attempt at answering the question whether the Islamic umma, being a socio-political phenomenon, refers to the conception of such a community as a nation or is it rather a religious community. Were there any other criteria outside Islam determining an Islamic identity. In her article, the authoress discusses the historic roots of the development of umma, the meaning of the concept itself in relation to the Quran and to the tradition, religious, social, and political factors influencing its specificity and finally on the transformation in the umma sense in our times. The article discusses several extensive issues, such as the relationship between umma and the state, the society and the authority in the historical state of Islam, the idea of umma in contemporary conditions, which are just mentioned, but refer to vital issues connected with what is often described as political Islam.
Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy islamska umma, będąc fenomenem społeczno-politycznym, nawiązuje do koncepcji wspólnoty, jaką jest naród, czy raczej stanowi wyłącznie religijną zbiorowość, albo czy poza islamem istniały inne kryteria określające muzułmańską tożsamość? Autorka przedstawiła w artykule historyczne podłoże powstania ummy, znaczenie samego pojęcia w nawiązaniu do Koranu i do tradycji, uwzględniła również religijne, społeczne i polityczne czynniki wpływające na jej specyfikę, a ostatecznie także na przemianę w rozumieniu ummy współcześnie. Artykuł porusza kilka obszernych tematów, takich jak związek ummy z państwem, społeczeństwo i władza w historycznym państwie islamu, idea ummy w warunkach współczesnych, które zostały jedynie zasygnalizowane, stanowią jednak istotne kwestie połączone z tym, co często określa się mianem „politycznego islamu”.
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