This article refers to a reflection of researchers from the Poznań school of cultural studies (Artur Dobosz, Anna Pałubicka) regarding the concept of schizophrenic dissolution (a term coined by Jan Mazurkiewicz) and its possible application in an analysis of postmodern culture. The author of the article argues that the said dissolution – understood as a struggle between the prelogical/magical/metamorphic thinking and the causal/logical, abstract one – takes place not only in a person’s psyche but is also reflected in the media space, for example through the creation and functioning of the so-called virtual identity.
In recent years, the use of online dating platforms has evolved from a marginal to a widespread social practice. The online dating arena provides an opportunity to investigate changing cultural norms concerning technology-mediated relationship formation and to shed light on such aspects of online behavior as the impression formation process and self-presentation strategies. A field experiment was focused on self-presentation strategies and tactics among online dating participants, investigating how participants' sex effects on managing their online presentation of self in order to accomplish the goal of enhancing their level of attractiveness. After conducting a pilot study, was collected 200 text-based profiles (100 women, 100 men) from the online dating service “” and examined through them with respect to strategies type.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest przegląd piśmiennictwa poświęconego tematyce wirtualnej autoprezentacji oraz próba określenia najczęściej stosowanych strategii i taktyk autoprezentacyjnych na portalu Kolejne cele pracy polegają na sprawdzeniu, jak płeć użytkownika wpływa na kształtowanie jego wirtualnego wizerunku za pomocą językowych środków wyrazu. Na potrzebę badania przeanalizowano 200 opisów (100 profili mężczyzn, 100 profili kobiet), zaprezentowane wyniki pokazują dominujące postawy autoprezentacyjne oraz aktualne tendencje w wyborze sposobu autoprezentacji pod względem płci.
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