A method was prepared for the sealing of artificial blood vessels by combined soaking and spraying. Biocompatible and resorbable copolymers of poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) with varying contents of two co-monomers were used in the investigations. The materials were provided by Boehringer Ingelheim Co, Germany under the trade name Resomer. The polyester double-sided veloured knitted fabric vessel prosthesis DALLON H, by TRICOMED Co, constituted the matrix. Application trials resulted in the selection of Resomer RG 755S, containing 75% mol. residues of D,L-lactide and 25% mol. residues of glycolide. A modified polyester blood vessel prosthesis was prepared bearing the surgery tightness (water permeability below 30 ml/cm2/min) and physical-mechanical properties required, including elasticity adequate for such a medical device. Conditions for the sealing were elaborated at large laboratory scale with a notable composition of the coating bath and application of the coating. Results of the investigations can be considered as a basis for a technology layout for the sealing of artificial blood vessels with biocompatible and resorbable synthetic copolymer poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide).
Opracowano metodę uszczelnienia ścianek sztucznych naczyń krwionośnych przy wykorzystaniu resorbowalnego syntetycznego materiału polimerowego. Zastosowano biozgodne kopolimery poli(DL-laktydo-ko-glikolid) typu Resomer. Matrycę stanowiła poliestrowa dwustronnie welurowana dziana proteza naczyniowa DALLON H. Powłoka uszczelniająca była nanoszona na powierzchnię protezy kombinowaną techniką napawania i natrysku. W wyniku przeprowadzonych prac uzyskano modyfikowaną poliestrową protezę naczyniową, charakteryzującą się wymaganą szczelnością chirurgiczną (przepuszczalność wodna poniżej 30 ml/cm2/min) i odpowiednimi właściwościami fizyko-mechanicznymi. Wytypowane zostały warunki uszczelniania uwzględniające skład kąpieli powlekającej, metodykę nanoszenia powłoki uszczelniającej w skali wielkolaboratoryjnej. Przeprowadzone badania stanowią podstawę do przygotowania założeń technologii uszczelnienia sztucznych naczyń krwionośnych biozgodnym i resorbowalnym kopolimerem syntetycznym DL-laktyd/glikolid.
The article considers the problem of punishment for the series of crimes. It raises the legal character of the rule of tightening the criminal responsibility as a consequence of committing crimes remaining in a confl uence of events connected with the buckle of continuity. The main doubt accompanying such evaluation is connected with the answer to the question if the legal eff ects within the scope of punishment resulting from the art. 91 § 1 of the Penal Code express ordinary or extraordinary punishment. The dispute about the legal nature of the consequences resulting from that regulation has not only the theoretical-legal dimension. Accepting one of those options causes far-reaching legal consequences within the sphere of the law practice application. It decides about the scope of the legal responsibility and determines the relations with other statutory premises that modify its limits. In this context there are also the remarks considering the conditions of accepting the set of principles, resulting from art. 57 of the Penal Code, reforming those limits with the rule of punishment for the series of crimes. The analysis takes up the problem of the punishment for the continuous act defi ned in art. 12 of the Penal Code. We have to take into consideration that this institution derives from the same as the series of crimes structure of the continuous act of crime that was in the Penal Code from 1969, which is the basis of the extraordinary tightening the punishment. Thus there comes the question — whether resigning from modifying the principles of legal responsibility for the continuous act of crime can lead to impression of the dissymmetry of penalty of both structures, and is that the reasonable and rational solution.
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