This article recommends the promotion of moral competence in the health and pharmacy professions to enable them to respect human and patient health rights with a focus on the provision of reproductive and sexual health care services. In certain cultures, health care and drug providers follow their conscientious objection (conscience clause) and decline to perform specific health services, including the provision of legal contraceptives in cases protected by legal and human rights. Such malpractices may violate patients’ and purchasers’ legitime rights. The article also presents findings obtained in Poland with N=121 women experimentally interviewed to examine their experiences as contraception purchasers, to assess their preference concerning facing human vs. robotic pharmacists, to manage the risk of refusal argued by the conscientious objection, and to score their moral competence with one of the dilemmas included in the MCT by G. Lind. This study demonstrated that purchasers with higher C-score (C for moral competence) would not just prefer a robotic pharmacist without a ‘conscience’ but, rather, a competent sales staff able to instruct the patient and advice her on any related queries. It further results that participants with higher moral competence are thus less likely to trust the medical expertise of artificial intelligence. We conclude that public institutions in pluralistic societies must manage normative reproductive health contexts more inclusively, and the election, education, and practice of health professionals in the public health care sector require the development of a normative mindset toward respecting the rights of all patients instead of respecting them selectively at the diktat of particularistic conscience.
The article highlights the theoretical and methodological foundations for the use of divergent chemical experiments in secondary schools. The main aspects of the methodology of teaching chemistry divergent tasks covered their feature are summarized. The analysis of the literature on educational creativity of the students are given. Learning creativity is seen by us as a cognitive activity aimed at obtaining new results subjectivity – now knowledge for the students or something concrete (the device model, a chemical compound, a process). It is noted that the work of teaching is based on creative thinking. Insufficient emphasis is placed on the role of chemical experiments in the development of creativity of the students. Divergent chemical experiment is defined as experimental tasks which enable you to create a problematic situation, causing interest among the students to find creative ways to solve it. Divergent chemical experiment is characterized by the absence of a clear final answer, the students focus on finding more correct answers on the problem solving the task. The functions of the experiment and the principles of its organization are described. The components of divergent experiment, experimental task and thought experiment are characterized. The experimental task is a task of a practical nature, the answers to which the students are looking for in the course of the experiment. Experimental activity, methods for solving divergent problems are described. Imaginary chemical experiment is an experiment that is planned and imagined which is based on knowledge of substances and their properties. The author determines the principles of selection tasks thought experiment, the stages of solving problems, describes a technique for solving the task of divergent thought experiment. Instructional design techniques of divergent experimental tasks are proposed. Use in teaching chemistry experiment provides divergent development of creative thinking and as a means of diagnosing the students with quality educational material. The main condition for the successful solution of divergent experimental tasks by the students are the following: 1) ownership of diverse knowledge of previously learned topics; 2) possession of certain methods of creative thinking (comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, analogy). For solving some problems sufficiently rapid reproduction of knowledge in a slightly altered situations and relations to others requires sophisticated thoughtful operations.
A democratic state is an ideal that has been realized for years with varying results in many countries and, if possible, it should still be cultivated by every society. But the very idea of a democratic state is not enough, because the majority in relation to minorities can be cruel, harsh and ruthless. A democratic government can bring much misfortune to minorities in the name of its good causes. We see at every step: the forgotten, isolated, excluded and deprived of rights, people often associated with the opposition or those who lost power, for example due to the end of their term of office. It should be noted, however, that in many cases a minority, thanks to the mechanisms of democracy, can grow in strength and lead to their rule and overshadow the principles of the majority. The thought experiment, as understood by the authors of the text, is to emphasize the essence of democracy in the context of information, truth and symbol. For this reason, it can be considered a research method useful in situations where it is possible to apply one's own interpretation of events, without induction and deduction. This form of research is intended to create premises for perceiving problems in terms that have not been taken into account so far. Rejecting schematic methods of solving problems for the reason that they would not meet the expectations placed in them by people from outside the world of science – the authors developed an innovative, accessible form of multi-faceted perception, transformation and explanation of issues arising in society. By publishing its principles, they want to encourage the use of a thought experiment: students, managers or politicians, on whom the future of all of us, and above all of civil society, depends.
Demokratyczne państwo to ideał realizowany od lat z różnym skutkiem w wielu krajach i jeżeli jest tylko to możliwe powinien być on nadal kultywowany przez każde społeczeństwo. Lecz sama idea państwa demokratycznego nie wystarczy, ponieważ większość w stosunku do mniejszości może być: okrutna, sroga i bezwzględna. Demokratyczny rząd może w imię szczytnych celów sprowadzić wielu nieszczęść na mniejszości. Dostrzegamy na każdym kroku: zapomnianych, wyizolowanych, wykluczonych i pozbawionych praw ludzi często związanych z opozycją lub tymi, którzy utracili władzę na przykład na skutek zakończenia kadencji. Należy jednak zauważyć, że wielu przypadkach mniejszość, dzięki mechanizmom demokracji, może rosnąć w siłę i wprowadzić swoje rządy i usunąć w cień pryncypia większości. Eksperyment myślowy w rozumieniu autorów tekstu ma za zadanie uwypuklić istotę demokracji w kontekście: informacji, prawdy i symbolu. Z tego powodu można go uznać za metodę badawczą przydatną w sytuacjach, w których możliwe jest zastosowanie własnej interpretacji zdarzeń, z pominięciem indukcji i dedukcji. Ta forma badań ma za zadanie tworzyć przesłanki do postrzegania problemów w kategoriach niebranych do tej pory pod uwagę. Odrzucając schematyczne metody rozwiązywania problemów, ze względu to, że nie przyniosłyby one pokładanych w nich oczekiwań przez osoby spoza świata nauki – autorzy opracowali innowacyjną przystępną formę wieloaspektowej percepcji, przekształcania i wyjaśniania zagadnień pojawiających się w społeczeństwie. Publikując jej zasady, chcą zachęcić do stosowania eksperymentu myślowego: studentów, menadżerów czy polityków, od których zależy przyszłość nas wszystkich a przede wszystkim społeczeństwa obywatelskiego.
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