The aim of this work was to elaborate two-dimensional behavioral modeling method of thick-film resistors working in low-temperature conditions. The investigated resistors (made from 5 various resistive inks: 10 resistor coupons, each with 36 resistors with various dimensions), were measured automatically in a cryostat system. The low temperature was achieved in a nitrogen-helium continuous-flow cryostat. For nitrogen used as a freezing liquid the minimal temperature possible to achieve was equal to −195.85 °C (77.3 K). Mathematical model in the form of a multiplication of two polynomials was elaborated based on the above mentioned measurements. The first polynomial approximated temperature behavior of the normalized resistance, while the second one described the dependence of resistance on planar resistors dimensions. Special computational procedures for multidimensional approximation purpose were elaborated. It was shown that proper approximation polynomials and sufficiently exact methods of calculations ensure acceptable modeling errors.
Studies of electrical properties, including noise properties, of thick-film resistors prepared from various resistive and conductive materials on LTCC substrates have been described. Experiments have been carried out in the temperature range from 300 K up to 650 K using two methods, i.e. measuring (i) spectra of voltage fluctuations observed on the studied samples and (ii) the current noise index by a standard meter, both at constant temperature and during a temperature sweep with a slow rate. The 1/f noise component caused by resistance fluctuations occurred to be dominant in the entire range of temperature. The dependence of the noise intensity on temperature revealed that a temperature change from 300 K to 650 K causes a rise in magnitude of the noise intensity approximately one order of magnitude. Using the experimental data, the parameters describing noise properties of the used materials have been calculated and compared to the properties of other previously studied thick-film materials.
Low-frequency noise in thick-film resistors of RuO2 and glass mixture study in temperature below 2 K has been described. Second spectra method has been used to test gaussianity of the measured noise. Possibility of nongaussianity in observed 1/f noise has been found at lowest temperature in experiment, T= 0.37 K.
Opisano badania szumu w zakresie małych częstotliwości w rezystorach RuO2-szkło w temperaturze poniżej 2 K. Zastosowano metodę widm drugiego rzędu do określenia cech gaussowskich zmierzonego szumu 1/f. Wykryto niestacjonarność szumu w najniższej temperaturze uzyskanej podczas eksperymentu, T= 0,37 K.
The article presents results arise during long-run cooperation between Department of Technology in Electronics at Technical University in Kosice and Department of Electronic and Communication Systems at Rzeszow University of Technology in the field of LTCC technology. It is oriented towards the analysis of piezoresistive effects in thick- film resistors on LTCC stripes, the analysis of membranes based on LTCC for applications in the area of pressure sensors. The technology of 3D.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki długoletniej współpracy pomiędzy Katedrą Technologii Elektronicznych Technicznego Uniwersytetu w Koszycach (Słowacja) a Zakładem Systemów Elektronicznych i Telekomunikacyjnych Politechniki Rzeszowskiej w zakresie technologii LTCC. Wzajemnie uzupełniające się badania dotyczyły analizy efektów piezoelektrycznych w grubowarstwowych rezystorach linii mikropaskowych wykonanych w technologii LTCC, jak również analizy właściwości membran (również wykonywanych w w/w technologii) wykorzystywanych w czujnikach ciśnienia. Ostatnią części artykułu poswięcono wytwarzaniu modułów w technologii 3D.
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