Low temperature PEM fuel cells generate electricity with an efficiency of the order of 50%. The remaining chemical energy of the fuel is converted into heat with a relatively low temperature. The working temperatures of PEM fuel cells usually do not exceed 80-90°C to prevent damage to the membrane material. This requires the cooling of the fuel cells, and the heat with a temperature of about 70°C obtained in the process may generally be used only for heating purposes. In order to improve the electricity generation efficiency of the PEM fuel cells (PEMFC), it is proposed that Peltier semiconductor thermoelectric modules should be used as thermogenerators. This solution allows a conversion of heat into electricity from a low temperature source. This process is completed in a direct energy conversion device. Water-cooled PEMFC stacks are used in the conducted studies. This solution makes it possible to use the waste heat in a specially designed heat exchanger beyond the fuel cell. For the research purposes, a device is constructed which is composed of two thermally insulated water chambers with Peltier modules in between. One of the chambers is fed with hot liquid from the PEMFC cooling cycle. The other chamber, fed with a cold liquid, makes it possible for the heat to flow through Peltier thermoelectric modules, converting heat into electricity. In such systems it is very difficult to obtain an effective heat flow in the exchanger and to ensure a relatively large temperature difference between the upper and the lower heat source. This problem may be solved by using the concept proposed in this paper, i.e. by placing Peltier modules inside individual fuel cells. As a result, a compact structure is obtained, which allows a minimization of possible energy losses and a reduction in the device weight. This, however, requires appropriate cooling (maintaining a low temperature) on what is referred to as the Peltier cell cold side. Additionally, owing to the fact that Peltier cells may operate as a "heat pump" or as a thermogenerator, extra assistance is obtained in the fuel cell for the generation of either electricity or heat, depending on the needs.
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An increasing number of electric and electronic devices in vehicles improves the safety and comfort of users as well as imposes higher requirements to power supply systems. Moreover, the global shortage of fuel requires a development of hybrid and electric vehicles. Recovery o f waste thermal energy and its conversion into electricity are the economic and environment friendly methods to supply power to vehicles. Actions leading to creation of testing methods and technologies, enabling development of the system for recovery and conversion of thermal energy into electricity, are presented in the article. The concept of a model of a recuperator and its tests on a properly adapted test stand for diesel engines are discussed. The method for cooperation of the control system with the power supply system of the machine as well as a concept of a control system aiming at integration of operation of three power sources (a battery, a generator and a recuperator) are presented. A prototype of an innovative controller with an algorithm for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is presented and impact of its use on tests results is discussed. Tests results have confirmed the usefulness of the system in the machines with diesel engines as well as in other objects, where there is heat loss and where proper temperature difference can be assured.
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W pracy przedstawiono przegląd literatury dotyczącej pozyskiwania energii znajdującej się w otoczeniu (energy harvesting- EH). Skupiono się na pozyskiwaniu energii EH ze źródeł małej mocy, co powoduje, że występują ograniczenia w stosowaniu harvestingu do urządzeń elektronicznych, które charakteryzują się niewielkim poborem prądu. Dokonano przeglądu fabrycznych rozwiązań układów scalonych wykorzystujących komponenty do pozyskiwania energii z otoczenia i jednoczesnego zasilania urządzeń elektronicznych małej mocy. Zaproponowano koncepcję wykorzystania pozyskiwania energii EH do zastosowań militarnych.
The paper reviews the literature on energy harvesting in the environment (energy harvesting - EH). The focus was on obtaining EH energy from low-power sources. As a result, there are limitations in using harvesting for electronic devices that are characterized by a low power consumption. The factory solutions of semiconductor systems using components for obtaining energy from the environment were reviewed. The concept of using EH energy for military applications was proposed
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The paper presents a comparative analysis of three different electrothermal models of a thermoelectric generator (TEG) implemented in SPICE. It starts from a model that is based on the constant parameters theory. Next, the one that takes into account a mean temperature at the both sides of the thermogenerator is described. Finally, a modified model is shown that calculates the values of parameters according to the actual temperatures at the hot and cold sides of a Peltier module respectively. Results of simulations for these three models are presented and discussed.
W artykule przestawiono analizę porównawczą trzech różnych elektrotermicznych modeli generatorów termoelektrycznych zaimplementowanych w programie do analizy obwodów elektronicznych SPICE. Począwszy od modelu opartego na teorii stałych parametrów, poprzez model uwzględniający temperaturę średnią, jako ostatni opisano model biorący pod uwagę termiczne zależności parametrów modułu Peltiera niezależnie od temperatury strony zimnej i gorącej. W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki symulacji dla przedstawionych modeli oraz wnioski.
W artykule omówiony został układ do pomiarów modułów termoelektrycznych Peltiera przy zastosowaniu platformy Arduino opartej na mikrokontrolerze Atmega328P. Przedstawiono także wyniki z takich pomiarów dla ogniwa termoelektrycznego z serii TEC1-12705. Zarówno dla pracy w trybie chłodzenia (zjawisko Peltiera), jak i w przypadku pracy jako termogenerator (zjawisko Sebeecka).
The article discusses the system for measuring Peltier thermoelectric modules using the Arduino platform based on the Atmega328P microcontroller. The results of such measurements for the TEC1-12705 series of thermoelectric cells are also presented. Both for cooling mode operation (Peltier effect) and for working as a thermoenergy generator (Sebeecka effect).
The article presents a model system for the production of AC electrical energy from a low temperature heat using thermoelectric generators TEGs. Combinations of many TEGs in various configurations have been described. The results of the mutual influence of thermoelectric generators on the ability to generate resultant electrical energy depending on the temperature distribution and the heat supplied are presented. The conditions necessary to increase the efficiency of electrical energy yield have been given.
W artykule przedstawiono modelowy układ do wytwarzania energii elektrycznej prądu przemiennego z ciepła niskotemperaturowego z zastosowaniem ogniw termoelektrycznych. Opisano badania połączeń wielu termoogniw w różnych konfiguracjach. Przedstawiono wyniki wzajemnego wpływu ogniw termoelektrycznych na zdolność generowania wypadkowej energii elektrycznej w zależności od rozkładu temperatury i dostarczanego ciepła. Podano warunki konieczne do zwiększenia efektywności uzysku energii elektrycznej.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu prac prowadzonych przez ostatnie kilkanaście lat w Instytucie Technologii Elektronowej Oddział w Krakowie, związanych z tematyką autonomicznych systemów zasilania rozproszonego zwłaszcza tych bazujących na modułach fotowoltaicznych w tym również hybrydowych. Dokonano przeglądu komponentów opracowanych i produkowanych w Instytucie potrzebnych do ich praktycznych realizacji. Zaprezentowano unikatowy system przeznaczony do modelowania, monitorowania i walidacji projektów hybrydowych instalacji fotowoltaicznych wspomaganych ogniwami paliwowymi i generatorami termoelektrycznymi. Dokonano prezentacji wybranych realizacji praktycznych.
Paper reviews research carried out over the last several years at the Institute of Electron Technology. It covers a subject of autonomous distributed power supply systems based on photovoltaic modules as well as hybrid solutions. A review of the components developed and manufactured at the Institute is presented. Paper also presents a unique system designed for modeling, monitoring and validation of hybrid photovoltaic projects supported by fuel cells and thermoelectric generators.
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