Mud baths have been known and used for thousands of years, but their mechanism is not fully understood. Mud therapy has been successfully used in the treatment of neurological, rheumatologic (osteoarthritis) and cardiovascular disorders, gynecological conditions (inflammatory and menstrual cycle disorders) and skin pathology (eczema, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis). We present recent data on the mechanism of mud baths and their clinical application.
Cellulite is a serious aesthetic and health skin problem. The term cellulite refers to the dimpled appearance of the skin on hips, thighs and buttocks. Most of the existing methods of reduction or prevention of cellulite require not only significant expense but, above all, time and regularity of use. Therapeutic clothing with anti-cellulite properties seems to be an optimal solution which could be applied during women’s daily activity, simultaneously with business or housework. Such clothing, in addition to anti-cellulite properties, should have appropriate biophysical properties to ensure the wearers hygiene and physiological comfort. Within the framework of the research presented, an assortment of seersucker woven fabrics for anti-cellulite clothing was developed. Anti-cellulite properties of the fabrics developed were achieved through a three-dimensional structure of fabrics providing a massaging effect during the usage of clothing made thereof, the use of innovative yarns made of polymer fibres with antibacterial properties, and yarns providing moisture transport. In addition, thanks to the three-dimensional structure, the fabrics developed are characterised by an increased thermal resistance that provides a thermal effect, which is also an important element in the fight against cellulite.
W ramach przedstawionych badań opracowano asortyment tkanin gofrowanych przeznaczonych na odzież o działaniu antycellulitowym. Właściwości antycellulitowe opracowanych tkanin osiągnięto poprzez: trójwymiarową strukturę tkanin zapewniającą działanie masujące podczas użytkowania odzieży wykonanej z tych tkanin, zastosowanie innowacyjnych przędz wykonanych z włókien polimerowych o właściwościach antybakteryjnych oraz przędz zapewniających transport wilgoci. Ponadto dzięki, trójwymiarowej strukturze opracowane tkaniny charakteryzowały się podwyższonym oporem cieplnym zapewniającym efekt termiczny, który jest również istotnym elementem w zwalczaniu cellulitu.
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