Tekst jest prezentacją książki, której tematyka skoncentrowana jest wokół społeczności akademickiej i jej udziału w kształtowaniu się sfery publicznej. Rozważania teoretyczne zostały oparte na koncepcji świata życia codziennego Jűrgena Habermasa. Autorka postawiła sobie za cel dokonanie rekonstrukcji zachowań komunikacyjnych podejmowanych przez wirtualną społeczność w uniwersyteckiej sferze publicznej (portale uniwersyteckie, biuletyny informacji publicznej, fora dyskusyjne).
The text presents the book on academic community and its role in creating public sphere. Theoretical analysing is based on Jűrgen Habermas conception of the world of everyday life. The author of the book set herself a goal to reconstruct communication behavior demonstrated by the university community in the created virtual public sphere (university portals, public information bulletins, discussion platforms).
This article explores contemporary approaches to the understanding and interpretation of the formation of inclusive society. The focus is on the investigation of the everyday experiences of individuals who face various limitations in their living conditions such as limited opportunities, special needs, and disabilities. The paper highlights the importance of considering the unique aspects of subjective time when systematically analyzing the functional characteristics and existential mechanisms of an inclusive society, which constitutes the living environment for people with disabilities. It points out that the temporal intentionality of a mentally challenged individual manifests in a unique form of ordering, synchronization, and existence within various phenomena and events within the individual’s mental imagery and inner experiences. The authors emphasize the necessity to differentiate two primary stages in an individual’s perception and understanding of their actual existence—the evaluation stage and the stage of identifying prospects. The study shows how intentional temporality inherently transforms into individual time, revealing the peculiarities of internal experiences and the unique aspects of an individual’s mental imagery. These are integral steps in the formation of a system of social events that are marked within the individual consciousness. The novelty of this study lies in the examination of intentionality within the framework of a disabled person’s subjective time, a characteristic that is fundamentally individual yet resonates with the collective daily consciousness of disabled individuals within an inclusive micro-society.
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