The author examines historical origins as well as background and characteristics of transformation of the local law in Alsace-Moselle, a region in France which in the past existed under the strong infl uence (including incorporation) of Germany. This set of specifi c legal provisions concerns, inter alia, such important issues as Church-State relations. Due to the unitary nature of the French state, on the one hand, and the type of matter which is usually subject to regulations having constitutional rank, on the other hand, the issue seems rather quaint and intriguing, given that these relations are shaped in local law of Alsace-Moselle in a way closer to the approach applied in devout countries rather than in secular countries that after all is France. It seemed that the recent introduction of the ability to exercise ex post review of the constitutionality of laws could pose a serious threat to the constitutionally doubtful position of local laws. . Obawy te zostały wprawdzie rozwiane przez Radę Konstytucyjną, która nadała mu status zasady podstawowej uznanej prawami Republiki, zapewniając konstytucyjnie uwarunkowaną stabilność, jednak decyzja ta została, jak się wydaje, powzięta z przesłanek bardziej pragmatyczno-politycznych niż prawno-konstytucyjnej natury. In fact, these concerns were allayed by the Constitutional Council, which gave it the status of a fundamental principle enshrined in the laws of the Republic, providing a constitutionally conditioned stability, but this decision was, as it seems, based on political- pragmatic grounds rather than legal-constitutional arguments.
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