This article presents the views of the French clergy on the theological and on the political during the counter-revolutionary and traditionalist pontificate of Pius IX (1846-1878). Its aim is show the many parallels and similarities between theological thought and political thought. In the era of subsequent political revolutions and the secularization French clergy look for the defender of Church. After the collapse of the catholic monarchy, the only possible defender is the Papacy. Ultramontanism program is the concept of the recognition of the Pope for the last point of defense before the Satan's revolution. Therefore Ultramontanism is a counter-revolutionary movement. Politics and religion come together in the great synthesis of the Catholic counter-revolution. The head of this movement the ultramontanes see in the Bishop of Rome.
The brotherhood movement was born in the Church in the fourth century. Brotherhoods usually operated in churches and monasteries, and their aim was to strengthen the piety of the faithful through the implementation of the objectives of charitable and social activities, as well as activities connected with worship. In Poland, religious brotherhoods appeared in the thirteenth century and developed over the centuries. They fl ourished in the seventeenth and eighteenth century and were introduced into the majority of parishes. At the end of the fourteenth century they appeared in the region of Lublin. In the period before the partitions there were 174 brotherhoods in that region. With the collapse of the Polish State religious brotherhoods also experienced a serious crisis. The Diocese of Lublin was founded in 1805. Under the new organizational structures brotherhoods continued to operate and pursue their goals. Despite a series of reprisals from the partitioners, which wanted to tightly control and even restrict the activity of brotherhoods, they effectively coped with those diffi culties opposing the secularization of society. On the basis of the records of canonical visitation of the nineteenth century and the two registrations of brotherhoods in that period, it was possible to establish that in the nineteenth century in the Diocese of Lublin there were199 brotherhoods. The vast majority of brotherhoods were Marian ones – 124, of which 91 Rosary ones, 24 scapular ones and 9 others. Among other fraternities quite numerously represented were the ones dedicated to the Holy Trinity (24), St. Anna (15), Mercy (12). The number of such fraternities as Corpus Christi (3), St. Tekla (3), St. John of Nepomuk (3) Literary (2), St. Anthony (2) and Heart of Jesus (2) was small. There was also one brotherhood of Guardian Angels, one of the Holy Name of Jesus, Lovers of Crucifi ed Jesus, Merciful Jesus (dying), St. Cross, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Barbara, St. Yvonne and St. Francis of Assisi’s belt. Some of them disappeared at the beginning of the nineteenth century, some operated continuously for a long time and others came into existence in the period under discussion. It is hoped that the issue concerning the functioning of religious brotherhoods in the nineteenth century will soon be more detailed studied, as in the case of the fraternities operating in the period before the Partitions of Poland. It is essential to better understand not only the functioning of the brotherhoods in an entirely new political situation of the Polish Church but also their impact on moral and religious renewal, and perhaps on the increase in the patriotic sentiments of wider social groups.
The article reviews Agata Seweryn’s book titled Between the Worlds. Studies in the Literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism, accounting for the composition of the book, examining research problems raised in it in greater detail, and discussing essays included in the publication as supplementing existing interpretations of selected Romantic works. Seweryn is argued to draw attention to those aspects that reveal the richness inherent in the discussed works, which are demonstrated as not having been exhausted yet. These works are analysed in the reviewed book by pursing references to the baroque tradition, or by reflecting on their relationship with normative poetics and rhetoric.
W artykule przedstawiono rękopiśmienne pamiętniki Marii księżny Ogińskiej. Autorka, żona Michała księcia Ogińskiego, nie doczekała się żadnej noty biograficznej. Pamiętniki, przechowywane w Bibliotece Raczyńskich w Poznaniu, nie były dotychczas poddane analizie przez badaczy. Wspomnienia M. Ogińskiej wpisują się w nurt pamiętnikarstwa utrwalającego życie codzienne, działalność społeczną, gospodarczą oraz kulturalną. Chronologicznie obejmują głównie wydarzenia drugiej połowy XIX w. w Polsce i w Europie. Stanowią niezwykle interesujące źródło dotyczące stosunków polsko-litewskich, kontaktów Polaków na terenie kraju i obczyzny, a także mówiące o arystokracji i monarchach innych państw. Świadczą o podejmowanych działaniach na rzecz zachowania tożsamości narodowej w okresie zaborów kraju. W artykule po raz pierwszy opublikowano fragmenty pamiętników, które są przygotowywane do druku w całości.
In last decades of 19th-century, parish schools in Chicago were main institutions that developed sustainable education among the youngest Polish emigrants. Despite struggling numerous difficulties and relatively low education quality, Polish personality was visible and not only survived but created the need of deeper studies. Parish provided basic knowledge and gave grounds to strengthen Polish identity in hearts and minds of the youth. Its work visibly influenced and preserved knowledge of Polish language, history and symbols. Was taking care for Polish tradition and cultivated celebration of patriotic events. This describes direction and priorities of Roman Catholic parishes which were to sustain emigrant’s ethnic personality.
Polskie szkoły parafialne funkcjonujące w dziewiętnastowiecznym Chicago należy uznać za najważniejsze instytucje prowadzące działalność edukacyjną wśród najmłodszych pokoleń polskich emigrantów. Mimo iż borykały się one z wieloma problemami oraz prezentowały stosunkowo niski poziom edukacji, przyczyniały się do przełamywania stereotypów dotyczących potrzeby posiadania wykształcenia. Co ważne poza przekazywaniem podstaw wiedzy, stanowiły one niezwykle ważne ogniwo w procesie utwierdzania polskości w sercach najmłodszych. Przyczyniały się do lepszego poznania polskiego języka, historii i polskich symboli. Troszczyły się o zachowanie dawnych tradycji i zwyczajów oraz umożliwiały uczestnictwo w uroczystościach noszących patriotyczny charakter. Działania te wpisywały się w nurt wyznaczany przez same parafie, w których funkcjonowaniu, podtrzymanie etnicznej tożsamości emigrantów stanowiło jedno z najważniejszych zadań.
The article concerns the traces of the Old Testament apocrypha IV Ezra in the Polish literature of the nineteenth century. It shows how the prose (novel Mirtala of Eliza Orzeszkowa) and Polish poetry (Ezra’s prayer of Maria Konopnicka and Ezra and Uriel of Stefan Witwicki) exploit issues evoked by the Biblical apocrypha and portray the figure of its author. The analyzed texts demonstrate that the Polish writers knew the Old Testament apocrypha and therefore it explains its presence in the Polish literary culture of the nineteenth century. An interesting issue is the question of how Polish culture absorbed the apocryphal book. Numerous textual and archival traces lead to French and German works, but an indication of specific sources is still a research task for biblical scholars and historians of literature.
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