SŁAWOMIR ZATWARDNICKI – absolwent teologii na Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym we Wrocławiu, obecnie doktorant na tej uczelni, laureat nagrody „Pro Redemptione” (2014 r.), publicysta, autor wielu artykułów oraz sześciu książek; ostatnio wydał: "Pomoc przeciw nieprzyjaciołom Twoim, czyli jak chwalić Maryję i bronić Jej godności" (Kraków 2014).
Benedict XVI showed the mistery of divinization in the Christological perspective. It takes place similarly to the way two natures are united in one Person of the Son of God (the Council of Chalcedon). The way two wills (human and divine) are united in one in Christ is a condition and model of communion of God’s will and a man’s one (the Third Council of Constantinople). The article deals with the coherence between dogmatic statements and saints as well as mistics’ experience (John of the Cross, Faustyna Kowalska, Maksymilian Kolbe). Synthesis of dogmatics and mysticism allows to better understand what theosis is and how it takes place.
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