The article contains proposals for a new regulations of relations between the Polish and the Holy See, which is related with a new interpretation of art. 25. 4 Constitution of Poland. The new law should be called “the Agreement” not “Concordat” and should be different from the current (concordat) regulations. On the other hand, postulated by the author the Agreement should include issues not governed in the concordat of 1993 relating to the Catholic Church in the Polish Army and Border Guard. The basis for the proposals of a new bilateral adjustment is critical analysis of historical, political and legal aspects of relations between the Polish-Vatican.
Jan Tomasz Gross in the article published on the German „Die Welt” daily’s website and also in the interview he gave in February 2016 for the German broadcast station Deutschlandfunk (DLF), stated that during WW2 the Polish killed between 25.000 – 30.000 Germans and many times more Jews, since only 40.000 survived on the Polish territory. Gross is not a historian, but a sociologist, he writes his own historic essays instead of dissertations based on documents. Hence, he airs erroneous information. The scientific studies show, that during WW2 the Polish killed between 60 to 80 thousand German soldiers, police officers and officials who had exerted terror and repression. On the other hand, about 100 thousand Jews survived Holocaust on the territory of Poland only thanks to the aid of the people. In the historic evaluation of Polish-Jewish relations, Jan Tomasz Gross by airing erroneous information went beyond a border of confabulation. Such actions performed by Gross can only be compared to the ahistorical and false terms “Polish death camps”, which have been used in the German press and other mass media, and Gross “conformed” to the German model of evaluation of the Polish nation. But the WW2 executioner, that is Germany, are not entitled to use such a term towards their victim, that is Poland. Therefore, the Germans, having murdered about 6 million Polish citizens, are the last ones who should instruct us on the issue of accepting Muslim refugees, as they have no moral right to it.
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