The National Bank of Poland obtained the status of an independent constitutional body as a result of legal norms and political practice: its organization, functions and powers, and consequently the relationships with supreme state authorities, has significantly changed. The method and shape of regulations made by the legislator is an expression of preference for the entire banking model adopted in Poland: a two‑stage model, in which there is one central bank of the state and other commercial banks. The granting of exclusive rights to the NBP to issue money and to formulate and implement monetary policy as well as a prohibition on covering the budget deficit by way of contracting credit obligations to the State’s central bank in a meaningful way influenced on the NBP’s position: the bank became independent from the executive and the legislature. The control of the bank is limited as the consequence of the bank’s political neutrality and high degree of independence. As the result of not sufficient level of democratic supervision the central bank has been deprived of competence to issue generally binding legislation. Although the Polish National Bank is independent, it is obliged to cooperate with other authorities in the formulation and implementation of economic policy, assuming that does not infringe the implementation of monetary policy. NBP does not find his place in the Montesquieu’s tripartite separation of powers, but the scope of its functions and constitutional legal grounds justify fully its current position in the state.
The aim of the article is to present the systemic foundations of the functioning of official statistics and the central bank. The research is based on the analysis of regulations outlined in the Official Statistics Act and relevant provisions of The Act on the National Bank of Poland. Both the conducting of statistical research and developing monetary and banking statistics, balance of payments and establishing an international investment position require a close collaboration between these two institutions, which also happen to be the largest data ‘reservoirs’ under the Polish legal system. A rational legislator acknowledges the necessity to coordinate the activity of the President of Statistics Poland and the President of the National Bank of Poland in the realm of statistical research. This collaboration is bilateral, based on clearly defined competences and other statutory tasks. It also allows the use of statistical data collected, stored and maintained by both institutions and the fulfillment of their constitutional obligations.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie ustrojowych podstaw działalności organów statystyki publicznej i banku centralnego poprzez analizę reguł wynikających z ustawy o statystyce publicznej oraz właściwych przepisów ustawy o NBP. Prowadzenie badań statystycznych z jednej strony oraz opracowywanie statystyki pieniężnej i bankowej, bilansu płatniczego i międzynarodowej pozycji inwestycyjnej z drugiej strony wymaga współdziałania GUS i NBP – instytucji będących największymi w polskim systemie prawnym hurtowniami danych. Racjonalny ustawodawca przyjmuje konieczność koordynacji działań przez Prezesa GUS i Prezesa NBP w obszarze współpracy dotyczącej prowadzenia badań statystycznych. Współpraca ta ma charakter dwustronny i opiera się na jasno określonych kompetencjach i innych zadaniach ustawowych, a jej efektem jest możliwość korzystania z danych statystycznych zbieranych, gromadzonych i przechowywanych przez obydwa podmioty oraz realizowanie przez nie obowiązków wynikających z ich pozycji ustrojowej.
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