The campaign of Kamieniec, the year 1689 is part of the armed conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the states members of the Holy League - the Republic of Poland, the Holy Empire and the Republic of Venice - which took place in the years 1684-1699.
The outbreak of another Austro-Turkish war in 1593, urged Pope Clement VIII to establish the Holy League which mainly consisted of the Central and Eastern European states, and the aim of which was to oppose another Muslim aggression against Christians. The Roman Curia decided to include Muscovy in the plan as well. The idea of close cooperation with all Slavic states was put forward at that time by Aleksander Komulović – a priest and papal diplomat from Dalmatia. The author’s aim was to reconstruct the Komulović’s diplomatic mission to Central and Eastern Europe in 1594-1597, and provide an assessment of the chances of its success in the light of religious and geopolitical underpinnings of the period.
Gdy w 1593 roku wybuchła kolejna wojna austriacko-turecka, papież Klemens VIII rozpoczął budowanie Ligi Świętej, złożonej głównie z państw Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, która miała się przeciwstawić kolejnej agresji ze strony muzułmanów. Ze swoich planów kuria rzymska nie wyłączała Moskwy. Ideę bliskiej z nią współpracy pozostałych państw słowiańskich głosił w tamtym czasie pochodzący z Dalmacji duchowny i dyplomata papieski, Aleksander Komulović. Autor postarał się zrekonstruować misję dyplomatyczną Komulovicia do Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w latach 1594-1597 wraz z oceną szans jej powodzenia w ówczesnych warunkach religijnych i geopolitycznych.
Supporting materials on Polish history for graduates have been examined from the statistic side. Counting was not the individual parts of speech, but the word-forming bases of autosemantic words. In the material studied, relatively high frequency of concepts connected with the phenomenon of war was observed. Common concepts are war, fighting, army. On the other hand, related to the notion of war, rare words form long lists in the layer of hapax legomena. It allows to interpret some historical narrations intended for high school students as focused on the phenomenon of war. Kazimierz Sarnecki, the courtier of the Lithuanian magnate, Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł, prepared for his master written reports from the court of Jan III Sobieski, at which he stayed between 1691 and 1696, with a few interruptions. They consist of a systematically kept diary and longer epistolary relations. Sarnecki writes in them about the matters that interested his patron (the king’s health, court life, government appointments, war affairs), he rarely mentions himself. The subject of my interest is the way in which Sarnecki recounts Sobieski’s Moldovan expedition of 1691 (in which he participated himself), the subsequent Polish-Tatar struggles in Podolia, battles on the other fronts of the Holy League, and the Nine Years’ War (these events he knows only vicariously). He describes the Moldovan expedition completely. Just as authors of the official war diaries, he lists the stages of the march, the grouping of troops, in the reports of battles you can see the professionalism. He informs very vaguely about the killed, accentuates only losses, incurred by the forces from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. He emphasizes active participation of Lithuanian troops in the fighting. He does not hide the difficulties with supplies, although he does not shift the blame on Sobieski. He will also repeat — as other authors of the war memories did — a rumour about a miraculous event during the campaign. He limits relations about nature to its impact on warfare; similarly he looks at the buildings he passes through the prism of their military utility. War reports from later times (1692–1696) are different. The civil matters dominate, while the battles with the Tatars or battles in Western Europe Sarnecki mentions irregularly and perfunctorily
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