This article focuses on the issue of equality of elections, in the context of the 2014 European Parliament election in Poland. Most often the definition of principles of elections’ equality comes down to emphasizing its two aspects: the formal one and the material one. The first of them refers to guaranteeing each person with the active voting right the same number of votes. The material aspect of the equality principle is connected with striving to guarantee the same “voting power” to the election participants. Most briefly, it means that a given number of people elect as many representatives as another group with the same numerical strength. The main aim of this article is focus on the material aspect of implementing the principle of equality in EP elections. In the article will be emphasized three issues decisive for the specific features of the electoral system (electoral districts, election threshold and electoral formula), at the same time influencing the range of implementation of the material equality of elections. General findings will be confronted with empirical data, which will allow to formulate conclusions about the degree to which the European Parliament election conducted in Poland on 25th May 2014 met the principle of material equality.
The aim of the above-mentioned analysis was a statement whether and how legal acts concerning gender equality, written in Electoral code (adopted by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland on 5th January 2011), support women in the political sphere. In the first part of the article the origins of the introduction of quota solutions in Poland are outlined and their full text is presented. The next part of the article shows the influence of the adopted regulations on the results of the 2011 elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and the European Parliament. The summary presents the most important conclusions. The article also proves the thesis that the quota system led to a significant growth in the number of women standing as a candidate in elections. However, it failed to have such an impact on the number of women elected to representative bodies. It led to the conclusion that despite the legal validation of electoral quotas, there are many factors which can increase women’s political subjectivity, e.g. a place given on electoral register or their electoral constituency. This situation explains the purpose of the supplementing of the quota mecha-nism by a zipping system, which means the alternate order of women and men can-didates on electoral list and makes it difficult to fill compulsory quotas with a signif-icant number of women in an electoral constituency in which a given party has in-sufficient support.
Poglądy eurosceptyczne są coraz częściej wyrażane w programach i działaniach partii politycznych. Zauważalne są także w debacie politycznej w wybranych państwach członkowskich. Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy eurosceptycyzm jest szansą, czy zagrożeniem dla przyszłości idei integracji oraz czy zagrożona jest spójność projektu europejskiego. W artykule zdefiniowano pojęcie eurosceptycyzmu i przedstawiono jego wybrane kategoryzacje. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy ilościowej, a także studium literatury przedmiotu podjęto próbę oceny znaczenia eurosceptyków w Parlamencie Europejskim. W artykule starano się również zidentyfikować przyczyny popularności poglądów eurosceptycznych w Europie, wskazując na istnienie kryzysu gospodarczego, migracyjnego, demokracji, a także samego projektu, jakim jest UE. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych rozważań stwierdzono, że wzrosła liczba eurosceptyków w PE, są oni jednak podzieleni między różne grupy polityczne. Istnieje potrzeba ich większej konsolidacji i wypracowania przez nich spójnych postulatów – wtedy, paradoksalnie, eurosceptycy mogą stać się szansą dla przyszłości europejskiego projektu. Poglądy eurosceptyczne nie powinny być marginalizowane, ale traktowane z uwagą w imię zachowania wartości, jaką jest integracja.
Eurosceptical views are more and more often evident in the programmes and activities of European political parties, and are manifested in the political debate transpiring in Member States. Is Euroscepticism an opportunity or a threat for the future of the idea of European integration? Does it threaten the cohesion of the European project? The main aim of this article is to answer these questions. Euroscepticism and the categorizations it breaks down into are defined in the article. Empirical analysis and a review of the literature are used to illustrate the importance of Eurosceptics in the European Parliament. This study identifies why Eurosceptical views in Europe have become more popular, pointing to the existence of many European crises, including in the economy, migration and democracy. The number of Eurosceptics in the EP has increased, but they come from different political groups. If their opinions are to be seen as an opportunity for the future of the EU, their demands must be consolidated and infused with greater coherence. Eurosceptical views should not be marginalized in the context of the further development of the EU.
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