Przedstawiono zalecenia metodyczne dotyczące badań Teologicznych materiałów roślinnych o wysokim stopniu wilgotności. Przedstawiono sposoby pobierania reprezentatywnych próbek materiału, wykonania testów pełzania z odciążeniem i interpretacji wyników badań. Opisano różne teoretyczne modele mechaniczne, ważne dla pełnej oceny właściwości lepko-sprężystych badanego materiału.
This work presents methodical recommendations for research on rheologic materials with high water content. It accounts for different ways of proper sampling techniques, creep testing with counterweight, and interpretation of the results. Several theoretical technical models were described. These were important for the complete assessment of viscosity and flexibility qualities of the examined material.
W pracy, opierając się na całkowych równaniach konstytutywnych, wyprowadzono wzór określający zależność pomiędzy zmiennym w czasie współczynnikiem Poissona materiału liniowo lepkosprężystego a funkcjami pełzania w stanach jednoosiowego odkształcenia i jednoosiowego naprężenia. Opracowano algorytm identyfikacji zmiennego w czasie współczynnika Poissona na podstawie dyskretnych pomiarów jednoosiowych funkcji pełzania, uzyskanych eksperymentalnie dla próbki swobodnej i próbki ograniczonej w podwójnym teście pełzania.
The need for knowledge of time-dependent viscoelastic material functions has been growing with the increased use of an accurate engineering methods for rigorous predictions of the plant materials behaviour, such as the finite element method (FEM) and the boundary element method (BEM). Essentially, only linear viscoelasticity is considered for which the correspondence principle applies. A new method for computing the time-dependent Poisson's ratio of linear viscoelastic materials, using discrete time-measurements of the uniaxial creep compliance of unconfined and a laterally constrained cylindrical specimens of the material obtained in double creep experiment, is developed on the basis of the constitutive convolution integral equations. The approach proposed solves the problem in Laplace transform domain and relies on numerical inversion for the determination for the time-dependent Poisson's ratio. The method combines effectiveness and accuracy and is general enough to cover both viscoelastic solids and liquids.
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Soft and hard interbedded rocks show obvious time-dependent deformation after deep tunnel excavations, and it is therefore necessary to research the mechanical behavior of the layered rock. However, it is hard to obtain ideal transversely isotropic rocks in fields, so rock-like specimens were poured by using artificial materials. Cyclic loading–unloading creep experiments were performed on the artificial layered cemented specimens with various layer angles (0°, 30°, 60° and 90°) at a 20 MPa confinement. Time-independent deformations and time-dependent deformations of the rock-like specimens were distinguished to investigate the visco-elasto-plastic deformation characteristics. Instantaneous elastic strain and instantaneous plastic strain had linear correlations with stress ratio, whereas creep strain, including visco-elastic strain and visco-plastic strain, increased nonlinearly with an increasing stress ratio. The specimens with a small layer angle had more noticeable time-independent and time-dependent deformations and larger steady-state creep rates than those of the specimens with a large layer angle. Attenuation creep and secondary creep could be observed at relative low stress levels, whereas accelerating creep until failure occurred at the creep failure stress level. The time for creep failure can be predicated according to the axial steady-state creep rate or volumetric creep curve. Damage in the rock-like specimens showed linear correlation with the stress ratio. Dip angle has a significant effect on the creep failure mode under cyclic loading–unloading conditions.
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