Terrorism is a phenomenon historically variable, multi-faceted and dynamic occurring in various forms. It is difficult at present to define a uniform definition of terrorism, which is changing under the influence of civilization, especially the rapid scientific and technical progress. Terrorists perfectly use the latest means of communication, mass media, modern communication technology and computers. The purpose of this article is therefore an approximation of the phenomenon and ways to combat it.
The article examines the causes of terrorism and terms of propaganda. It analyzes the main conceptual approaches to the understanding of terrorism and its determination in individual criminal manifestations. The problem of determination of crime is the central problem in criminology, which still has not found a clear scientific solutions because of many objective and subjective factors. Determinism and causality are related, but not identical concepts. Criminological determination is a kind of social determination. A mechanism of determination includes different functions and implications: causes and conditions (correlatives). Determinism expresses any conditionality of phenomena, objects, processes, all kinds of links between them. The reason points to a genetic link of the consequences and a particular cause as the main factors for its occurrence. By analysis of determination of crime criminogenic factors of terrorism propaganda were clarified. It was indicated that these factors determine the causal complex of terrorist propaganda in the form of a three-level pyramid. There were formulated causes and terms of terrorism propaganda, and determined deep, basic and current causes of terrorism propaganda. Within the classification of reasons of the terrorist propaganda were highlighted: the geopolitical, ideological, socio-economic, socio-psychological and organizational factors.
Globalisation brought an electronic communications reliance, as well as some repercussions on the world’s states, mainly in the sphere of cyber security. In recent years after the events in Ukraine, the cyber threat became a certainty and risk. We must be conscious that cyber attacks will grow up considerably, and one of their forms is the hybrid war, with its conventional and non-conventional, military and non-military capabilities. The emergence of a new battlefield – the cyberspace – is a reality, where military operations are carried out through sophisticated technology. For this purpose, states need to increase their cyber defence capabilities to prevent and combat aggression from the virtual environment to critical infrastructure, communications systems, and last but not least, the people.
Aktualny stan wiedzy w zakresie ochrony i bezpieczeństwa ludzi, budynków i mienia narażonych na działania terrorystyczne, a w szczególności eksplozje materiałów wybuchowych jest obecnie pomijany w polskich przepisach dotyczących infrastruktury publicznej w tym bezpieczeństwa ludzi na ulicach aglomeracji miejskiej. Wydarzenia z ostatnich lat (zamach podczas maratonu w Bostonie USA w kwietniu 2013 roku) wskazują na powiększającą się konieczność rozpatrzenia kwestii bezpieczeństwa aglomeracji miejskich, w tym w szczególności podczas imprez masowych. Niniejsza praca obejmie swym zakresem dyskusję wybranych aspektów projektowania systemów ochrony pasywnej. Wytyczne, bazują na doświadczeniach uzyskanych w trakcie wcześniejszych badań eksperymentalnych i teoretycznych oraz najnowszych osiągnięciach będących rezultatem badań w ramach grantu UOD-DEM-1-203/001, Temat: Modularny system ekranów szybkiego montażu dla ochrony ludzi, budynków i mienia przed skutkami wybuchu. Kierownik: Prof. T.Łodygowski, Politechnika Poznańska, czas trwania : 2013-2016.
Extremely high pace of development force engineers to handle complicated and unusual problems. Commonly accepted design methodologies very often must undergo severe changes and improvements exceeding widely accepted standards to deliver the reliable results. The authors of this work handle complex problem of explosive loading also known as high velocity impulse loading which occurs during an impact. The class of such problems very often refers to the unusual impulse which, in particular, can be subjected to the masonry structures. These commonly used long structures can be characterized as composite material composed of two distinct sections: bricks and mortar. Moreover, the passive safety system is adopted to increase the threshold of the masonry. Additionally, the steel wired mesh and aramid fabrics are used to retrofit the brick wall.
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