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Content available remote Koncepcja odbudowy terenów podmokłych w dolinie Smortawy
Badania zbiorowisk leśnych doliny Noteci na odcinku Radolin - Radolinek, w powiecie czarnkowsko- trzcianeckim w województwie wielkopolskim przeprowadzono w 2003 oraz 2004 r. Zbiorowiska leśne na badanym terenie występują w dolinach wzdłuż głównych cieków, tzn. Łagi i Kanału Romanowskiego, tworząc zwarte, lecz o stosunkowo niewielkiej powierzchni płaty. W płatach tych dominuje olsza czarna (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn.). W większości przypadków zbiorowiska te mają charakter juwenilny. W ramach badań siedliskowych na poszczególnych stanowiskach wykonano odkrywki glebowe. Opisano budowę morfologiczną oraz systematykę gleb. Wszystkie badane gleby reprezentowały dział gleb hydrogenicznych, rząd gleb pobagiennych oraz typ gleb murszowych.
Investigations on forest communities were carried out in years 2003 and 2004 along the Noteć River valley at the segment from Radolin to Radolinek in Czarnków-Trzcianka district situated in Wielkopolska Voivodeship. Forest communities in the examined region are found along the main water courses in the area of the valley, i.e. the Łaga River and Romanowski Canal and form compact but not very extensive patches. These patches are dominated by black alder (Alnus glutinosa) and, in the majority of cases, are of juvenile nature. Within the framework of performed investigations, soil pits were carried out on individual sites. All the examined soils represented the section of hydrogenic soils, the order of semi-bog soils and the type of mucky soils. It was found that the occurrence of forest communities in the examined region was associated with high level of ground waters.
Projektowanie, a następnie użytkowanie maszyn na terenach o niskiej nośności wymaga dokładnego zbadania charakterystyki podłoża na przewidywanym obszarze eksploatacji tego typu sprzętu. Jednym ze sposobów określania nośności terenu jest metoda CI – badania podłoży poprzez zagłębianie w grunt znormalizowanego stożka. Brak dostępnych w literaturze wyników badań obszarów podmokłych występujących w umiarkowanej strefie klimatycznej, w szczególności w Polsce powoduje, że w celu zaprojektowania nowych układów bieżnych dedykowanych do maszyn pracujących na terenach o niskiej nośności istnieje konieczność przeprowadzenia dokładnych badań podłoży podmokłych. W referacie przedstawiono opis metody określania nośności gruntu z wykorzystaniem penetrometru z końcówką w kształcie stożka. W dalszej części opracowania zawarto wyniki badań nośności podłoża na wybranym obszarze podmokłym województwa wielkopolskiego. Ich szczegółowa analiza pozwoliła na wstępną oszacowanie stopnia przejezdności na badanym obszarze. Przenoszenie tych wyników na inne tereny kraju wymaga przeprowadzenia większej ilości badań, które mogą stać się przyczynkiem do opracowania dostępności podmokłych terenów Polski. Ich miarodajność wymaga prowadzenia badań wieloletnich o różnych porach roku.
Design and use of machines in low load capacity areas requires a thorough examination of the characteristics of the expected operation ground for particular equipment. One of the solutions to determine the negotiability of ground is the CI method using normalized cone to penetrate ground. Lack of available in the literature results of research concerning wetlands in the temperate climatic zone, in particular in Poland causes that, in order to design a new chassis dedicated to the machines working in areas with low load capacity, it is necessary to carry out thorough study of wetlands. The paper describes the method for determining soil load capacity using a penetrometer with a cone-shaped tip. Moreover, the paper contains the results of load capacity research of selected wetlands in Wielkopolska province. Their detailed analysis allowed for a preliminary estimation of the value of the stresses occurring in the wetland in Poland. Extrapolation of these results to other areas of the country requires more research, which may become a contribution to working out maps of available for vehicles wetlands in Poland.
This article presents results of analysis and findings incorporated in „Contextual analysis of the economic development of Kolobrzeg” allowing for a variety of economic activity and investments in the mining area of Mirocice, with the consideration of their potential impact on water in peatlands. The analysis incorporates description of the natural resources, exisiting and planned development of these resources and areas within its vicinity, as well as potential impact from exisiting facilities and current plans for development. The facilities have been assigned three possible levels of risk to water in peatlands: potentially high, potentially low and no risk. The areas dedicated to storage and production functions pose a potnetially high level of risk. Aside from their direct impact, they will also indirectly dirve higtened traffic by heavy trucks as well as heavy loads carried by rail. The areas dedicated to mulifamily living units, especially when accompanied by well designed infrastructure and not too densly populated, pose a potentially low level of risk. The green areas, excluded from other urban or economic development, pose no risk to water in peatlands. The current state of research around water in peatlands and its surrounding areas is insufficient. Appropriate preservation of water in peatlands necessaitates interedsciplinary research and regular monitoring which will outline the current state of the peatlands’ resources, point out actual risks and provide direction for preservation of these natural resources. Finally, this work also highlights social conflicts that emerged during our research.
Złoża węgla brunatnego w Nadreńskim Zagłębiu Węgla Brunatnego cechują się korzystnymi uwarunkowaniami geologicznymi jednakże często sąsiadują z terenami cennymi przyrodniczo. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przykłady działań podejmowanych w celu minimalizacji wpływu eksploatacji węgla brunatnego na wody powierzchniowe oraz tereny podmokłe. Zaprezentowane przykłady działań prośrodowiskowych realizowanych w Nadreńskim Zagłębiu Węgla Brunatnego wykazują, że możliwe jest całkowite zniwelowanie negatywnego oddziaływania prac eksploatacyjnych na wody powierzchniowe oraz ekosystemy podmokłe.
The lignite deposits in the Lower Rhine Basin have advantageous geological conditions but are often located in the vicinity of ecologically valuable areas. In this work we present the examples of activities aimed at minimization of lignite extraction influences on surface waters and wetlands. The presented examples indicate that it is possible to entirely exclude negative effects of open-cast lignite extraction on the surface waters and wetlands.
Pollutant removal by the mechanism of constructed wetland has led to low cost, highly efficient wastewater treatment technology. Constructed wetlands (CWs) are artificial engineered systems that mimic like natural wetlands. CW’s have been used in previous research to treat a broad range of waste streams at large-scale for low-cost application in wastewater management. Generally, the most literature has targeted a particular class of mechanism or the other due to lack of generalized techniques for wastewater management using CWs. This work focuses on to introductory information and review on concept of CWs based on the latest mechanisms for the wastewater treatment to inspire economical and sustainable solutions to water based environmental problems. This research emphasis CW mechanism, construction, design, and applications of CWs as well as optimization of CWs for the treatment of wastewater. This review also highlights the study with different treatment stages of CWs for removing pollutants from different types of wastewaters.
The present study focuses on two Baltic-type peat bogs in Slowinski National Park, namely that at Żarnowskie and at Kluki, located in the Lake Łebsko catchment and both characterised by a centrally located dome with a very marshy fringe area featuring an emerging marshy coniferous forest (Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetum). The Żarnowskie bog is under active protection. A total of 24 flow barriers were installed in drainage ditches during the years 2006 and 2007. The purpose of these barriers was to put a halt to water outflow. In addition, 30 hectares of young pine forest were cleared in order to decrease loss of water via evapotranspiration. Kluki peat bog is only partially protected by Polish law. The lack of efforts to prevent outflow via the canal is due to the fact that the canal is utilised to drain meadows in the vicinity of the village of Łokciowe outside of the national park. Peat formation no longer occurs in this peat bog. The hydrological condition of the bog is catastrophic as a result of its main canal, referred to as Canal C9, which is 2.5 to 3.0 m deep and 10 m wide in places. Both peat bogs are monitored for fluctuations in groundwater. Research has shown that changes in water levels fluctuate based on season of the year and geographical location, which is illustrated quite well using the two studied peat bogs. The water retention rate of the Żarnowskie peat bog may be considered fairly high and is likely to improve due to protective measures enabled by Polish environmental laws. The water retention rate of the bog is consistently improving thanks to these measures, fluctuations in water level are small and the water level does not drop under 0.5 m below ground level even under extreme hydrometeorological conditions. This yields optimum conditions for renewed peat formation in this area. One potential threat is the Krakulice peat extraction facility, which is located in the southern part of the bog close to the boundary with the national park.
Stormwater runoff is a source of water pollution containing a wide range of chemical pollutants and various disease-causing bacteria and viruses that are transported by runoff to water bodies and have a negative impact on aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, stormwater treatment should meet the highest standards and contribute to sustainable water resource management. Responding to today‘s environmental challenges and following the Green Deal and Circular Economy’s goals, it is necessary to apply new innovative solutions and infrastructure in stormwater management. Research shows that green solutions might be a potential tool to treat stormwater and to ensure the proper quality of surface water bodies. The article aims to discuss various possible solutions of green infrastructure (rain gardens, green roof, wetlands etc.), which could be applied in future research to remove pollutants (heavy metals, organic compounds etc.) from stormwater. Studies have found multiple benefits of using green infrastructure in order to protect the environment. It is a cost effective, innovative and architectural measure, which promotes economic growth, contributes to climate change mitigation, reduces urbanization impact on the environment and creates recreational and green spaces.
Spływ wód opadowych jest źródłem zanieczyszczenia wody zawierającego szeroką gamę substancji chemicznych oraz rożne bakterie i wirusy chorobotwórcze, które wraz ze spływem przenoszone są do zbiorników wodnych i mają negatywny wpływ na ekosystemy wodne. W związku z tym oczyszczanie wód opadowych powinno spełniać najwyższe standardy i przyczyniać się do zrównoważonego zarządzania zasobami wodnymi. Odpowiadając na współczesne wyzwania środowiskowe oraz kierując się celami Zielonego Ładu i Gospodarki o Obiegu Zamkniętym, konieczne jest stosowanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań i infrastruktury w zarządzaniu wodami opadowymi. Badania pokazują, że zielone rozwiązania mogą być potencjalnym narzędziem oczyszczania wód opadowych i zapewnienia odpowiedniej jakości części jednolitych wód powierzchniowych. Celem artykułu jest omówienie rożnych możliwych rozwiązań zielonej infrastruktury (ogrody deszczowe, zielone dachy, tereny podmokłe itp.), które można zastosować w przyszłych badaniach nad usuwaniem zanieczyszczeń (metali ciężkich, związków organicznych itp.) z wód opadowych. Badania wykazały wiele korzyści wynikających z wykorzystania zielonej infrastruktury w celu ochrony środowiska. Jest to rozwiązanie opłacalne, innowacyjne i architektoniczne, które sprzyja wzrostowi gospodarczemu, przyczynia się do łagodzenia zmian klimatycznych, zmniejsza wpływ urbanizacji na środowisko oraz tworzy przestrzenie rekreacyjne i zielone.
Celem badań było określenie zmian zawartości makroskładników (N, P i K) oraz stosunków N: P, N:K i K:P w biomasie gatunków roślin siedlisk podmokłych. Ponadto określenie ich potencjalnego wykorzystania jako czynnika limitującego ich wzrost, na obszarach podmokłych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem potasu. Wyniki badań wykazały, iż najlepszym wskaźnikiem zawartości biogenów w roślinach obszarów podmokłych jest stosunek N:P, wykazujący największą korelację między N a P w komórkach roślin. Korelacja między N i K była niższa ale istotna dla wszystkich analizowanych grup roślin (traw, turzyc, roślin zielnych i o łodygach zdrewniałych). Największą zmienność stwierdzono dla wartości K: P. Współczynnik ten w zależności od grup roślin był determinowany raz przez potas (trawy i turzyce), raz przez fosfor (rośliny o zdrewniałych łodygach). Rośliny zielne wykazały wrażliwość zarówno na K, jak i P. Wskazuje to na zróżnicowane preferencje poszczególnych grup roślin do kumulacji tych pierwiastków lub/i możliwości ich poboru z siedliska. Ogranicza to zastosowanie szczególnie wskaźnika stosunku K: P w monitoringu mokradeł. Badania wykazały, że najlepszymi wskaźnikami do oceny czynnika limitującego wzrost roślin na obszarach podmokłych są stosunki N:P oraz N:K.
Variability of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations in wetland plant species as well as N:P, N:K i K:P ratios were analysed for further usefulness as factor limiting plants growth in wet-lands, particularly potassium. Data analyses were based on nutrient concentrations in plant species occurring in the different European wetland types. Results revealed that the best index was N:P, which characterized the highest correlations between N and P. Correlation between N and K was the lowest but still significant for all analysed plant groups (grasses, sedges, forbs and shrubs). K:P ratio showed the biggest variability. This index, was determined by K in grasses and sedges and by P in shrubs. However, in forbs was determined by phosphorus as well as by potassium. These different preferences of plant groups to nutrient uptake and accumulation indicating limiting possibility for application of K:P ratio. While N:P and N:K ratios are good indices for evaluation the factor limiting the plants growth in wetland ecosystem.
Restoration is a well-known and commonly used active and/or passive protection procedure that is aimed at restoring the original habitat conditions. The choice of restoration methods is closely related to the properties and conditions in a given habitat. The scope of activities carried out as part of the restoration procedure is selected in such a way so as to intervene in the natural environment as little as possible and bring the best results. Such activities are commonly considered difficult to implement and burdened with significant costs, while their usefulness is low. However, practice shows that it is possible to undertake restoration activities at low costs and with positive effects that are visible in a relatively short time. The restoration of valuable hydrogenic habitats, such as the mountain fens of the Caltho-Alnetum community in the Babia Góra massif is a great example here. The performed restoration activities proved that with minimal intervention in the environment, with the use of natural local materials or the application of extensive forms of utilisation, the condition of these habitats was improved, the degradation processes were stopped and their natural functioning was restored.
Driven by the booming demands for healthy food, aquaculture industry has to deal with the problem of water pollution appropriately so as to achieve sustainable development. In this study, a combination of four stage CWs (three horizontal subsurface flows followed by one free water surface flow) was configured to treat low-strength aquaculture wastewater. For performance assessment, the wetlands were monitored over three years, during which artificial aeration was added to them. By the results, the organic matters and nutrients were mainly sequestered in the anterior subsurface flows, while the surface flow mainly contributed to DO improvement. These results probably implied no necessity of excessive subsurface flows connected in a staged manner. In addition, the artificial aeration improved the treatment performance on ammonium-N, TN and TP in the first-stage CW.
This study mainly focused on the current situation of antibiotic pollution in coastal wetlands by screening for four common antibiotics (norfloxacin – NOR, ofloxacin – OFL, azithromycin – AZM, and roxithromycin – RXM) and two coastal wetland plants (Suaeda and Nelumbo nucifera), to determine the removal of antibiotic pollution by phytoremediation technology and its mechanism. We aimed to provide ideas for the remediation of antibiotics in coastal wetlands and their mechanisms of action in the context of intensive farming. The results showed that both plants had remediation effects on all four antibiotics, the phytoremediation of NOR and OFL was particularly significant, and the remediation effect of N. nucifera was better than that of Suaeda . The removal rates of the four antibiotics by Suaeda and N. nucifera at low antibiotic concentrations (10–25 μg/L) reached 48.9–100% and 77.3–100%, respectively. The removal rates of the four antibiotics at high antibiotic concentrations (50–200 μg/L) reached 7.5–73.2% and 22–84.6%, respectively. Moreover, AZM was only detected in trace amounts in the roots of N. nucifera, and RXM was not detected in either plant body.
Conversion of land from wetland to agricultural management practices can lead to significant changes in nutrient rich topsoil, which may have an impact on microbial community structure in soils. However, little is known about how long-term (ca. 40 years) rice cultivation, one of major agricultural management practices in many regions, influence soil microbial biomass and community structure. Soil samples were collected from a wetland and paddy field in Anhui province in eastern China to examine soil physical and chemical characteristics and associated soil microbial biomass and community composition. Microbial community composition was assessed using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of 16S rRNA genes. Results indicated that soil moisture content, pH, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and NH4[^+]-N contents were significantly lower in the paddy field in comparison to the wetland. Total microbial biomass showe showed a slightly significant decrease in the paddy field, however, there were significant shifts in the composition of the microbial communities based on the PLFA and T-RFLP fingerprintings in the both ecosystems. Signature PLFA analysis revealed that the sum of bacterial PLFAs and the relative proportions of Gram negative bacterial specific PLFAs significantly decreased in the paddy field, nonetheless, the relative numbers of actinobacterial, Gram positive and fungal PLFAs as well as the ratio between the bacterial and fungal PLFAs were not affected by the long-term agricultural management. These results revealed that long-term rice cultivations not only drastically decreased soil nutrients but also leaded to shifts in the soil microbial community structure, which would be helpful to provide a better understanding of wetland conservation and management practices.
Although freshwater habitats play a crucial role in most ecosystems in the world, little is known on their functioning in tropical regions even in regard to the most often studied avian communities. In this study, counts on waterbirds were conducted in dry and wet season (in years 2001-2008) in a riverine habitat in southern Africa (Shamvura stretch of the Okavango River). In total, 84 waterfowl species were recorded. The birds were assigned to different guilds according to their migration activity, diet and nesting site selection. In overall, the species number was almost the same (74 vs. 73) in the wet and dry season. The abundance of all resident species recorded was lower in wet (N = 5992) than in dry seasons (N = 6965)(χ2 = 73.1, P < 0.01). In both seasons Palearctic migrants were represented by seven species, which comprised 1-2% of all waterbirds. Six species were classified as dominants: African reed cormorant Phalacrocorax africanus, African openbill stork Anastomus lamelligerus, cattle egret Bubulcus ibis, wattled lapwing Vanellus senegallus, African darter Anhinga rufa and white-faced duck Dendrocygna viduata. In the wet season the dominant species comprised 68%, while in dry season – 52.5% of all birds recorded. Significant seasonal differences in the numbers of individuals were shown for the following species: African reed cormorant, great egret, squacco heron, wattled lapwing and pied kingfisher. Insectivorous and omnivorous birds were more abundant in wet season, while piscivorous, carnivorous and plant eating birds in dry season. These differences can be related mainly to seasonal variation in the availability of food as well as to the timing of breeding.
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