This article focuses on evictability and the eviction of the residents of one block of flats in a small southern Slovakian town. Most of the building’s inhabitants are Roma, but the problem of cultural racism is interconnected with political, economic, legal, and even research and activist issues. The article is based on socially committed ethnographic research and the perspective of critical human geography. The theoretical framework is informed by the geographies of eviction, which grasp evictions as a becoming affective process. In this approach the focus is on not just the structural and other causes of eviction and its negative consequences but also and above all on the eviction that is taking place in the present and that temporally goes beyond the act of displacement – it signifies the lasting effect of sovereign power exercised through threats of eviction and ‘home unmaking’ brought about by the withholding of vital infrastructure. The analysis distinguishes four becoming phases. The first one shows how tenants’ precarity is made when their stigmatisation as Roma intersects with the neoliberal imperatives of individual responsibility asserted by the town. In the second phase, the eviction begins, giving rise to affects of confusion, desperation, and fear. The third phase brings resistance to the arbitrary sovereign power of the town authorities. In the fourth phase the resistance sees some successes, but the town’s sovereign power at the same time expands its spatiality. The state of the eviction here is not final and it can still develop in different ways.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zagadnienia dyskursywnego konstruowania sposobu postrzegania tożsamości płciowej najemców i właścicieli w normalizujących dyskursach dotyczących reprywatyzacji w Warszawie w latach 2004-2016. Jako podejście teoretyczne zastosowano feministyczną perspektywę poststrukturalistyczną opracowaną przez Sophie Watson (2000a). Dane zebrano za pomocą analizy dyskursu, według wskazówek Judith Baxter (2008a). W artykule omówiono dwa dyskursy dotyczące reprywatyzacji w Warszawie: (1) dyskurs o restytucji nieruchomości, w ramach którego zwrot nieruchomości byłym właścicielom (lub ich spadkobiercom) jest przedstawiany jako imperatyw moralny; oraz (2) dyskurs reprywatyzowanych najemców, koncentrujący się na nadużyciach, oszustwach i ludzkich nieszczęściach wynikających z przekazania zasobów komunalnych potomkom byłych właścicieli. W obu dyskursach lokatorom przypisywano tożsamość kobiecą, a właścicielom męską (G. Hofstede, G.J. Hofstede, 2007). Wpłynęło to na pozycję najemców i właścicieli w procesie polityki mieszkaniowej.
The article examines how the perception of gender identities of tenants and owners was constructed in normalizing discourses regarding re-privatization/property restitution in Warsaw in 2004-2016. As a theoretical approach, it applies the feminist post-structuralist perspective developed by Sophie Watson (2000a). The data were collected with discourse analysis, as proposed by Judith Baxter (2008a). The article identifies two discourses pertaining to re-privatization/property restitution in Warsaw: 1) property restitution discourse, under which returning property to former owners (or their heirs) is presented as a moral imperative; and 2) expropriation of tenants discourse, focusing on abuse, fraud and human misfortune stemming from the passage of municipal housing stock to the descendants of former owners. In both discourses, tenants were ascribed a feminine identity, and owners a masculine one (G. Hofstede, G.J. Hofstede, 2007). That affected the tenants' and owners' positions in the housing policy process.
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This paper examines tenants' satisfaction with public housing in Lagos, Nigeria. This was accomplished by assessing the levels of housing satisfaction of the general population and the degrees of satisfaction of tenants living in selected public housing estates within Lagos metropolis. Three (3) major housing components - environment (E), dwelling (D), and management (M), were identified and employed for this study. Six (6), representing 10% of estates, were randomly selected from forty (40) public housing estates in Lagos. Subsequently, questionnaires were administered to 1.022 (10%), of households from the total of 12.323 households in the selected estates of the study area.The data obtained from the survey were analyzed in two stages. First, is the use of descriptive analysis such as frequency tabulation to assess the general levels of tenants' housing satisfaction, and second, is the use of Satisfaction Indices (RSI) to determine the degree of tenants' satisfaction with each of the housing components identified for the study. The results of the analysis indicate that the level of tenants' housing satisfaction varies and is dependent on the environment, dwelling and management interaction systems. It demonstrated that the level of tenants' satisfaction with the housing environment and dwellings was above average (adequately satisfactory), but their level of satisfaction with the housing management was below average (unsatisfactory).The study shows that users' inputs and preferences should be strongly considered by planners and public housing agencies when planning and designing public housing projects.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas ir vertinamas Nigerijos miesto Lagos gyventojų pasitenkinimas municipalinio fondo būstais. Autoriaus tyrimas atskleidė, kad pats būstų ir jų aplinkos įvertinimas yra vidutinio lygmens, jų priežiūros ir tvarkymo lygis yra žemesnis. Nustatyta, kad gyventojų pasitenkinimą lemia ir socialinė bei ekonominė, kultūrinė ir fizinė gerovė. Autorius yra įsitikinęs, kad jo tyrimo išvados ir rekomendacijos bus vertingos būstų statybos ir priežiūros įstaigoms, planuotojams ir architektams, formuluojant naujus ateities būstų projektavimo ir priežiūros reikalavimus.
Celem tekstu jest opisanie materialnych uwarunkowań procesu marginalnej gentryfikacji zachodzącej w specyficznym kontekście starej części dzielnicy Nowa Huta w Krakowie. Nowa Huta planowana jako miasto idealne staje się obecnie interesującym i pożądanym miejscem zamieszkania dla gentryfikujących ją nowych mieszkańców. Tekst koncentruje się na materialnych aspektach przemian gentryfikacyjnych, odwołując się do przestrzeni starej części dzielnicy, w tym lokalnego rynku nieruchomości oraz do działań podejmowanych przez lokatorów-inwestorów.
The aim of the paper is to describe the material conditions of marginal gentrification in the specific context of the old part of the Nowa Huta district in Kraków. Nowa Huta was planned as an ideal city and is currently becoming an interesting and desirable place to live for new residents. The author focuses on the physical aspects of its gentrification and on the changes in the old part of the district, the local real estate market and the activities of residents-developers.
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