Many different mathematical models of heat transfer are used for designing of electrothermal devices. In many cases, results of simulations are good quality. But, in some cases, a special approach must be used for accurate modeling of heat process in special furnaces. For example, some different numerical models of furnace for determination of plasticity of iron ores was discussed and used for design the temperature control system in the device.
An adaptive control algorithm is developed that increases the performance of the temperature control system of a water heating boiler. In the control system, parameters of PI controller and compensator of load disturbances are adjusted on-line using modified gain scheduling approach that refers to a state model of the controlled process and on-line measurements of process variables. The gain scheduling is based on transfer functions of the control channel "fuel supply rate-temperature of outlet water" and the disturbance channel "flow rate of outlet water-temperature of outlet water" that are derived from the state model and up-dated on-line with the current measurements of state, disturbance and control variables. Optimal settings of the controller and compensator parameters are recalculated at each state estimation point.
Analiza prac związanych z racjonalizacją układów chłodzenia i samoczynnych układów regulacji temperatur (SURT) nośników ciepła (wody, oleju, powietrza doładowania i innych) silników spalinowych wskazuje na możliwość zmniejszenia i oleju oraz zwiększenia trwałości i niezawodności silnika, a także urządzeń układu chłodzenia. Uzyskuje się to przez utrzymywanie stałej temperatury nośników ciepła we wszystkich stanach i warunkach pracy silnika spalinowego. W artykule przedstawiono konstrukcję SURT nośników ciepła o działaniu ciągłym do zastosowania w układzie chłodzenia silnika spalinowego lokomotywy S200 oraz wyniki analizy efektywności wdrożenia takiego układu na lokomotywie.
The analysis of the works connected with rationalization of cooling systems and automatic temperature control systems (ATCS) for heat carriers (water, oil, charging air and others) of the diesel engines indicates the possibility of reducing fuel and oil consumption and increasing the durability and reliability of the engine and cooling system equipment. This is achieved by maintaining a constant temperature of the heat carriers in all the operating stages and conditions of the diesel engine. This article describes a design of the continuous-action ATCS of the heat carriers for use in the diesel engine cooling system of a S200 locomotive and presents the results of an analysis of the efficiency of implementing such a system in the locomotive.
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