Nowadays operated telematics systems offer a large collection of different types of services requiring an effective transmission of data in complex structures. It is possible by the implementation of the present network solutions for the future of telecommunications and information technology. A high level of requirements for the quick access to transport resources and databases impose the necessity of making a number of processing operations information in a short time. Single computing machines are not able to do that. Therefore, the dynamic evolution is observed to combine the processing power of cloud computing. The advantage of this solution is a fulfillment of the requirements of security, reliability and quality while reducing costs. The authors of the article presented the concept of the use of private cloud for handling traffic between major railway hubs. Basis for this is representative model CC called „infrastructure as a service” designed for heterogeneous structures.
Sensors that perform the task of measuring the physical quantity of acceleration are discussed. Applications for such measurements and thus of accelerometers, range from early diagnosis procedures for tremor-related diseases (e.g. Parkinsons) to monitoring daily patterns of patient activity using telemetry systems. The system-level requirements in such applications are considered and two novel neural network transducer designs developed by the authors are presented which aim to satisfy such requirements. Both designs are based on a micromachined sensing element with capacitive signal pick-off. The first is an open-loop design utilising a direct inverse control strategy, whilst the second is a closed-loop design where electrostatic actuation is used as a form of feedback. Both transducers are nonlinearly compensated, capable of self-test and provide digital outputs.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane analityczne metody detekcji i lokalizacji nieszczelności w gazociągach, z uwzględnieniem kryteriów, którymi należy się kierować przy ich wyborze. Przedstawiono podstawowe informacje na temat systemu teleinformatycznego stosowanego w gazownictwie, z opisem metod transmisji sygnałów pomiarowych. W ostatniej części przedstawiono dotychczas przeprowadzone badania związane z systemami detekcji oraz analizę możliwości ich wsparcia systemami teleinformatycznymi.
The paper presents some methods of leak detection and localization in long range gas pipelines. The criteria of choosing the right detection system were discussed. The basic information about telemetric systems and the transmission methods of the measured data used in gas industry have i been presented. The last part of the paper presents the authors research results and the possibilities of supporting such systems by existing telemetric systems.
Artykuł prezentuje projekt anteny dookólnej zabudowanej namałej rakiecie badawczej do lotów sub-orbitalnych. Antena dwustożkowa (biconical) była przeznaczona do systemu transmisji danych telemetrycznych i sterujących w pasmach częstotliwości 869,40÷869,65 MHz oraz 2,4000÷2,4835 GHz. Do zaprojektowania anteny wykorzystano oprogramowanie do symulacji elektromagnetycznych – CST STUDIO SUITE®. Wykorzystanie symulatora elektromagnetycznego 3D pozwoliło przeanalizować wpływ sprzężenia między anteną i kadłubem rakiety na jej parametry efektywne. Przeprowadzono optymalizację wymiarów anteny pod kątem zapewnienia jej zysku w funkcji zmian kąta elewacji powodowanych zmianami położenia rakiety w trakcie lotu. Pomiary prototypu anteny w komorze bezechowej wykazały wysoką zgodność wyników symulacji z wynikami pomiarów.
The article presents the design of omnidirectional antenna integrated on the small research (sounding) rocket dedicated to sub-orbital flights. A biconical antenna was designed for telemetry and payload data transmission system working in dual frequency band 869,40÷869.65 MHz and 2.4000÷2.4835 GHz. For the antenna design a 3D electromagnetic simulation software CST STUDIO SUITE® was used. The use of electromagnetic simulator allowed to examine how the coupling between antenna and the fuselage affects antenna effective parameters. The antenna dimensions were optimized in terms of ensuring the antenna gain as a function of elevation angle changes caused by the rocket position changes during the flight. Measurements of the antenna prototype in an anechoic chamber showed high compliance of simulation results with the measurement results.
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