The issue of translating legal texts has been a subject of interest of both philologists and lawyers. The result of translation activities in this area is assessed not only in terms of language correctness, equivalence and adequacy but also through the aspect of potential extralinguistic consequences. The codified legal texts typically have a fixed formal structure. Each component of such a text plays a specific role due to which the text becomes an official document. Another significant function played by the component is expression of the correct content determined in accordance with the existing system of notions in a particular area. While analysing texts strictly legal in their character, some detachment from presumptions typically made by linguists can be observed. This research is deeply immersed in legal linguistics because words and texts included in it are interpreted through the law perspective (and legal notions respectively) in relation to the law—due to its content and purpose, but not through meanings in the general language. Structure elements of general language, placed in the frames of a legal text undergo a process of juridisation. That means that they are compared to strictly legal elements and require a legal and hermeneutical analysis analogous to them
Przedmiotem artykułu, jest omówienie ruchu „plain legal language” czyli zrozumiałej i efektywnej komunikacji w tekstach prawnych. Zaprezentowany zostanie rozwój ruchu „plain language” oraz postulat powszechnego rozumienia prawa, w odniesieniu do polskich dyrektyw redagowania tekstu prawnego. Wybrane techniki i narzędzia standardu „plain language” zostaną w formie eksperymentu zaimplementowane do ustawy konsumenckiej. Artykuł opisuje rozwiązania, które potencjalnie mogą zwiększyć komunikatywność tekstów prawnych.
The purpose of this research is to explore plain-language postulates reflecting on legal drafting assumptions since legal acts should be precise, clear and express with no doubts the intention of the legislator. The aim of this project is to commence discussion about improving the clarity of Polish consumer law based on selected plain-language techniques. This article agrees that the aspiration to make the law comprehensible for all subjects is an idealistic postulate. Ultimately, despite this, legislators’ obligation is to make an effort to increase the intelligibility of legislation wherever it is possible.
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