The authors share some of their methodological recommendations based on their TRM-consultancy experience. They recommend: (1) using an ‘environment’ dimension of analysis (i.e. layer of the roadmap) instead of just ‘market’, (2) avoiding the usage of the popular oversimplified version of SWOT analysis instead of the full version, (3) using weighting scales based on the ‘magical number seven plus-minus two’ rule by Miller for quantifying the relations between the units of the TRM-analysis.
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Purpose: The goal of this paper is presentation of comparative analysis results concerning the most perspective technology groups included in common called Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) during the next 20 years. Design/methodology/approach: In the framework of carried out research the value of the given technologies against the environment background has been determined and the development strategies for them has been defined. Moreover, for each from 10 analysed technology groups the technology roadmaps has been created. In carried out research source data collected during the three iterations of wide e-foresight expert research concerning the priority technologies in surface materials engineering area having the best development perspectives or key importance in industry has been used. Findings: The carried out research pointed out the industrial importance of PVD technologies and good perspectives for these technology groups. Especially, the research results shows the best long-term development perspectives for CAD and RMS, however the strategic positions of PLD, ED-PVD, BARE, PPM, and IBAD are also promising. Research limitations/implications: Research concerning PVD technologies constitute a part of a larger research project aimed at identifying, researching, and characterising the priority innovative technologies in the field of materials surface engineering. Practical implications: The practical implementation possibilities of the given technology groups taking into account market products and industry branches in the last part of the paper are presented. Originality/value: The novelty of this paper is to evaluate the value of PVD technologies in the background environment with their future development perspectives determination using custom computer integrated development prediction methodology.
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Purpose: The purpose of this article is to evaluate the development efficiency of classical steel thermochemical treatment. The criterion assumed for dividing the technologies into groups was the thermochemical treatment kind. Three technology groups were selected to realised researches, as follows: nitriding, carburising and diffusion boriding. Design/methodology/approach: In the framework of foresight-materials science researches: a group of matrices characterising technology strategic position was created, materials science experiments using: light microscope, transmission and scanning electron microscopes, X-ray diffractometer, microhardness tester, work-stands for testing of thermal fatigue resistance and mechanical fatigue strength, abrasion and corrosion resistance were conducted and technology roadmaps were prepared. Findings: The outcarried researches pointed out the great industrial importance of nitriding and carburising and good perspectives for these technology groups. However, diffusion boriding is obsolete and will slowly leave the market. Research limitations/implications: Researches concerning steel thermochemical treatment constitute a part of a larger research project aimed at identifying, researching, and characterizing the priority innovative technologies in the field of materials surface engineering. Practical implications: Nitriding and carburising with their popularity and good quality-price relation can be recommended for use in small and medium enterprises. Obsolete diffusion boriding is not recommended for that. Originality/value: The value of this paper is to evaluate the value of thermochemical treatment technologies in the background environment with their future development perspectives determination including the influence of thermochemical treatment on the quality, microstructure and properties of surface layers obtained by thermochemical treatment.
Celem artykułu jest ocena strategicznych perspektyw rozwojowych nanoszenia powłok PVD na podłoże ze stopu miedzi z cynkiem CuZn40Pb2. Jako kryterium podziału technologii przyjęto liczbę warstw naniesionych na podłoże (1, 15, 150), wyodrębniając w ten sposób trzy grupy technologii do dalszych badań. W ramach badań sporządzono zbiór macierzy określających wartość i strategie rozwojowe technologii na tle otoczenia, przeprowadzono eksperymenty materiałoznawcze mające na celu określenie własności mechanicznych i tribologicznych oraz odporność na korozję i erozję materiału podłoża z naniesioną na jego powierzchnię różną liczbą warstw w procesie PVD, jak również opracowano mapy drogowe technologii. Wyniki badań dowodzą istotnego, pozytywnego wpływu nanoszenia powłok PVD na podłoże ze stopu miedzi z cynkiem, z czego wynika zasadność włączenia ich do zbioru innowacyjnych technologii rekomendowanych do zastosowań w przemyśle, w tym w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach. Przeprowadzone prace są częścią szerszego projektu mającego na celu wygenerowanie i scharakteryzowanie najbardziej perspektywicznych technologii inżynierii powierzchni materiałów.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate strategic development perspectives of manufacturing coatings in the PVD process on the CuZn40Pb2 brass substrate. The number of layers (1, 15, 150) applied to the substrate was adopted as the criterion for technology division, thus obtaining three technology groups for further researches. Those researches include: the preparation of matrix set determining the technology value and technology development strategies against the background of environment, carrying out materials science experiments which test the mechanical and tribological properties and the resistance to corrosion and erosion of brass covered with a varied number of layers, as well as preparing technology roadmaps. The research results prove the significant positive impact of covering with PVD coatings onto the brass substrate which leads to the justification of their including into the set of priority innovative technologies recommended for application in industry, including in SME. The carried out researches are part of a bigger research project aimed at selecting, testing and characterizing priority innovative material surface engineering technologies.
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The purpose of the article is to present the unique properties of casting magnesium alloys subjected to surface treatment with the high power diode laser, to indicate the development outlooks of the technology and to present its application opportunities in the automotive industry. The laser alloying and cladding of hard titanium and tungsten carbides particles into the substrate surface improves the mechanical and functional properties of the investigated materials to a satisfactory extent. In view of the demand from the automotive sector for components and parts made of lightweight alloys, the development prospects of their effective manufacturing technology meeting the expected product properties, including surface laser treatment, were evaluated to be very high.
Technology roadmapping enables the effective planning of enterprise technical development at the strategic level. The use of this tool allows an enterprise to more effectively allocate the resources required for developing their technical potential and developing and introducing new products. Technology roadmapping is frequently used by large technology-intensive production and, less commonly, service enterprises. The paper presents experience with using technology roadmapping tools by a consortium of small and medium-sized organisations including enterprises and research institutes. The presentation focuses specifically on the impact of the use of technology roadmapping in combination with selected systems engineering tools on the management of the development of a new technologically advanced product.
Roadmapping technologiczny pozwala w sposób efektywny planować rozwój technologiczny przedsiębiorstwa na poziomie strategicznym. Wykorzystując to narzędzie, przedsiębiorstwo uzyskuje możliwość bardziej efektywnej alokacji zasobów niezbędnych do rozwijania potencjału technologicznego przedsiębiorstwa oraz opracowywania i wprowadzania nowych produktów na rynek. Jako narzędzie roadmapping technologiczny jest wykorzystywany zwykle przez duże, intensywnie wykorzystujące nowoczesne technologie przedsiębiorstwa przemysłowe, rzadziej usługowe. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono doświadczenia z wykorzystania instrumentarium roadmappingu technologicznego przez konsorcjum małych i średnich organizacji, w tym przedsiębiorstw i jednostek naukowych. W szczególności przedstawiono, jaki wpływ miało wykorzystanie roadmappingu technologicznego na zarządzanie procesem opracowania nowego, zaawansowanego technologicznie produktu.
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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present a set of methods for evaluating the strategic development perspectives of priority innovative technologies, backed by an example illustrating the practical application of a proposed solution with regard to the selected surface engineering methods. Design/methodology/approach: The article describes a set of validation, roadmapping and technology development methods in the part pertaining to the dendrological matrix of technology value, the meteorological matrix of environment influence, the matrix of strategies for technologies, the setting of strategic development tracks and creating technology roadmaps. Findings: The presented approach allows for organizing, enhancing and modernizing the process of testing as part of the technology foresight, with special consideration paid to material surface engineering. Research limitations/implications: The proposed general analyses purposefully omit the materials science part of the methodology which will be thoroughly presented in the series of articles currently prepared for print, on selected surface engineering technologies. The carried out works are part of a bigger research project aimed at generating a set of most promising surface engineering technologies. Practical implications: The described methods will be used to set priority innovative technologies in the field of material surface engineering; however, their universal character indicates they may be successfully used during the realization of any technology foresight and, after a slight adaptation - also an regional foresight. Originality/value: The value of the article is an example-supported presentation of an original authority set of methods for validation, roadmapping and forecasting the development of technologies, with special consideration paid to the field of material surface engineering.
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manufacturing metallic-ceramic coatings in the process of physical vapor deposition (PVD) on the CuZn40Pb2 brass substrate. The amount of layers applied to the substrate was adopted as the criterion for technology division, thus obtaining three technology groups for foresight researches. Design/methodology/approach: The carried out foresight-materials science researches included creating a dendrological matrix of technology value, a meteorological matrix of environment influence, a matrix of strategies for technologies, laying out strategic development tracks, carrying out materials science experiments which test the mechanical and tribological properties and the resistance to corrosion and erosion of brass covered with a varied number of layers applied using the method of reactive magnetron evaporation, as well as preparing technology roadmaps. Findings: High potential and attractiveness were shown of the analyzed technologies against the environment, as well as a promising improvement of mechanical and tribological properties and an increase of resistance to material corrosion and erosion as a result of covering with PVD coatings. Research limitations/implications: Researches pertaining to covering the brass substrate with PVD coatings is part of a bigger research project aimed at selecting, researching and characterizing priority innovative material surface engineering technologies. Practical implications: The presented results of experimental materials science researches prove the significant positive impact of covering with PVD coatings on the structure and mechanical properties, as well as the resistance to corrosion, erosion and abrasive wear of brass which leads to the justification of their including into the set of priority innovative technologies recommended for application in industrial practice, including in small and medium-size companies. Originality/value: The advantage of the article is the specification of the significance of the technology involving covering the brass substrate with mono- and multilayer PVD coatings against the environment, together with the recommended strategies of conduct, strategic development tracks and roadmaps of these technologies, taking into account the impact of the processes of applying these coatings onto the structure and the improvement of the properties of the tested surface layers.
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Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to present the results of a comparative analysis of the five selected technologies of modification of polymer surface layers based on the outcomes of own materials science and foresight research. A criterion of dividing is represented by physical processes the result of which is polymer material surface layer modification. Design/methodology/approach: This paper presents the results of own materials science research of surface modification for selected polymer materials subjected to the activity of corona discharges, laser light and high-temperature electron-beam irradiation. The technologies analysed include also modification with low-temperature plasma generated in the air by a generator situated outside the material modification zone and with low-temperature plasma in the conditions of low pressure (0.05-5 hPa). The value of the individual technologies as well as the type and intensity of environment influence was assessed in the course of foresight works. The results of the research are provided graphically with a bar chart, pool of context matrices, strategic development tracks and technology roadmaps. Findings: An important role of polymer surface layers modification technologies for the development of overall materials surface engineering was pointed out. Research limitations/implications: The research pursued represents part of a larger project aimed at identifying and characterising the priority, innovative materials surface engineering technologies. Originality/value: The value of this paper is represented by an original contribution consisting of objectivised assessment of the selected polymer materials surface layers modification technologies and presenting the directions of their strategic development against the overall materials surface engineering based on the results of foresight- materials science research.
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Purpose: The purpose of this article is to evaluate the strategic growth perspectives of laser treatment of X40CrMoV5-1 and 32CrMoV12-28 hot-work alloy tool steels using NbC, TaC, TiC, VC and WC carbide powders. The criterion assumed for dividing the technologies into groups was the powder type; thus, five groups were selected to realised researches. Design/methodology/approach: As a part of the foresight-materials science researches, a dendrological matrix of technology value, a meteorological matrix of environment influence, and a matrix of strategies for technologies were elaborated, the strategic development tracks were determined, and materials science experiments were conducted using a scanning electron microscope, an optical microscope, a transmission electron microscope, a microhardness tester, a scratch tester, an X-ray diffractometer, an electron microprobe X-ray analyzer and a device for testing of heat fatigue and abrasive resistance. Also, technology roadmaps were prepared. Findings: The researches conducted demonstrated huge potential and attractiveness of the analyzed technologies, compared to others, and the promising properties improvement of the tested surface layers, as a result of laser surface treatment. Research limitations/implications: Researches concerning laser treatment of hot-work alloy tool steels constitute a part of a larger research project aimed at identifying, researching, and characterizing the priority innovative technologies in the field of materials surface engineering. Practical implications: The presented results of experimental materials science researches prove the significant positive impact of laser treatment on the structure and the properties of hot-work alloy tool steels, which justifies including them in the set of priority innovative technologies recommended for use in small and medium enterprises and in other business entities. Originality/value: The value of this article lies in the fact that it determines the value of laser treatment of hot-work alloy tool steels compared to other technologies and identifies the recommended strategic development tracks and technology roadmaps for them, taking into account the impact of such treatment on hardness, abrasion resistance, and coarseness of the tested surface layers.
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Purpose: The goal of this paper is to evaluate the development efficiency of conventional technologies of powder metallurgy used for graded tool materials manufacturing. The technologies were divided into three groups according to the matrix type and the percent fraction volume of components in the powders layers. Design/methodology/approach: In the framework of foresight-materials science research a foresight matrices set was created, materials science experiments using light, transmission and scanning electron microscopes, X-ray diffractometer, microhardness tester, work-stands for testing of fatigue resistance, mechanical fatigue strength, fracture toughness were conducted and technology roadmaps were prepared. Findings: Quite high potential and attractiveness of the analysed technologies against the environment, as well as good development perspectives in industry were shown. Research limitations/implications: Research concerning graded tool materials constitute a part of a larger research project aimed at identifying, researching, and characterising the priority innovative technologies in the field of materials surface engineering. Practical implications: The presented materials science results prove a manufacturing possibility of elements with ductile cores and hard coatings using conventional technologies of powder metallurgy. These technologies are recommended for practical implementation in industry, especially for cutting tools. Originality/value: The originality of this paper the value evaluation of manufacturing technologies of graded tool materials against background environment including the influence of the chemical composition and sintering conditions on the surface layers hardness.
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Purpose: The goal of this paper is to evaluate the strategic perspectives of polycrystalline silicon texturisation according to custom foresight methodology. The texturing type was the technology division criterion. Thus, in the paper three technologies, as following: polycrystalline silicon texturisation by alkaline etching, laser treatment and laser treatment with chemical etching were compared. Design/methodology/approach: In the framework of the foresight-materials science research, a foresight matrices set was prepared, the strategic development tracks were determined, as well as materials science experiments using a Nd:YAG laser, a scanning electron microscope, a confocal laser scanning microscope and a spectrophotometer were conducted. Finally, on the basis of the obtained results the technology roadmaps were prepared. Findings: The carried out research pointed out the industrial importance of polycrystalline silicon texturisation and good perspectives for these technology groups. Research limitations/implications: Research concerning polycrystalline silicon texturisation constitute a part of a larger research project aimed at identifying, researching, and characterising the priority innovative technologies in the field of materials surface engineering. Practical implications: The presented results of experimental materials science research were proved the significant positive impact of texturisation on the structure and mechanical properties of polycrystalline silicon surface layers, which leads to the justification of their including into the set of priority innovative technologies recommended for application in industrial practice. Originality/value: The novelty of this paper is to evaluate the value of polycrystalline silicon texturisation in the background environment with their future development perspectives determination.
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