Szybciej, taniej, efektywniej to droga do osiągnięcia przewagi konkurencyjnej. Taki jest dziś kontekst nowego, wzorcowego centrum logistycznego. Współczesne magazyny wyposażone są w wysokiej jakości przenośniki do transportu ciągłego. Umożliwiają one szybkie przemieszczanie towaru, a przy tym charakteryzują się dużą niezawodnością. Mnogość zalet takiego rozwiązania powoduje, że stają się one powoli normą przy projektowaniu magazynów wysokiego składowania. Efektywna logistyka magazynowa to operacje wykonywane 24 godziny na dobę. Ponad 8000 godzin pracy w ciągu roku nikogo już nie dziwi. Awarie? Nie do pomyślenia! Prace konserwacyjne? Owszem, ale muszą być przeprowadzane bardzo sprawnie. Przy takim cyklu pracy niezbędny wydaje się być przenośnik do transportu ciągłego.
The main goal of the paper is to review available alternative powertrain technologies for non-road machinery. Based on that, to propose adequate classification and recognise main trends within this area. The paper presents various powertrain propositions alternative to internal combustion engine and solely mechanical powertrain developed by manufacturers over a course of years. The article explains actual legislative situation regarding environmental challenges connected to the powertrain solutions and reiterates the need for development in that area. Both commercially available and only presented at fairs or at early development stages solutions have been analysed. Depending on the load conditions and work patterns multiple benefits as well as challenges to the reviewed concepts have been discussed. Certain classification of existing powertrain solutions have been proposed taking into account its design and functionality.
The major global automotive markets have all set limits for exhaust emissions from new road vehicles, which have become increasingly stringent over the past few decades. There is also considerable pressure to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions – around 80% of all new passenger cars sold globally are subject to some kind of energy efficiency regulation. Such legal requirements necessitate extensive R&D and testing and the entire field is undergoing a period of rapid change. Despite a recent trend towards harmonisation, at present significant regional differences exist, which vary from the analytical laboratory methods specified, the list of regulated pollutants, the numerical values of the emissions limits and the test cycles employed for engine and chassis dynamometer testing of vehicles and their powertrains. Here the key points are reviewed and strategies and technologies employed to deal with these emissions challenges are discussed. Incoming automotive emissions regulations including the WLTP and Real Driving Emissions are discussed and in conclusion likely directions in powertrain technology are identified.
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