The aim of the article is to examine V. Masalskyi’s study of the programmes and works on the Ukrainian language and methods of its teaching in the period of establishing a new school, in the 20–30 of the XX century. The author of the article has applied the following research methods: analysis of scientific works, textbooks and manuals, examination of the academic programmes. V. Masalskyi notes that the national schooling system was organized basing on the principle of native-language instruction. At that time, school language programmes did not provide students with necessary knowledge and skills and did not resolve appropriately the problem of combining training and education. The scientist states: analysis of many textbooks on methods of the 20ies shows that, alongside with the useful development of the principles of activation and autonomy of the students’ work in the course of studying the language there is a frequent underestimation of the importance of systematizing knowledge in school, learning grammar, grammatical definitions and rules, as well as the techer’s word as a method of teaching, limitation of the methods of learning spelling and diminished attention to learning it, insufficient scientific characterization of the principles, methods of teaching and the scope of their appropriate application. The attention was paid to the problems of teaching students dramatic reading, writing and speaking skills, exercising representation of ideas in written form, organizing language and literature classrooms. The scholar evaluates positively the works of V. Pomahaiba, A. Savitska, A. Mashkin. V. Masalskyi mentions the problems, which were addressed by the researchers-linguists, methodologists and language teachers in Ukraine in 1921–1931: training a language teacher; creation of textbooks in Ukrainian and Russian languages; general and specific issues of language methodology; the scope of the school grammar and its scientific basis; a comparative study of the Ukrainian and Russian languages; the scientific basis of language teaching methods; rhythm and melody of the language and punctuation; graphical method; the place of learning languages in schools; familiarizing students with the language styles and expressive means. V. Masalskyi emphasizes the significant contribution of L. Bulahovsky in the development of a new school. National scientists have created a basis for further research in the field of theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian language in Ukrainian schools. The examination of Masalskyi’s methodological heritage remains relevant.
This paper presents diverse approaches to teaching grammar in the language acquisition process. It focuses on a compilation of the models, methods, techniques, and tricks of teaching grammar. The paper concerns especially teaching Polish grammar to Slavic speakers while taking consideration of the cognation of the languages and the resulting interdependencies. This situation creates both easiness and diffi culty in grammar teaching.
W artykule przywołano i pokrótce omówiono współczesne podejścia do uczenia gramatyki języka obcego. Skupiono się na zestawieniu, przypomnieniu i skrótowym omówieniu funkcjonujących dzisiaj (częściej lub rzadziej) modeli, metod, technik i chwytów stosowanych w tym zakresie. Omówiono uczenie gramatyki polskiej Słowian, biorąc pod uwagę pokrewieństwo językowe i wynikające stąd zarówno swoiste ułatwienia, jak i utrudnienia w przyswajaniu gramatyki polskiej przez mówiących po ukraińsku czy rosyjsku.
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