The essence of the “tax burden” is revealed in the paper. The formulas for the determination of an integral and particular tax burden for businesses, who pay taxes on the common system of taxation, are offered. Some measures of optimization of the tax burden in order to stimulate entrepreneurial activity of domestic enterprises, including local and macroeconomic optimization measures, are proposed. The tax burden on enterprise in the form of tax rates in other countries is also presented.
It seems that offshoring is becoming a more and more significant reality today. Offshoring is at the center of a huge public policy debate, which has emerged among business people, politicians, public servants, blue-collar workers and others. Proponents of offshoring see it as bringing prosperity to third-world countries, as well as saving costs and boosting innovation and productivity in corporate high-tax countries. They believe that saving money on cheaper labor benefits consumers due to lower costs and also benefits shareholders because of increased value. Opponents see it as an "assault on good paying jobs" in developed countries. According to them, the negative effect of offshoring is that many individuals lose their jobs, and this consequently hurts the economy of developed countries.This article analyzes offshoring through the legality of offshore enterprises and raises the question whether the business performed in the form of offshore enterprise and associated with the opportunity to maximize profits on the basis of tax reduction is legitimate, and, if so, what determines the legality of offshore enterprise. The paper also presents the understanding of offshore enterprises in the Lithuanian legal system, and examines whether offshore enterprises are legal within the Lithuanian legal system.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest spółka holdingowa wykorzystywana przez podmioty powiązane kapitałowo transgranicznie. Wykorzystanie tego mechanizmu jest istotnym rozwiązaniem wykorzystywanym w strategiach optymalizacji podatkowej. Efektywność podatkowa tego rozwiązania jest ściśle związana z wybranymi jurysdykcjami podatkowymi w Europie. Niewątpliwie jest to rozwiązanie nowatorskie i mające charakter hybrydowy. W artykule poddany został analizie wieloaspektowy charakter wykorzystywania spółki holdingowej. Specyfika ustawodawstw podatkowych w poszczególnych państwach europejskich (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rajów podatkowych) będzie miała kluczowe znaczenie dla efektywności podatkowej spółki holdingowej.
The subject-matter of the article is a holding company used by entities with cross-border capital links. Employment of this mechanism is a significant solution adopted in tax optimization strategies. The tax effectiveness of this solution is closely connected with certain tax jurisdictions in Europe. Undoubtedly, it is an innovative hybrid solution. This article analyses the multifaceted nature of the practice of using a holding company. The specific nature of the tax legislation applicable in individual European countries (with particular attention paid to tax havens) is of key importance for the tax effectiveness of a holding company.
Poland’s tax system has a large number of tax burdens and a complicated structure of individual taxes. This directly affects the decisions made by business entities, which take different attitudes in response to high taxation of their income. One of the reactions of enterprises to taxation may be the use of tax planning. The aim of the article is to present one of the ways of legal international tax planning, which enables minimizing the taxation of entrepreneurs’ income through the use of appropriate structures of legal regulations and legal forms of conducted business activity. The article also draws attention to the process of adapting the created constructions to the changing tax regulations.
System podatkowy w Polsce cechuje się dużą liczbą obciążeń podatkowych oraz skomplikowaną konstrukcją poszczególnych podatków. Wpływa to bezpośrednio na decyzje podmiotów gospodarczych, które przyjmują różne postawy w odpowiedzi na wysokie opodatkowanie ich dochodów. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie jednego ze sposobów legalnego międzynarodowego planowania podatkowego umożliwiającego minimalizację opodatkowania dochodów przedsiębiorców dzięki wykorzystaniu odpowiednich regulacji prawnych oraz form organizacyjno-prawnych prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej. W artykule zwrócono również uwagę na proces dostosowywania struktur do zmieniających się przepisów podatkowych.
Taxpayers will attempt to minimize their taxation by means of legal as well as illegal methods. We cannot deny the right of taxpayers to pursue the lowest tax payment. However, we all must realize that the scale of this phenomenon is already large, and its dynamics will continue to grow. This situation will negatively affect the condition of public finances. The aim of this article is to analyze the causes and consequences posed by the phenomenon of minimizing taxation. As a result of spreading knowledge about how to minimize taxation and the availability of consultancy in this area, this phenomenon will become even more common.
Podatnicy podejmują próby minimalizowania obciążeń podatkowych legalnymi, ale także nielegalnymi metodami. Nie możemy negować prawa podatników do dążenia uiszczania jak najniższych podatków, jednak trzeba uświadomić sobie, że skala tego zjawiska jest już duża, a jego dynamika będzie rosła. To z kolei wpłynie negatywnie na stan finansów publicznych. Celem tego artykułu jest analiza przyczyn i skutków, jakie rodzi zjawisko minimalizowania obciążeń podatkowych. W konsekwencji upowszechniania się wiedzy o sposobach minimalizowania obciążeń podatkowych przez podatników i dostępności doradztwa w tym zakresie zjawisko to stanie się jeszcze bardziej powszechne.
W ostatnich latach zaobserwowano zmianę podejścia administracji federalnej Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej do zagadnienia zażywania marihuany. Nastąpiło przejście od wojny pochłaniającej wiele ofiar, do faktycznego pozostawienia decyzji o legalizacji marihuany poszczególnym stanom. Autor opisuje wskazany proces, przedstawia kontrowersje, jakie wywołał przełomowy wyrok w sprawie Gonzales v. Reich, analizuje status prawników z branży narkotykowej (tzw. „marijuana lawyers”), wskazuje na proces planowania podatkowego w aspekcie handlu marihuaną, a także przedstawia skalę osiąganych przez podmiot publicznoprawny zysków z obłożenia zażywania marihuany podatkami obrotowymi, oraz z nałożenia podatków dochodowych na dochód dealerów i podmiotów z nimi współpracujących.
Over the last few years there has been noticed a change in the approach of the federal administration of the United States of America to the issue of marijuana. There has been done a shift from war absorbing many victims to leaving a decision on legalizing marijuana actually up to the individual states. The Author describes that process, presents controversies caused by a breakthrough judgment in the case of Gonzales v. Reich, analyses a status of lawyers from the drug industry (called “marijuana lawyers”), indicates a tax planning process in the aspect of marijuana trade and shows the scale of gain received by the public structures due to imposing turnover taxes on using marijuana and income taxes on dealers and entities cooperating with them.
Accounting and taxation in Romania at the beginning of the third millennium are in continuous development, as a result of globalization of the world economy and of connecting the accounting and tax system to the international and European one. The confluence of the two representative cultures – Anglo-Saxon and Latin-European – has left a strong mark on the Romanian accounting and taxation. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the European Directives set the line to follow for both the Romanian accounting and the Romanian taxation. We get to ask whether Romania has still got its own strategies of economic, social and cultural development or we are part of a system of strategies where accounting is also included?
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Planning, optimisation and tax risk are the fundamental components of tax risk management. Written individual interpretations represent one of the most frequently used instruments of tax risk management in Poland. They are a mass and highly popular means of mitigating the consequences of ambiguities in the tax law net to the explanations by the National Tax Information Service, general interpretations or the application for establishing overpayment that are the subject of consideration of this paper.
Using sampling for companies from EU member states and Ukraine, we find a significant and positive relationship between the company size and the amount of corporate taxes. We use questionnaires to determine the role of corporations in expanding the scope of tax management and discover an increased effect of corporate planning. Moreover, we offer a model of corporate tax planning considering the opportunity areas. This model determines the taxation framework for a company. We have developed a map to determine the degree of effective tax planning for a company. Finally, we use the functional-activity model of the tax planning process to substantiate the conclusion that the responsibility of the participants in such a process stipulates good business reputation. In general, our results suggest that corporate tax planning is an effective way to optimize tax liabilities.
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