In the theoretical part of article No. 1 describes the principle of VAT taxation; taxation rate - we distinguish the standard rate and the reduced rate; levitation of VAT; who is the tax payer and especially if it is advantageous or disadvantageous to be or not to be the tax payer and if it possible effectively prevent tax evasion. Every country in the European Union has to assess the standard minimum rate of 15% and the reduced minimum rate of 5%. VAT taxation is a very current theme and to be the VAT tax payer is usually advantageous. It is accepted especially in international trade in the European Union.
This study attempts to analyze the situation of employees who are not tax residents of the country in which they perform paid work - in the context of tax liabilities. First, the significance of the principle of non-discrimination and free movement of workers, as extremely important for the discussed subject, was discussed. Then, the analysis covered the possibility of differentiating the tax situation of employees who are entitled to tax resident status in a given Member State and those who do not have such status – in the light of the the court of justice of the european union jurisprudence. In particular, situations in which it is not possible to treat the above-mentioned entities differently were taken into account. Finally, the ruling of the the court of justice of the european union that was presented was assessed.
W niniejszym opracowaniu podjęto próbę przeanalizowania sytuacji pracowników, którzy nie są rezydentami podatkowymi państwa, w którym wykonują pracę zarobkową – w kontekście zobowiązań podatkowych. Wpierw omówiono znaczenie zasady niedyskryminacji i swobodnego przepływu pracowników, jako wyjątkowo istotnych dla omawianej tematyki. Następnie analizie poddano możliwość zróżnicowania sytuacji podatkowej pracowników, którym przysługuje status rezydenta podatkowego w danym państwie członkowskim i tych, którym status taki nie przysługuje – w świetle orzecznictwa TSUE. Szczególnie zaś uwzględniono sytuacje, w których nie jest możliwe odmienne traktowanie wskazanych wyżej podmiotów. Na koniec oceniono przedstawianą linię orzeczniczą TSUE
In the judgment of 17 July 2012 (No. P 30/11), the Constitutional Tribunal held that insofar as Tax Ordinance Art. 70 §6(1) resulted in suspension of the limitations period on a tax obligation in connection with initiation of a fiscal penal proceeding of which the taxpayer has not been informed, at the latest, by the end of the limitations period on the obligation indicated in Tax Ordinance 70 §1, Art. 70 §6(1) is inconsistent with the principle of the citizen’s trust in the state and the law established by the state, under Art. 2 of the Polish Constitution. On the merits, the judgment has to be viewed positively, as in practice the challenged regulation led to gross violations of the principle of citizens' trust in the state and law. Many doubts may arise, however, as to the effects of the judgment. In particular, the wording of the ruling and several statements contained in the grounds of the judgment may cause controversy as to whether the judgment causes effect only with regard to the provision as amended from 2002-2005 or also to the provision in the current version. Second, due to the fact that the challenged provision was not fully derogated by the Tribunal but only in the limited scope, the current legal status is not clear. Moreover, it seems that in order to increase the protection of taxpayers, the Tribunal should have pointed out that the unconstitutionality of the provision results not only from the fact that the taxpayer is not notified about the suspension of the limitation period but also from the fact that such suspension occurs after the initiation of the proceedings in the in rem phase. To avoid instrumental using of the institution of suspension of the limitation period by the tax authorities, the suspension effect should take place in the in personam phase.
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