Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest wywiadowi w amerykańskich i gruzińskich programach talk show jako gatunku mowy. W badaniu wykorzystano metodę komparatystyczną. Materiał badawczy stanowią wywiady z programów talk show o tematyce rozrywkowej, które nie były dotąd badane pod tym względem.
The present paper discusses the talk show interview as a speech genre. With this view, the study employs contrastive analysis. The focus is on interviews conducted in non-political talk shows, which had not been studied in this regard so far. The article outlines talk shows in America and Georgia, characterizes their structure, style, lexical-grammatical characteristics, and presents the interview as a speech genre.
The paper discusses the style o f conversation in a Czech talk show called “Všechnopárty”, and the negotiation of positions in this type of media dialogue. It compares different distribution o f positions in three talk shows of Czech television and tries to define some more or less fixed features of this genre (such as asymmetry, or the dominant function of entertainment). A special attention is given to the role of the variety of Czech that is used by the hosts and guests in positioning: it seems that the talk show is a type of a private conversation w ith the participants using particularly colloquial Czech. Nevertheless, different sociolects of the interlocutors (who belong to different generations and professional groups) are an important component of the positioning and permanent negotiation.
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The paper examines the discourse of the Czech weekly talk show Uvolněte se, prosím (Relax, please). For this purpose, we have chosen an interview of the moderator Jan Kraus with the former chairman of the Social Democratic Party of the Czech Republic, Jiří Paroubek, who was invited into the studio on the occasion of his appointment as prime minister in 2005. The analysis focuses on the polyphony of voices arising in the talk show and on the intertextual techniques used in the process of positioning the guest, as well as the self-positioning of the moderator. The interview is thus analyzed as an intertext built upon other texts, which are both external and internal to the current speech situation. The host’s practices employ allusions to the voices coming from “outside”, i.e. through the introduction of quotations of the voices of third parties and the guest’s prior words, as well as responses to the voices heard “inside” the current interaction, i.e. the host echoes the guest’s utterances and moreover, assumes the guest’s voice, positioning the prime minister mostly in an unfavorable, but humorous manner. The guest’s work with these voices is also traced.
Celem publikacji była analiza systemu wartości we współczesnych programach rozrywkowych na przykładach: Kuba Wojewódzki Show oraz Szymon Majewski Show. Impulsem do podjęcia analizy i badań była wysoka ich oglądalność. Przyjęto hipotezę, iż popularność programów wynika z ich kontrowersyjności. W artykule zdefiniowano termin program rozrywkowy talk show oraz „skandal”. Omówiono dwa analizowane programy: ich specyfikę, osobę prowadzącego, kontrowersyjne wypowiedzi, zapraszani goście. Przedstawiono także wyniki badań ankietowych, przeprowadzone w styczniu 2010 r. Artykuł kończą podsumowujące wnioski, które potwierdziły trafność hipotezy postawionej we wstępie.
The aim of the publication was the analysis of system of values in contemporary entertainment shows on the examples of Kuba Wojewódzki Show and Szymon Majewski Show. The stimulus to perform the analysis and research was high viewing figures. A hypothesis that the popularity of the programmes results from their controversialism was formulated. In the article the terms such as an entertainment show, a talk show and a scandal were defined. The following aspects of the two analyzed programmes were discussed: peculiarity of the programmes, the hosts, controversial statements, invited guests. The results of the questionnaires carried out in January 2010 were presented. At the end, the article contains summarizing conclusions which confirmed the correctness of the hypothesis formulated in the introduction.
This article focuses on the pragmatic dimension of language phenomena with respect to the expressive and emotional aspect of Slovak and German. The aim is to monitor the use of language and the relationship to language users and relationship to language sign. The study focuses on the intentions of users and the importance of pragmatic language of political and publicistic discourse. The primary focus will be on expressive illocutionary acts and their specific realisation.
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The article refers to the fact that the genres of journalistic texts, the functional purpose of which has historically been to inform the audience, today form the basis of multimedia formats in which information occurs with elements of entertainment. When analyzing the formats of new media, we came to the conclusion that the core of the format is made up of elements of a particular genre, that only the “packaging” is changing in order to promote the format and taking into account the new information needs of society. The next important conclusion of the study is that visualization is the main means of creating a format in view of the spectacular nature of modern culture.
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This paper attempts to answer the following research question: Is the un/stressed pronunciation of the Czech words no and jo related to the word’s functions and meanings? To answer this question, I analyze a guest interview from the Czech late-night talk show Uvolněte se, prosím, which is part of the DIALOG corpus (duration of the dialogue: 18 minutes). The analysis reveals that the stressed pronunciation prevails in both cases. The analysis points to individual speech styles, e.g. the host of the interview pronounces no as an unstressed word when no functions as a preparatory particle.
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