The purpose of this study was to determine the in vitro susceptibility to 6 antifungal agents of 143 strains of Candida species isolated from 545 patients with suspicion of fungal infection. Test ATB Fungus (bioMerieux) was used. Among all Candida isolates 91.6% were susceptible to tested polyenes and 32.9% to all azoles. Less susceptible to polyenes isolates were noted in low percentage (0.7 to 4.2%) and to azoles more frequcntly (32.9 to 41.2%). Candida isolates resistant to antifungal agents tested were dependent from the kind of clinical samples and species of fungi. Monitoring of the susceptibility to antifungal agents by ATB commercial test seems to be uscful tool for therapeutic purposes.
Глоточные миндалины от 154 убойных свиней исследовались на наличие Y. enterocolitica. Изолировано 13 штаммов, из которых 9 заквалифицировано к серотипу 3, а 5 штаммов к серотипу 9. Изолированные штаммы усследовались на вируленцию. Применено 3 критерия для оценки вирулентности: автоагглютинация, патогенность для мышеи и заторможение роста на magnesium-oxalate agar в 37°С. Полученные результаты внушают, что свиньи являются натуральным резервуаром вирулентных штаммов Y. enterocolitica и могут являться потенциальным источником инфекции для других животных и человека.
Pharyngeal tonsils of 154 slaughtered pigs were tested for the presence of Yersinia enterocolitica. Thirtin strains were isolated of which eight were identified as serotype 3 and five as serotype 9. Virulence of the isolated strains was tested by autoagglutination, pathogenicity for mice and the growth inhibition on magnesium-oxalate agar at. 37°C. Five strains of serotype 3 appeared to be virulent. The results suggest that pigs are a natural source of virulent strains of Y. enterocolitica and may constitute a potential source of infection for other animals and man.
The study was performed on 137 Y. enterocolitica strains belonging to various serological groups, including 75 O3 group strains isolated form human clinical material. The agglutination test on slides was carried out on this strains using Mangifera indica extract of own production. Agglutinating preparation obtained from the seeds of M. indica agglutinated Y. enterocolitica organisms possessing the pVY plasmid and CRMOX+ phenotype in dilutions to 1,56 µm/ml. In identification tests conducted paralelly agglutination solution was used in concentrations of 100 and 10 µm/ml. All clones of Y. enterocolitica from 03 group from cultures at 37°C and with CRMOX+ phenotype possessing the pVY plasmid were agglutinated by the extract. Agglutination failed to develop in the cultures of these clones incubated at 25°C. Yersinia clones not containing the pVY plasmid with CRMOX" phenotype were resistant to agglutination. The virulence plasmid was found in 44 out of 75 strains of Y. enterocolitica O3 and was identified by restriction analysis after plasmid DNA digestion with Eco RI enzyme. The obtained results agreed with those of Wauters et al. in 1995 and confirmed the opinion of these authors on the usefulness of the test with M. indica agglutinin for the identification of virulent Y. enterocolitica strains.
Wykrycie w genomie pałeczek Y. enterocolitica genów virF i yadA związanych z plazmidem wirulencji (pYV) pozwala na identyfikację chorobotwórczych szczepów tego drobnoustroju izolowanych z materiału klinicznego od ludzi.
Pathogenic strains of Yersinia enterocolitica bear virulence associated plasmid pYV. Unfortunately plasmid pYV is easily lost by these bacteria incubated at elevated temperatures (37°C) or long stored at room temperatures. This sometimes makes difficult the detection of the virulence plasmid, especially by its isolation or biochemical tests. On the other hand, observations done by some authors suggest that polymerase chain reaction (PCR) could be useful for demonstration of the pYV plasmid of Yersinia strains. Accordingly to this observation the aim of the presented study was to check the usefulness of plasmid-localised genes virF and yadA, detected by PCR, for the identification of the virulent strains of Y. enterocolitica. In the presented study one hundred and fifty two clinical strains of Y enterocolitica belonging to serogroup O3 were investigated by the PCR for the presence of genes virF and yadA. Bacterial strains were first tested for the presence of pYV plasmid. In addition the phenotypic features: calcium dependence, Congo red binding and autoagglutination were determined. In this way the virulence plasmid was found in 130 of 152 examined strains. For PCR studies also forty plasmid-cured strains of K enterocolitica and 32 non - Y. enterocolitica, Enterobacteriaceae strains were included. The obtained results show that the tested genes were present only in Yersinia strains possessing the pYV plasmid and no one non-specific PCR product was observed. The detection level of these genes in nested PCR permits to detect pathogenic Y. enterocolitica in suspension composed of 1 x 10(9) CFU/ml of pYV+ bacilli and 3 x 10(9) CFU/ml plasmid-cured, isogenic bacteria. In the study it was shown that genes virF and yadA were useful virulence markers, which could be helpful in clinical studies for the detection of the virulence plasmid in Y. enterocolitica strains long stored or incubated at elevated temperatures.