19th volume of UNESCO’s publication „Manual on Systems of Inventorying Immovable Cultural Property” , written by Meredith H. Sykes, has been discussed. Much attention has been paid to the presentation in it of the Polish system of inventorying immovable cultural property. Generally speaking, except for minor inaccuracies, the Polish system has been presented in conformity with the reality. The date of the onset of the inventorying of immovable cultural property in Poland has been erronously stated as 1975 and not 1959 as it was. In 1975 the already then existing inventorying was merely modified and a new extended form was introduced. It is worth noting that from 1979 address cards have been prepared with an obligatory photograph of the object recorded and cards that had been prepared before that date have been provided with such a photo. At present, the address index is nearly completed and it covers ca 400,000 objects, which is estimated to cover ca 95 per cent of all resources of the preserved historic architecture in Poland. Results of this inventorying are being published in separate district volumes. So far, nearly 30,000 cards with full inventorying information on immovable cultural property have been made. When evaluating the Polish system of inventorying monuments of architecture the author of the Manual makes two major reservations: firstly, that architectonic details are included into the scope of inventorying movable property and secondly, that a card of complete architectural inventorying is not adjusted to computerization. The first reservation has already lost its grounds, just as in 1985, before getting to know M. H. Sykes’ Manual, the Centre for Monuments' Documentation included the architectonic detail into architectural inventorying. The second remark on a maladjustment of a complete form to computerization remains actual. The present article raises the need to undertake v.ork on the computerization of the inventorying of architecture in Poland and the Manual discussed as well as the experience of the countries described in it will be of use in this task. Much attention in the Manual has also been paid to the Canadian system, which after some adaptation might — in the author’s view — be used to analyze the compiled inventorying material in the Historical Monuments Dokumentation Centre in Warsaw and to work out a new method for the next subsequent recording of monuments of architecture in Poland. In the author’s opinion, a new inventorying campaign must be carried out in few years’ time, because part of the information compiled is getting rapidly out of date and the application of a new computerized technique will affect a selection of the information, method of its storing and use.
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