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Content available remote Identification and Monitoring of Instability in Financial Systems
Financial instability is often the result of a positive feedback loop, which is an inseparable element of the functioning of the financial system. The task dealing with identification, modeling and analyzing the causes and effects of such feedback loops requires assuming a systems’ engineering perspective, which is rarely taken into consideration when designing remedial solutions. The aim of the study was to evaluate how it ispossible to identify and monitor the susceptibility of a financial system to potential threats. The popular method of data modeling known as signed directed graphs (SDG) was used. The method is able to pick up information which is not taken into account by a traditional network model of the financial system. It provides essential information about the direction of impact and control between the nodes. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to analyze the potential instability spots of the system.
Content available remote Semantics and Controllability of Time-Aware Business Processes
We present an operational semantics for time-aware business processes, that is, processes modeling the execution of business activities, whose durations are subject to linear constraints over the integers. We assume that some of the durations are controllable, that is, they can be determined by the organization that executes the process, while others are uncontrollable, that is, they are determined by the external world. Then, we consider controllability properties, which guarantee the completion of the execution of the process, satisfying the given duration constraints, independently of the values of the uncontrollable durations. Controllability properties are encoded by quantified reachability formulas, where the reachability predicate is recursively defined by means of constrained Horn clauses (CHCs). These clauses are automatically derived from the operational semantics of the process. Finally, we present two algorithms for solving the so called weak and strong controllability problems. Our algorithms reduce these problems to the verification of a set of quantified integer constraints, which are simpler than the original quantified reachability formulas, and can effectively be handled by state-of-the-art CHC solvers.
Satellite hardware has reached a level of development that enables imaging satellites to realize applications in the area of meteorology and environmental monitoring. As the requirements in terms of feasibility and the actual profit achieved by satellite applications increase, we need to comprehensively consider the actual status, constraints, unpredictable information, and complicated requirements. The management of this complex information and the allocation of satellite resources to realize image acquisition have become essential for enhancing the efficiency of satellite instrumentation. In view of this, we designed a satellite auto mission planning system, which includes two sub-systems: the imaging satellite itself and the ground base, and these systems would then collaborate to process complicated missions: the satellite mainly focuses on mission planning and functions according to actual parameters, whereas the ground base provides auxiliary information, management, and control. Based on the requirements analysis, we have devised the application scenarios, main module, and key techniques. Comparison of the simulation results of the system, confirmed the feasibility and optimization efficiency of the system framework, which also stimulates new thinking for the method of monitoring environment and design of mission planning systems.
This chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology (OT) to reduce relevant risks. This approach includes verifying the safety integrity level (SIL) of defined safety functions, and then to check the level obtained taking into account the security assurance level (SAL) of particular domain, such as a safety related control system (SRCS), in which given safety function is to be implemented. The SAL is determined based on a vector of fundamental requirements (FRs). The method proposed uses defined risk graphs for the individual and/or the societal risk, and relevant risk criteria, for determining the SIL required of given safety function, and probabilistic models to verify the SIL achievable for the SRCS architecture to be designed and then implemented in an industrial installation.
Content available Engineering sustainable complex systems
Given the most competitive nature of global business environment, effective engineering innovation is a critical requirement for all levels of system lifecycle development. The society and community expectations have increased beyond environmental short term impacts to global long term sustainability approach. Sustainability and engineering competence skills are extremely important due to a general shortage of engineering talent and the need for mobility of highly trained professionals [1]. Engineering sustainable complex systems is extremely important in view of the general shortage of resources and talents. Engineers implement new technologies and processes to avoid the negative environmental, societal and economic impacts. Systems thinking help engineers and designers address sustainable development issues with a global focus using leadership and excellence. This paper introduces the Systems Engineering (SE) methodology for designing complex and more sustainable business and industrial solutions, with emphasis on engineering excellence and leadership as key drivers for business sustainability. The considerable advancements achieved in complex systems engineering indicate that the adaptation of sustainable SE to business needs can lead to highly sophisticated yet widely useable collaborative applications, which will ensure the sustainability of limited resources such as energy and clean water. The SE design approach proves critical in maintaining skills needed in future capable workforce. Two factors emerged to have the greatest impact on the competitiveness and sustainability of complex systems and these were: improving skills and performance in engineering and design, and adopting SE and human systems integration (HSI) methodology to support sustainability in systems development. Additionally, this paper provides a case study for the application of SE and HSI methodology for engineering sustainable and complex systems.
Content available remote Inżynieria systemów logistycznych
W artykule opisano rolę, jaką odgrywają interesariusze w procesie projektowania współczesnych systemów transportowych. Dotyczy to w szczególności projektów, których celem jest rozwój funkcjonujących już rozwiązań bądź nowo projektowanych struktur. Niezależnie od tego, czy realizowane są projekty rozwojowe czy też nowe, nie należy zapominać o roli interesariuszy w tym procesie, gdyż współczesne systemy transportowe to struktury złożone, składające się niejednokrotnie z wielu podsystemów o różnych technologiach transportowych. W takiej sytuacji nieuniknione staje się wykorzystanie podejścia systemowego w procesie projektowania, wymagającego uwzględnienia jak największej liczby czynników mogących mieć wpływ na końcowy produkt. Właśnie w tym procesie kluczowe staje się uwzględnienie roli interesariuszy, ponieważ umiejętne zidentyfikowanie ich aspiracji przekłada się na wymagania, które stawiane są w odniesieniu do proponowanych rozwiązań w projekcie. Omawianą problematykę przedstawiono w artykule na przykładzie projektowania koncepcji kolei metropolitalnej w Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowskiej Metropolii.
The article presents the role of stakeholders in the process of designing contemporary transport systems. That applies particularly to projects focused on development of solutions which are already in operation or newly-designed structures. Regardless of what type of project is implemented (development project or new project) it is necessary to remember about the role of stakeholders in that process because contemporary transport systems are complex structures which often consist of many subsystems with different transport technologies. In that case it becomes inevitable to make use of systemic approach to the process of designing, which requires taking into account many different factors which may have an influence on the final product. In this process it becomes essential to include the role of stakeholders because identification of their aspirations translates on demands which are made in the context of proposed solutions in the project. These aspects have been presented in the article on the example of the concept of metropolitan railway systems in Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolitan Area.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie wariantowania rozwiązań w projekcie koncepcji systemu kolei metropolitalnej (KM) na obszarze Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowskiej Metropolii (GZM). W pracach wykorzystano zasady inżynierii systemów, której podstawy w transporcie omówiono w artykule. Wskazano przypadki wariantowania mające alokację w procesie tworzenia koncepcji KM. Przedstawiono przyjęty sposób wariantowania na etapach konstruowania projektów wysokiego poziomu i szczegółowego jako przykładowych obszarów wariantowania. Rezultatem prac projektowych są warianty koncepcji systemu kolei metropolitalnej na obszarze GZM, dla których przygotowuje się projekty wysokiego poziomu i szczegółowy. Ustalono również koncepcje wymagające odrębnych zadań projektowych. Otrzymane wyniki stwarzają możliwość zbudowania dostosowanego do obecnych i przyszłych potrzeb i wymagań nowoczesnego systemu przewozów na obszarze GZM.
The article presents the topic of varianting solutions of the concept of metropolitan railway system in the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolis. Principles of systems engineering have been used in that project, therefore fundamentals of using systems engineering in transportation have been presented. Cases of varianting being allocated in the process of building the concept of MRS (metropolitan railway system) have been presented. A method of varianting at particular stages of building projects of high level and detailed project has been presented as an example of area of varianting. The results of the project are variants of the concept of metropolitan railway system in the area of analysis, for which project of high level and detailed project should be prepared. Concepts which require other project tasks have been also indicated. Varianting of the concept of metropolitan railway system creates conditions for using (in stages) of modern solutions and better exploitation of already existing resources. Results create a possibility of building a modern system of transportation in the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolis, adapted to current and future needs.
Check valves are critical components of fluid systems and have various applications, including house appliances. This article presents a methodology for mapping geometry-specific constriction pressure loss as a function of flow and turbulence in a check valve. This study aimed to gain insight on which Ansys Fluent available turbulent energy dissipation model should be used for further design optimization. This methodology consists of a statistical comparison of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation results obtained using the turbulent energy dissipation models. The key components of the simulation process are discussed. The study’s main results are a comparison of empirical results among flow models’ estimated pressure loss, shown as a function of flow rate in specific geometry and identification of the most suitable model for the considered application. This study concludes that the K-Epsilon (Standard) model best represents the empirically measured behavior of naturally occurring flow energy losses in the considered geometry.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane, kluczowe zagadnienia inżynierii systemów oraz modelu V na przykładzie tworzenia projektu systemu Kolei Metropolitalnej (KM) dla obszaru Górnośląsko- Zagłębiowskiej Metropolii (GZM). Uwzględniono etapy dotyczące metodologii projektowania koncepcji Kolei Metropolitalnej (M-K-KM) oraz konstrukcji koncepcji Kolei Metropolitalnej (K-KM). Omówiono założenia systemowe metodologii tworzenia koncepcji systemu oraz zastosowanie modelu V jako narzędzia inżynierii systemów. Zaprezentowano ogólne wytyczne dla projektów wysokiego poziomu i szczegółowej koncepcji systemu KM.
The article presents selected key issues of system engineering and model V on the example of the development of the Metropolitan Railway system (KM) project for the Upper Silesian Metropolis area. The stages of systems engineering concerning the methodology of designing the concept of the Metropolitan Railway (M-K-KM) and the construction of the concept of the Metropolitan Railway (K-KM) were included into presentation. Different system assumptions of the methodology for creating the system concept and the use of the V model as a system engineering tool have been discussed. General guidelines for high-level projects and the detailed concept of the KM system were presented.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę typowych rozwiązań problemów transportowych, które poddano analizie przy użyciu systemowych zasad podejścia do rzeczywistości. W wyniku tego stwierdzono sprzeczności poszczególnych rozwiązań, a w związku z tym małą ich skuteczność w ujęciu systemowym. Najważniejsze z zasad w aspekcie logistycznym okazały się całościowe podejście do problemu i nie jego rozwiązywanie poprzez prostą agregacją jego elementów oraz systemowe trudności w rozpoznawaniu przyczyny i skutku, które niekoniecznie muszą być ze sobą bezpośrednio związane w czasie i przestrzeni, co powoduje, że często wdrażane rozwiązania logistyczne w transporcie miejskim skutki swojego oddziaływania wykazują po pewnym czasie i w różnych z punktu widzenia sieci logistycznej miejscu.
The article presents an analysis of typical solutions to transport issues that have been analyzed using the principles of a system approach to reality. As a result, contradictions were found in specific solutions, therefore, they are not very effective in terms of the system. The most important principle in terms of logistics proved to be a holistic approach to the problem, and not solving it by a simple aggregation of the system components. Also playing a part are systemic difficulties in identifying cause and effect, which may not necessarily be directly linked in time and space, which means that there are often implemented logistical solutions in public transport which start to exhibit the effects of their impact after some time and in a different location in terms of the logistical network.
Content available remote Rozwój metod i zastosowań analizy systemowej i inżynierii systemów
The article presents the development of methods of system analysis and systems engineering. The connections with operational research and the significance of RAND Corporation contribution have been stressed. R. Mc. Namara has played a substantial role in the application development in national security field. The basic values of system research and the main directions of development of system methods have been defined.
Content available remote Embedded system design - a systems engineering approach
Embedded microprocessors are more deeply ingrained into everyday life than any other electronic circuit. This paper gives a brief overview of what an embedded is, its unique attributes and advantages, and the components it consists of. Systems Engineering is defined and introduced as a tool to provide the designer with a systematic insight into the development of embedded systems. Systems Engineering and analysis, when coupled with new and emerging technologies, reveals unexpected opportunities for bringing new and improved systems and products into being that will be more competitive in the world economy.
Mikroprocesory wbudowane są częściej wprowadzane do życia codziennego w porównaniu do jakichkolwiek innych układów elektronicznych. W artykule przedstawiono krótki przegląd systemów wbudowanych, ich szczególne cechy i zalety oraz ich elementy składowe. Inżynieria systemów jest zdefiniowana i zaproponowana jako narzędzie umożliwiające projektantowi systematyczne tworzenie systemów wbudowanych. Inżynieria systemów w połączeniu z pojawiającymi się nowymi technologiami stwarza nieoczekiwanie nowe możliwości dla wprowadzenia nowych i udoskonalonych systemów i wyrobów, które będą bardziej konkurencyjne w gospodarce światowej.
The splitting of science into different disciplines and its associated specialisation is diametrically opposed to the resulting demands for cooperation. The demands are essentially characterised by new fields of application, holistics and communication. Since the amalgamation of the different disciplines is impossible, what remains is the training of students in the sense of specialisation without isolation: the use of an integrating model in teaching and the integration of the subject of systems theory/systems engineering in the curricula as a methodologically orientated cross-sectional subject.
Technology roadmapping enables the effective planning of enterprise technical development at the strategic level. The use of this tool allows an enterprise to more effectively allocate the resources required for developing their technical potential and developing and introducing new products. Technology roadmapping is frequently used by large technology-intensive production and, less commonly, service enterprises. The paper presents experience with using technology roadmapping tools by a consortium of small and medium-sized organisations including enterprises and research institutes. The presentation focuses specifically on the impact of the use of technology roadmapping in combination with selected systems engineering tools on the management of the development of a new technologically advanced product.
Roadmapping technologiczny pozwala w sposób efektywny planować rozwój technologiczny przedsiębiorstwa na poziomie strategicznym. Wykorzystując to narzędzie, przedsiębiorstwo uzyskuje możliwość bardziej efektywnej alokacji zasobów niezbędnych do rozwijania potencjału technologicznego przedsiębiorstwa oraz opracowywania i wprowadzania nowych produktów na rynek. Jako narzędzie roadmapping technologiczny jest wykorzystywany zwykle przez duże, intensywnie wykorzystujące nowoczesne technologie przedsiębiorstwa przemysłowe, rzadziej usługowe. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono doświadczenia z wykorzystania instrumentarium roadmappingu technologicznego przez konsorcjum małych i średnich organizacji, w tym przedsiębiorstw i jednostek naukowych. W szczególności przedstawiono, jaki wpływ miało wykorzystanie roadmappingu technologicznego na zarządzanie procesem opracowania nowego, zaawansowanego technologicznie produktu.
Content available The diminishing human-machine interface
In this article a look is taken at interfaces between technology and the human brain. A practical perspective is taken rather than a theoretical approach with experimentation reported on and possible future directions discussed. Applications of this technology are also considered with regard to both therapeutic use and for human enhancement. The culturing of neural tissue and its embodiment within a robot platform is also discussed, as are other implant possibilities such as permanent magnet implantation, EEG external electrode monitoring and deep brain stimulation. In each case the focus is on practical experimentation results that have been obtained as opposed to speculative assumptions.
Content available A Model to Analyze Ergonomics Working Conditions
An ergonomics and safety model to assess and evaluate the most critical industrial improvement areas in a developing nation. This study was initiated and supported by a Fortune 500 Corporation interested in improving its global operations in developing nations. This initiative was also fully supported by an emerging nation that was concerned with its ergonomics and safety problems. The model was tested and validated in the emerging nation and the results were used to further enhance the model so that it can be implemented and adapted to other similar work environments. The model provides a practical methodology that analyzes and evaluates an emerging nation’s current work environments, suggests practical solutions, and recommends effective remedies.
The main purpose of the study is to analyze the causes and benefits of implementing a quality management system in a group of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in developing and innovative regions on the example of enterprises from South-Eastern Poland. In the research, targeted surveys were conducted using the CAWI and CAPI methods extended by an expert interview with key people responsible for quality was used. In the present paper, the results of research related to the assessment of achieving the assumed system objectives in the field of quality in the aspect of a developing region characterized by a turbulent environment were presented. In the paper, original research into the analysis of the causes, expectations and effects of implementing quality management systems in accordance with ISO 9001 in the SMEs group were also displayed.
Sformalizowane systemy zarządzania są we współczesnych organizacjach standardem. W zasadzie większość myślących konkurencyjnie organizacji co najmniej jeden taki system posiada wdrożony. Najczęściej posiadanym przez organizacje systemem jest system zarządzania jakością zgodny z ISO 9001. Mimo, że wiele organizacji posiada wdrożony taki system to jest jeszcze wiele takich, które dopiero planują takie wdrożenia. Niekiedy wdrożenie ISO 9001 jest wymagane przez klientów. Aby to umiejętnie zrobić wskazanym jest korzystać z doświadczeń innych organizacji. Uzasadnionym jest więc analizowanie przyczyn i korzyści wdrożeń systemu zarzadzania jakością. Taki też cel postawiono sobie w badaniach, których wyniki prezentuje to opracowanie. Dzięki znajomości wyciągniętych wniosków organizacje przygotowujące się do wdrożenia ISO 9001 będą mogły zrobić to w sposób umiejętny. Przyczyni to się z pewnością do lepszych ich wyników, co jest jednym celów wdrożenia wymagań normy ISO 9001.
Celem publikacji jest odniesienie do koncepcji „T-shaped people” w obszarze nauczania projektowania systemów geoinformacyjnych. Idea „T-shaped people” rozpropagowana została przez Tima Browna, dyrektora firmy IDEO, jednej z najbardziej innowacyjnych firm Doliny Krzemowej. Podejście to z powodzeniem jest stosowane przez szereg światowej sławy firm, takich jak np. Apple, Intel czy Nike. Dobry projektant oprócz licznych kompetencji twardych powinien charakteryzować się szerokim wachlarzem umiejętności społecznych, które umożliwią mu odniesienie sukcesu w pracy zawodowej, a także zrealizowanie z powodzeniem najbardziej wymagających projektów IT. Autorki przedstawiają techniki służące rozwijaniu kompetencji miękkich wśród studentów, stosowane na przedmiotach Zastosowanie systemów informacji przestrzennej (Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Geodezji, WAT) oraz Inżynieria systemów informatycznych (Wydział Geodezji, Inżynierii Przestrzennej i Budownictwa, UWM w Olsztynie) oraz podsumowują doświadczenia z ostatnich dwóch lat realizacji zajęć.
The aim of the paper is the reference to the concept of “T-shaped people” in the area of geoinformation systems designing. “T-shaped people” paradigm has been popularized by Tim Brown, the Head of IDEA Company, one of the most innovative companies in Silicon Valley. This approach is used by many worldwide companies such as Apple, Intel or Nike. A good designer should not only have a wide range of hard skills, but also the soft ones, which help to successfully realize the most demanding projects. The authors present the techniques, which support development of students’ soft skills and are used in the course of Application of geographic information systems at the Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy and in the course of Systems engineering at the University of Warmia and Mazury, Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering for the last two years of studies.
This article summarizes avionics safety-critical software development methodologies and implications of the DO-178C standard from an Agile application perspective. We explain the safety-critical software categorization. It also outlines the main differences and advantages of different approaches to the development process, from Waterfall through the V-model to Iterative and Incremental. Agile principles are explained as well as a Scrum – which is a popular framework in the non-safety-critical software industry. The application of Agile, for safety-critical software considerations, is based on the practical knowledge of the authors, and looks at the potential solution from a DO-178C standard, size of the project, scalability, and organizational culture points of view. Definition of the Agile type of framework, consistent with the certification process and existing standards, has been highlighted as a potential game-changer for the avionics industry.
Artykuł podsumowuje metody rozwoju oprogramowania krytycznego dla bezpieczeństwa, oraz wpływ standardu DO-178C na potencjalne zastosowanie metod zwinnych. Wyjaśniamy w nim także kategoryzację oprogramowania krytycznego w systemach lotniczych. Artykul opisuje różnice w podejściu do procesu tworzenia oprogramowania od metody kaskadowej, przez model V, aż do metody iteracyjnej i przyrostowej, wraz ze wskazaniem ich największych zalet. Opisane zostały najważniejsze zasady leżące u podstaw metod zwinnych, oraz Scrum jako popularny framework stosowany w tworzeniu oprogramowania nie-krytycznego. Analiza możliwości zastosowania metod zwinnych do tworzenia oprogramowania krytycznego dla bezpieczeństwa w awionice została oparta na praktycznym doświadczeniu autorów. Uwzględnia wymagania standardu DO-178C, wielkość projektu, skalowalność metody, oraz kulturę organizacji. Zdefniowanie zwinnej metody ramowej tworzenia oprogramownia krytycznego dla bezpieczeństwa, spójnej z procesem certyfikacji i istniejącymi standardami zostało uznane za potencjalny przełom dla rozwoju systemów awioniki.
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